, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The KKKS list leaves the longer - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The KKKS list leaves the longer

The sale of Chevron, ConocoPhilips and lnpex shares in South Natuna Block Block B Block (SNSB) should be a reminder that the country's oil and gas industry has entered a red light. The reason, before the sale of Block B shares in a row, ExxonMobil also release to participate in East Natuna Block. Director of Medco Energi, Hilmi Panigoro claimed Chevron's action to sell SNSB shares did not affect production.

"Sales will not affect production because we are operators," he said.

Until semester 1-2017, the production of SNSB Block reaches 60,000 equivalent berel per day (boepd). Medco is currently drilling the third and fourth wells.

"We're drilling well the third and fourth Wells one and two are done and already in production Drilling the batch system
(parallel) for efficiency, "said Hilmi

Komaidi Notonegoro, Executive Director of the ReforMiner Institute, said that the removal of foreign oil and gas companies from Indonesian oil and gas blocks is due to several factors. For example, because there is no certainty of investment in Indonesia and licensing issues that until now there has been no solution.

"So far, the oil and gas industry including Chevron complained about a number of investment barriers, one of which is licensing problem," Komaidi said

According to him, these problems make Indonesia's investment climate less attractive when compared to other countries.

"The main problem is the investment climate, then they have more attractive investment options, including in their own country (United States) that is developing Shale Oil or Gas," he explained.

Oil and Gas Company Leaves and Sell Blocks (2013-2016)
1, Australia Cooper Energy
2. Hess Corporation
3. Murphy Oil
4. Anadarko
5. Talisman Energy
6. Marathon Oil
7. Lundin Petroleum
8. Korean National Oil Corp
9. Premier Oil
10. Niko Resources
11. lnpex sells shares in Block B of South Natuna Sea
12. ConocoPhilips sells shares in Block B of South Natuna Sea
13. Chevron sells stake in Block B of South Natunai Sea
14. ExxonMobil escape from East Natuna Block, returns 3 blocks, and sells shares in Tiung Biru Jambaran Field.


Daftar KKKS kabur Semakin Panjang

Penjualan saham Chevron, ConocoPhilips dan lnpex di Blok South Natuna Sea Block B (SNSB) mesti menjadi peringatan bahwa industri migas Tanah Air sudah masuk lampu merah. Pasalnya, sebelum penjualan saham Blok B secara beruntun itu, ExxonMobil juga melepas ke ikut sertaannya di Blok East Natuna. Direktur Utama Medco Energi, Hilmi Panigoro mengklaim aksi Chevron menjual saham SNSB tidak mempengaruhi produksi. 

"Penjualan tidak akan mempengaruhi produksi karena kami operator," ujarnya.

Hingga semester l-2017, produksi Blok SNSB mencapai 60.000 ekuivalen berel per hari (boepd). Saat ini Medco sedang melakukan pengeboran sumur ketiga dan keempat. 

"Kami sedang drilling well ketiga dan keempat. Wells satu dan dua sudah selesai dan sudah produksi. Drillingnya system batch (parallel) untuk efisiensi," ungkap Hilmi

Komaidi Notonegoro, Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institute menilai, keluarnya perusahaan migas asing dari blok-blok migas Indonesia karena beberapa faktor. Misalnya karena tidak adanya kepastian investasi di Indonesia dan masalah perizinan yang hingga kini belum juga ada solusi.

"Selama ini, industri migas termasuk Chevron mengeluhkan adanya sejumlah hambatan investasi yang salah satunya masalah perizinan," ujar Komaidi 

     Menurut dia, masalah-masalah tersebut membuat iklim investasi Indonesia kurang menarik jika dibandingkan negara-negara lain. 

"Masalah utama iklim investasi. Kemudian mereka punya pilihan investasi yang lebih menarik, termasuk di negara mereka sendiri (Amerika Serikat) yaitu mengembangkan Shale Oil atau Gas," jelasnya.

Perusahaan Migas Kabur dan Jual Blok (2013-2016)
1, Australia Cooper Energy
2. Hess Corporation
3. Murphy Oil
4. Anadarko
5. Talisman Energy
6. Marathon Oil
7. Lundin Petroleum
8. Korean National Oil Corp
9. Premier Oil
10. Niko Resources
11. lnpex jual saham di Blok B Laut Natuna Selatan
12. ConocoPhilips jual saham di Blok B Laut Natuna Selatan
13. Chevron jual saham di Blok B Laut Natunai Selatan
14. ExxonMobil mundur dari Blok East Natuna, mengembalikan 3 blok, dan jual saham di Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, October 10, 2017

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