Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources review the assignment of oil and gas blocks termination to Pertamina.
The government is licking its own saliva. Initially they confidently assigned PT Pertamina to become the top operator of eight oil and gas blocks (oil and gas) termination of contract term expires in 2018-2019. But now, the plan will evaporate.
The change of tastes is about nine months adrift from the moment the initial decision comes. On January 31, 2017, the government was quite confident to appoint Pertamina to manage eight blocks of terminating oil and gas.
Ego Syahrial, Director General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), acknowledged that Pertamina had already submitted a proposal. The SOE has also shown seriousness in managing termination blocks. But that's not enough.
The main focus of the government is the stability of production and cost efficiency. The government does not want the production of oil and gas blocks to decrease and production costs increase. Well, the government still doubts the ability of Pertamina in these two things.
"Even though this is a gross split regime, we want the cost to be efficient in managing oil and gas, that is, the production should not go down and the cost per barrel does not exceed the previous one," Ego said Friday (27/10) last week.
Therefore, the government offers another option for Pertamina to continue to manage the terminating oil and gas blocks. The government's offer is Pertamina involving the existing contractor in its management.
Thus, the existing contractor can manage the termination block through the joint operator scheme with Pertamina Scheme is the same as the management scheme offered by the government in the Mahakam block. The government believes that joint operator schemes can accommodate the interests of all parties.
"The government wants to avoid production down and high cost, if there is a better, Pertamina is also happy if there is
which is better than him, "said Ego.
Targeting two blocks So far, the government has mapped four oil and gas termination blocks that could use a joint operator scheme. These include Tuban Block, Sanga Sanga Block, Ogan Komering Block and South East Sumatra Block.
While the NSO Block which is already operated by Pertamina, will still be operated by the SOE. Then, the Middle Block will be the unity of the Mahakam Block. If for the Attaka Block and East Kalimantan Block, the government plans to re-auction. Therefore, neither the existing contractor nor Pertamina is interested in managing it.
Information only, some oil and gas termination blocks with the contract term expires in 2018-2019 have chosen pertamina as operator. Pertamina appears as a sole operator or through a joint operating body (JOB) scheme.
In previous occasions, Pertamina's management stated that they are still eager with a number of terminating oil and gas blocks. Government-owned companies are primarily looking to become operators of the Sanga Block and the East Sumatra block.
Syamsu Alam, Upstream Director of PT Pertamina, said Pertaina's proposal has been delivered by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources since the last month.
"The prposal we convey is still the same, Sanga Sanga Offshore South East Sumater including the proposed for us manage," he said.
Pemerintah Ragu dengan Kemampuan Pertamina
Kementerian ESDM meninjau ulang penugasan blok migas terminasi kepada Pertamina.
Pemerintah menjilat ludah sendiri. Semula mereka percaya diri menugaskan PT Pertamina menjadi operator atas delapan
blok minyak dan gas (migas) terminasi yang habis masa kontrak pada tahun 2018-2019. Namun kini, rencana itu bakal menguap.
Perubahan selera itu terpaut sekitar sembilan bulan dari sejak keputusan awal muncul. Pada 31 Januari 2017 lalu, pemerintah cukup yakin menunjuk Pertamina untuk mengelola delapan blok migas terminasi.
Ego Syahrial, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), mengakui, Pertamina sudah sudah menyodorkan proposal. BUMN tersebut juga sudah memperlihatkan kesungguhan dalam mengelola blok terminasi. Namun itu saja tak cukup.
Sorotan utama pemerintah adalah stabilitas produksi dan efisiensi biaya. Pemerintah tidak ingin produksi blok-blok migas tadi berkurang dan biaya produksinya bertambah besar. Nah, pemerintah masih meragukan kemampuan Pertamina dalam dua hal tadi.
"Walaupun ini yang namanya rezim gross split, kami ingin cost itu efisien dalam mengelola migas, yaitu produksi jangan turun dan biaya per barel tidak melebihi yang sebelumnya," ujar Ego, Jumat (27/10) pekan lalu.
Oleh karena itu, pemerintah menawarkan opsi lain agar Pertamina tetap bisa ikut mengelola blok-blok migas terminasi. Tawaran pemerintah adalah Pertamina melibatkan kontraktor eksisting dalam pengelolaannya.
Jadi, kontraktor eksisting bisa ikut mengelola blok terminasi lewat skema joint operator dengan Pertamina Skema tersebut sejatinya sama dengan skema pengelolaan yang ditawarkan pemerintah di Blok Mahakam. Pemerintah yakin, skema joint operator bisa mengakomodasi kepentingan semua pihak.
“Pemerintah ingin jangan sampai produksi turun dan biaya tinggi, kalau ada yang lebih baik, Pertamina juga senang kan kalau ada
yang lebih baik daripada dia," tutur Ego.
Mengincar dua blok Sejauh ini, pemerintah telah memetakan empat blok migas terminasi yang bisa menggunakan skema joint operator. Keempatnya meliputi Blok Tuban, Blok Sanga Sanga, Blok Ogan Komering dan Blok South East Sumatra.
Sementara Blok NSO yang memang sudah dioperasikan Pertamina, akan tetap dioperasikan BUMN itu. Lalu, Blok Tengah akan menjadi unity dari Blok Mahakam. Kalau untuk Blok Attaka dan Blok East Kalimantan, pemerintah berencana melakukan lelang ulang. Sebab, baik kontraktor eksisting maupun Pertamina tidak berminat untuk mengelolanya.
Informasi saja, beberapa blok-blok migas terminasi dengan masa kontrak berakhir tahun 2018-2019 sudah memilih pertamina sebagai operator. Pertamina tampil sebagai operator tunggal maupun lewat skema joint operating body (JOB).
Dalam kesempatan sebelumnya, manajemen Pertamina menyatakan masih berhasrat dengan sejumlah blok migas terminasi. Perusahaan milik pemerintah iin terutama menginginkan menjadi operator Blok Sanga-sangan dan blok East Sumatra.
Syamsu Alam, Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina mengatakan, proposal Pertaina sudah disampaikan Kementerian ESDM sejak berapa bulan yang lalu.
"Prposal yang kami sampaikan masih sama, Sanga Sanga Offshore South East Sumater termasuk yang diusulkan untuk kami kelola," tegasnya.
Kontan, Page-14, Monday, October 30, 2017
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