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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Asset Poleng Supports Pertamina EP Production

Oil production from PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Poleng exceeded the target. From the target of 2017 target of 12,255 barrels per day (BOPD), this subsidiary of PT Pertamina has reached 120.3 percent.

This amount is the cumulative number of oil production up to 11 Novembver ago. The achievement amounts to 14,744 BOPD and gas production reaches 157.19 Million Cubic Feet Gas per Day (MMSCFD).

General Manager of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4, Didik Susilo in the release said that this achievement was driven by the successful drilling in two locations, namely Poleng Field and Tapen. Through the operational unit of Pertamina EP Asset 4 in Poleng Field, Pertamina EP successfully completed the drilling of POL-N2 well.

"POL-N2 well drilling is the first drilling offshore PT Pertamina EP," he said.

Ensco 67 Rig

Drilling off the coast of Java Sea was conducted for 47 days using an Ensco 67 Rig with a depth of 8,696 feet. This activity is an exploitation drilling with horizontal drilling type.

"The success of drilling offshore POL-N2 wells can be safely resolved with production exceeding the target of 744 BOPD and 1.07 MMSCFD of gas," he explained.

Separately, Poleng Field Manager Charles P. Siallagan added that POL-N2 drilling could be completed sooner than target. With faster drilling time, Asset 4 Poleng Field is able to reduce the cost of the Company's Budget Work Plan (RKAP) up to 75 percent.

"The drilling of POL-N2 wells originally budgeted amounted to about 15.5 million US dollars realization was suppressed to about 11.6 million US dollar, "Charles said.

Meanwhile, Cepu Field Manager, Heru Irianto, added that Pertamina EP Asset 4 also succeeded in drilling TPN-4 wells in Dusun Tapen, Sidoharjo Village, Senori Sub-District, Tuban Regency. At this point managed to get a new production with an oil bladder test of about 250 BOPD on clasps 40/64.


Asset Poleng Dukung Produksi Pertamina EP

Produksi minyak dari PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Poleng melebihi target. Dari target target 2017 sebesar 12.255 Barel Per Hari (BOPD), anak perusahaan PT Pertamina ini produksinya mencapai 120,3 persen.

Jumlah tersebut merupakan angka kumulatif produksi minyak hingga 11 Novembver lalu. Pencapainnya sebesar 14.744 BOPD dan produksi gas mencapai 157,19 Juta Kaki Kubik Gas Per Hari (MMSCFD).

General Manager PT Pertamina EP Asset 4, Didik Susilo dalam rilisnya mengatakan, pencapaian ini didorong keberhasilan pemboran di dua lokasi yakni Poleng Field dan Tapen. Melalui unit operasional Pertamina EP Asset 4 di Poleng Field, Pertamina EP berhasil menyelesaikan pemboran sumur POL-N2. 

”Pemboran Sumur POL-N2 merupakan pemboran perdana offshore PT Pertamina EP,” ujarnya.

Pengeboran di lepas pantai Laut Jawa dilakukan selama 47 hari menggunakan Rig Ensco 67 dengan kedalaman 8.696 feet. Aktivitas ini merupakan pemboran eksploitasi dengan jenis pemboran horizontal.

“Keberhasilan pemboran offshore sumur POL-N2 dapat diselesaikan secara aman dengan hasil produksi melebihi target sebesar 744 BOPD dan gas 1.07 MMSCFD,” terangnya.

Ditempat terpisah, Poleng Field Manager Charles P Siallagan menambahkan pemboran POL-N2 dapat diselesaikan lebih cepat dari target. Dengan waktu pemboran lebih cepat, Asset 4 Poleng Field mampu menekan biaya Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) hingga 75 persen.

“Pemboran sumur POL-N2 yang semula dianggarkan sebesar sekitar 15,5 juta dollar AS realisasinya ditekan menjadi sekitar 11,6 juta
dollar AS,” ujar Charles.

Sementara itu, Cepu Field Manager, Heru Irianto, menambahkan Pertamina EP Asset 4 juga berhasil melakukan pemboran sumur TPN-4 di Dusun Tapen, Desa Sidoharjo Kecamatan Senori Kabupaten Tuban. Di titik ini berhasil mendapat produksi baru dengan hasil uji kandung minyak sekitar 250 BOPD pada jepitan 40/64.

Radar Gresik, Page-4, Tuesday, Nov 28, 2017

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