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Saturday, November 11, 2017

ESDM Ministry Rejects Shell Incentive Request

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) rejected the incentive proposal from Shell Indonesia. The oil and gas contractor company requested an investment credit or additional 150% capital cost repayment and accelerated depreciation for two years for exploration activities of South Moa Island Block, Maluku.

Deputy Minister of EMR, Arcandra Tahar said, the government still questioned the balance of the proposal.

"We reject the incentive request, they want two years of depreciation, and 150% investment credit?" said Archandra at the Office of the ESDM Ministry on Friday (10/11).

Arcandra gives a reason, this refusal is done because Shell Indonesia is still in the stage to start exploration activities, let alone doing exploitation activities aka production plans. Just a note, South Moa Island Block is an offshore oil and gas working area. The location of South Moa Island block is in the depth of the waters between 1,500 meters to 2,700 meters.

In the process of exploration activities, Shell through Shell Island Moa Pte Ltd controls 100% stake in participation. The signing of his cooperation contract with the government has already taken place in May 2015. The agenda this year, Shell Indonesia has just conducted geological and geophysical studies in the working area.

"This has not been exploration has asked for incentives, how?" said Arcandra questioned.


Kementerian ESDM Tolak Permintaan Insentif Shell

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menolak usulan insentif dari Shell Indonesia. Perusahaan kontraktor migas ini minta investment credit atau tambahan pengembalian biaya modal sebesar 150% dan percepatan depresiasi selama dua tahun untuk kegiatan eksplorasi Blok Pulau Moa Selatan, Maluku.

Wakil Menteri ESDM, Arcandra Tahar bilang, pemerintah masih mempertanyakan perimbangan usulan tersebut. 

"Kami menolak permintaan insentifnya. Mereka mau depresiasi dua tahun, terus investment credit 150% ?" kata Archandra di Kantor Kementerian ESDM, Jumat (10/11).

Arcandra memberikan alasan, penolakan ini dilakukan lantaran saat ini Shell Indonesia masih dalam tahap untuk memulai kegiatan eksplorasi, apalagi melakukan kegiatan eksploitasi alias rencana berproduksi. Sekadar catatan, Blok Pulau Moa Selatan merupakan Wilayah kerja minyak dan gas (migas) di lepas pantai. Lokasi blok Pulau Moa Selatan berada di kedalaman perairan antara 1.500 meter hingga 2.700 meter.

Dalam kegiatan proses eksplorasi tersebut, Shell melalui Shell Pulau Moa Pte Ltd menguasai 100% saham partisipasi. Adapun penandatanganan kontrak kerja samanya dengan pemerintah sudah berlangsung Mei 2015. Agendanya pada tahun ini, Shell Indonesia baru saja melakukan Studi geologi dan geofisika di wilayah kerja tersebut. 

"Ini belum eksplorasi sudah minta insentif, bagaimana caranya?" kata Arcandra mempertanyakan.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, November 11, 2017

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