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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

For Two Management Areas Working Block Tuban

Defined After JOB PPEJ Contract Ends

The Working Area (WK) of TUBan Block is planned to be divided into two. This is done after the Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) contract as the operator of the Tuban Block expires in February 2018.

However, the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Unit (SKK Migas) has not yet determined who will manage the Tuban Block to be determined when the contract expires.

Head of Representative of Migas Migas Jabanusa Ali Masyhar stated that WK will be returned to the government and then managed by a new company.

"It will tend to be divided into two, Sukowati field will be taken over Pertamina EP Asset 4 and Mudi field may be taken Pertamina subsidiary, Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE)," he explained.

However, he asserted that the scheme is still possible, The consideration is the proximity of the region. The decision will be determined after the contract expires.

"More or less like that. But, it can not be sure because it has not been determined "said Ali.

WK Tuban block covers the regencies of Tuban, Bojonegoro, Gresik and Lamongan. The first reserve in the block was discovered in April 1994 and named Mudi field located in Tuban. The next discovery in 2001 known as Sukowati field is located in Bojonegoro.

Ali explained, the highest production JOB PPEJ occurred in 2012. Namely, reaching 48 thousand barrels of oil per day (BOPD). A total of 35 wells are actively managed by JOB PPEJ to date. The details are Sukowati field 26 wells and Mudi 9 wells field.

Currently the field contains more water than oil. At Sumur Mudi, the water is produced 18 thousand- 19 thousand barrel water per day (BWPD). Oil production is only 1,100-1,200 BOPD. As for Sukowati well, its water production is 19 thousand-20 thousand BWPD and oil is 8,700-8,900 BOPD.

"In East Java, the largest contribution is still held by Banyu Urip field with the realization of 200 thousand BOPD-206 thousand BOPD. national production of 800 thousand BOPD-815 thousand BOPD " Ali said.

According to him, the increase in national oil production is in need of innovation. Especially to attract investment of new working areas and new wells.


Bagi Dua Pengeloaan Wilayah Kerja Blok Tuban  

Ditetapkan Setelah Kontrak JOB PPEJ Berakhir

Wilayah Kerja (WK) BlokTuban direncanakan segera dibagi menjadi dua. Hal tersebut dilakukan setelah kontrak Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) sebagai operator Blok Tuban berakhir pada Februari 2018.

Meski begitu, pihak Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) belum memastikan siapa yang akan mengelola Blok Tuban akan ditetapkan saat kontrak habis.

Kepala Perwakilan SKK Migas Jabanusa Ali Masyhar menyatakan, WK akan dikembalikan ke pemerintah dan selanjutnya dikelola perusahaan baru. 

"Kabarnya akan cenderung dibagi menjadi dua. Lapangan Sukowati akan diambil alih Pertamina EP Asset 4 dan lapangan Mudi mungkin diambil anak perusahaan Pertamina, yaitu Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE)," jelasnya.

Namun, dia menegaskan bahwa skema tersebut masih bersifat kemungkinan, Pertimbangannya adalah kedekatan wilayah. Keputusannya akan ditetapkan setelah masa kontrak berakhir. 

”Kurang lebih akan seperti itu. Tapi, memang belum bisa pasti karena belum ditetapkan" ujar Ali.

WK Blok Tuban meliputi wilayah Kabupaten Tuban, Bojonegoro, Gresik, dan Lamongan. Cadangan pertama di blok tersebut ditemukan pada April 1994 dan diberi nama lapangan Mudi yang terletak di Tuban. Penemuan berikutnya pada 2001 yang dikenal dengan nama lapangan Sukowati yang terletak di Bojonegoro.

Ali memaparkan, produksi tertinggi JOB PPEJ terjadi pada 2012. Yakni, mencapai 48 ribu barrel oil per day (BOPD). Total 35 sumur yang aktif dikelola JOB PPEJ sampai saat ini. Perinciannya, lapangan Sukowati 26 sumur dan lapangan Mudi 9 sumur.

Saat ini lapangan tersebut lebih banyak mengandung air daripada minyak. Di Sumur Mudi, air yang ikut diproduksi 18 ribu- 19 ribu barrel water per day (BWPD ). Produksi minyak hanya 1.100-1.200 BOPD. Adapun di Sumur Sukowati, produksi airnya 19 ribu-20 ribu BWPD dan minyak 8.700- 8.900 BOPD. 

"Di wilayah Jatim, kontribusi terbesar masih dipegang lapangan Banyu Urip dengan realisasi 200 ribu BOPD-206 ribu BOPD. Sedangkan produksi secara nasional 800 ribu BOPD-815 ribu BOPD" kata Ali.

Menurut dia, peningkatan produksi minyak nasional sangat memerlukan inovasi. Terutama untuk menarik investasi wilayah kerja baru dan sumur baru.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Tuesday, Nov 14, 2017

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