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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

96 Chinese companies are investing in Energy

The Government of Indonesia and China continue to strengthen bilateral relations in the Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) sector. This was stated in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan and Administrator National Energy Administration (NEA) of the People's Republic of China H.E.Nur Bekri at the 5th Indonesia-China Energy Forum on Monday (13/11). The forum is the fifth forum after the last time held 10 years ago.

"The President stressed that we continue to receive and welcome about foreign investment including China with the principle of mutual benefit," said Jonan in Jakarta.

On the agenda, 96 Chinese companies, including SINOPEC, Petro China, CNOOC, and Aluminum Corporation of China Ltd. (Chinalco) attended the conference.

The hope is that the forum can increase cooperation in the field of electricity, oil and gas (oil), new and renewable energy (EBT) and minerals and coal (Minerba).

Besides coming from China, the forum was also attended by 40 domestic companies. One of them is state-owned energy company, PT Pertamina (Persero). There are several sectors offered by Jonan to Chinese companies in Indonesia. In the oil and gas sector, Jonan encourages CNOOC or Sinopec and PetroChina works to manage several working areas.

"We support that Chinese companies in the upstream oil and gas sector are more actively investing in Indonesia," he said.

Jonan also encouraged China to be able to partner with Pertamina to build a refinery in the country. One of them is Bontang Refinery in East Kalimantan.

In the electricity sector, Chinese companies are expected to build a Steam Power Plant (PLTU) muIut mine in Indonesia with competitive electricity prices. Currently beberepa Chinese companies participated in the project 35 Gigawatt (GW).

In addition, there are also projects outside of 35 GW such as Banten I PLTU, Banten II Power Plant, Banten III Power Plant, PLTU I West Java, PLTU II West Java, PLTU I Central Java, and several other large power plant in Indonesia.

In the minerals sector, Jonan encourages exports of coal from Indonesia to China. Then the investment to build smelters and domestic smelters in the country and the management of metal minerals in Indonesia with due regard to environmental factors.

An example of Chinese investment in the minerals and coal sectors is the construction of smelter grade alumina in Mempawah District, West Kalimantan between Alumunium Corporation of China Ltd. (Chinalco) and PT Aneka Tambang Tbk and PT Inalum. The planned Smelter has a capacity of one million tons per year is estimated to require an investment of US $ 1.5-1.8 billion.

In the EBT sector, Jonan expects Chinese companies to be more active in investing. For the last year EBT investment in Indonesia dominated by European, American and Japanese companies. Though the investment opportunity in EBT is very open with the target of energy mix by 23% in 2025. Jonan hopes in the forum can produce a real step.

"Not only is the discussion too long, so do what can be done as quickly as possible," he said.

In the same place, Nur Bekri supported the cooperation. Moreover, China is a country of production and energy consumption in the world and superior in terms of funds and infrastructure readiness.


96 Perusahaan Tiongkok Bidik lnvestasi Energi

Pemerintah Indonesia dan Tiongkok terus mempererat hubungan bilateral di sektor Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Hal tersebut dituangkan dalam nota kesepahaman (Memorandum of Understanding/MoU) antara Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan dan Administrator National Energy Administration (NEA) Republik Rakyat Tiongkok H.E.Nur Bekri di acara The 5th Indonesia-Cina Energy Forum yang berlangsung Senin (13/11). Forum tersebut merupakan forum kelima setelah terakhir kali digelar 10 tahun lalu.

“Presiden menekankan bahwa kami tetap menerima dan welcome tentang investasi asing termasuk Tiongkok dengan prinsip saling menguntungkan," kata Jonan di Jakarta.

Dalam agenda tersebut, sebanyak 96 perusahaan Tiongkok, termasuk SINOPEC, Petro China, CNOOC, dan Alumunium Corporation of China Ltd. (Chinalco) hadir untuk mengikuti konferensi tersebut.

Harapannya dengan forum tersebut, bisa meningkatkan kerja sama di bidang kelistrikan, minyak dan gas bumi (migas), energi baru dan terbarukan (EBT) serta mineral dan batu bara (Minerba).

Selain yang berasal dari Tiongkok, forum tersebut juga dihadiri 40 perusahaan dalam negeri. Salah satunya perusahaan BUMN energi yakni PT Pertamina (Persero). Ada beberapa sektor yang ditawarkan Jonan kepada perusahaan Tiongkok di Indonesia. Di sektor migas, Jonan mendorong CNOOC atau Sinopec dan PetroChina bekerja mengelola beberapa wilayah kerja. 

"Kami mendukung bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan Tiongkok di bidang hulu migas lebih aktif berinvestasi di Indonesia," kata dia. 

Jonan juga mendorong Tiongkok untuk bisa bermitra dengan Pertamina membangun kilang di dalam negeri. Salah satunya adalah Kilang Bontang di Kalimantan Timur.

Di sektor kelistrikan, perusahaan Tiongkok diharapkan membangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) muIut tambang di Indonesia dengan harga listrik yang kompetitif. Saat ini beberepa perusahaan Tiongkok ikut berpartisipasi dalam proyek 35 Gigawatt (GW).

Selain itu ada juga proyek di luar 35 GW seperti PLTU Banten I, PLTU Banten II, PLTU Banten III, PLTU I Jawa Barat, PLTU II Jawa Barat, PLTU I Jawa Tengah, dan beberapa PLTU besar lainnya di wilayah Indonesia.

Di sektor minerba, Jonan mendorong ekspor batubara dari Indonesia ke Tiongkok. Kemudian investasi membangun pabrik pengolahan dan pemurnian (smelter) di dalam negeri dan pengelolaan mineral logam di Indonesia dengan tetap memperhatikan faktor lingkungan hidup.

Contoh investasi Tiongkok di sektor mineral dan batu bara adalah pembangunan smelter grade alumina di Kabupaten Mempawah, Kalimantan Barat antara Alumunium Corporation of China Ltd. (Chinalco) dan PT Aneka Tambang Tbk dan PT lnalum. Smelter yang direncanakan memiliki kapasitas satu juta ton per tahun ini diperkirakan membutuhkan investasi sebesar US$ 1,5-1,8 miliar.

Di sektor EBT, Jonan berharap perusahaan Tiongkok lebih aktif berinvestasi. Sebab setahun terakhir investasi EBT di Indonesia didominasi Perusahaan Eropa, Amerika dan Jepang. Padahal peluang investasi di EBT sangat terbuka dengan adanya target bauran energi sebesar 23% di 2025. Jonan berharap dalam forum tersebut bisa menghasilkan langkah yang nyata. 

"Tidak hanya diskusi yang terlalu panjang. Jadi dikerjakan apa yang bisa dilakukan secepat cepatnya," kata dia.

Di tempat yang sama, Nur Bekri mendukung kerjasama tersebut. Apalagi Tiongkok merupakan negara produksi dan konsumsi energi di dunia dan unggul dari segi dana dan kesiapan infrastuktur.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Tuesday, Nov 14, 2017

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