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Saturday, November 11, 2017

DPD Oil and Gas Criticism in Madura

Member of Committee II of Regional Advisory Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI) East Java Ahmad Nawardi urges oil and gas companies operating on the island of Madura to absorb local labor.

The reason, so far oil and gas companies actually hire more workers from outside Madura. Even though there is, the local workforce is just a security force. That too the numbers are very small.

"Oil and gas companies should pay special attention to absorbing local labor. Because the unemployment rate in four districts in Madura is very large, "he said, Friday (10/11).

Chairman of East Java HKTI exemplify in Sampang regency, unemployment rate always increase. Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Sampang noted during the last three years high unemployment rate. In 2014, there are 8,469 people not working, by 2015 rising to 21,826 inhabitants.

Included also, in Pamekasan District. Unemployment rate is also still high. Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), the working population is only 425,333 people.

"In fact, the total population reached 854,194 people," said Nawardi.

Even said Nawardi, in 2017, for Sumenep regency, the number of unemployed reached 200 thousand inhabitants. With the percentage or the total population reaches 900 thousand inhabitants.

"Whereas in all districts in Madura there are some oil and gas companies that are doing exploitation activities at some point of production because unable to absorb the local workforce, the contribution of oil and gas companies to increase the welfare of the community is questionable" said the former member of East Java DPRD.

According to Nawardi, the potential of Sumenep oil and gas for example, the majority located in the archipelago. Counted from Kangean Sumenep to Pagerungan Besar, Sapeken District. Kangean Sumenep block is now managed and explored by several multinational corporations engaged in the oil and gas mining industry. Such as PT Arco Bali North (ABN), PT Arco Blok Kangean (ABK), PT Beyond Petroleum Indonesia (BPI), and PT Energi Mega Persada (EMP).

"Other sources of oil and gas are located in Pulau Pagerungan Besar, Kecamatan Sapeken, Sumenep. This place produced 11.74 million barrels of oil and condensate and 947 million cubic feet of gas daily. If added with several other gas blocks, then Sumenep can supply 60 percent of East Java gas needs. It's great, "Nawardi said.

Citing data from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Nawardi said the total potential of Sumenep's oil and gas is about 6 trillion cubic feet, and can still be explored for up to 30 years.

"There are more than 10 oil and gas operators who have been, are and will manage several oil and gas blocks in Sumenep, such as Java Sea Trend, Masalembu Shell, British Petroleum, Mobile Oil, Arco Kangean, Amco Indonesia, Hudbay Oil International, Anadarko, Petronas Carigali , and Santos Oil, "Nawardi said.


DPD Kritik Migas di Madura

Anggota Komite II Dewan Pertimbangan Daerah Republik Indonesia (DPD RI) Jawa Timur Ahmad Nawardi mendesak perusahaan migas yang beroperasi di Pulau Madura untuk menyerap tenaga kerja lokal.

Pasalnya, selama ini perusahaan migas justru lebih banyak mempekerjakan tenaga dari luar Madura. Sekalipun ada, tenaga kerja lokal hanya sebagai tenaga keamanan. Itupun angkanya sangat kecil.

“Perusahaan migas seharusnya memberikan perhatian khusus untuk menyerap tenaga kerja lokal. Karena angka pengangguran di empat kabupaten di Madura sangat besar,” katanya, Jumat(10/ 11).

Ketua HKTI Jatim tersebut mencontohkan di Kabupaten Sampang, angka pengangguran selalu mengalami kenaikan. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Sampang mencatat selama tiga tahun terakhir angka pengangguran tinggi. Di tahun 2014, terdapat 8,469 orang tidak bekerja, tahun 2015 naik menjadi 21.826 jiwa.

Termasuk juga, di Kabupaten Pamekasan. Angka penggangguran juga masih tinggi. Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), penduduk yang bekerja hanya 425.333 orang. 

“Padahal, total jumlah penduduk mencapai 854.194 jiwa,” tegas Nawardi.

Bahkan kata Nawardi, pada tahun 2017, untuk Kabupaten Sumenep, angka pengangguran mencapai 200 ribu jiwa. Dengan persentase atau jumlah penduduk mencapai 900 ribu jiwa. 

"Padahal di semua kabupaten di Madura ada beberapa perusahaan migas yang sedang melalukan kegiatan eksploitasi di beberapa titik produksi. Karena tidak mampu menyerap tenaga kerja lokal, maka kontribusi perusahaan migas terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat penting dipertanyakan" kata mantan anggota DPRD Jatim tersebut.

Menurut Nawardi, potensi migas Sumenep misalnya, mayoritas terletak di daerah kepulauan. Terhitung dari Blok Kangean Sumenep sampai Pagerungan Besar, Kecamatan Sapeken. Blok Kangean Sumenep sekarang dikelola dan dieksplorasi oleh beberapa korporasi multinasional yang bergerak di bidang industri pertambangan migas.  Seperti PT Arco Bali North (ABN), PT Arco Blok Kangean (ABK), PT Beyond Petroleum Indonesia (BPI), dan PT Energi Mega Persada (EMP).

“Sumber migas lainnya berada di Pulau Pagerungan Besar, Kecamatan Sapeken, Sumenep. Tempat ini menghasilkan 11,74 juta barel minyak dan kondensat serta 947 juta kaki kubik gas setiap hari. Jika ditambah dengan beberapa blok gas lainnya, maka Sumenep mampu mensuplai 60 persen kebutuhan gas Jawa Timur. Ini luar biasa,” kata Nawardi.

Mengutip data Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Nawardi menyebutkan, total potensi migas Sumenep sekitar 6 triliun kaki kubik, dan masih bisa dieskplorasi hingga 30 tahun ke depan.

“Sudah lebih dari 10 perusahaan operator migas yang telah, sedang, dan akan mengelola beberapa blok migas di Sumenep, seperti Trend Java Sea, Masalembu Shell, British Petroleum, Mobile Oil, Arco Kangean, Amco lndonesia, Hudbay Oil International, Anadarko, Petronas Carigali, dan Santos Oil,” kata Nawardi.

Memorandum, Page-11, Saturday, November 11, 2017

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