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Friday, November 3, 2017

Fuel Assignment Make Profit Pertamina Down

PT Pertamina asserted, the company has done efficiency well

PT Pertamina posted a profit of about US $ 1.99 billion or down compared to the profit of the same period last year of US $ 2.83 billion. In fact, Pertamina's revenue rose 18% from US $ 26.62 billion to US $ 31.38 billion.

One of Pertamina's profit issues is not raised is the mandate of the distribution of fuel oil (BBM) Public Service Obligation (PSO), while the price of PSO gasoline does not change. Though the government should change every three months. Premium price should be in the position of Rp 7,150 per liter, not to mention Rp 6.450 per liter for BBM PSO.

Elia Massa Manik, President Director of Pertamina, said that although Pertamina still can record profits, during the assignment in the provision of fuel for people throughout Indonesia, with the price according to the government's determination of Rp 6.450 per liter.

"If referring to the Formula of real fuel price calculation if there is a price of Pertamina's financial performance will be more good. Revenue could reach US $ 32.8 billion and nett income of US $ 3.05 billion, "he said

However, Massa Manik did not question it, because in order to provide cheap fuel prices for the people. But if there is an increase in PSO fuel prices, Pertamina gets an additional revenue of about US $ 1.42 billion or around Rp 19 trillion.

"The funds are needed for investments in the upstream sector, refineries and other strategic projects," he said. "If (income) decreases, it affects Pertamina because it has many missions," he said.

For example, Pertamina had difficulties in realizing the government's dream of building several refineries. The Balikpapan refinery project, for example, uses the company's cash.

"Our Balikpapan refinery is already in December commitment to groundbreaking," he said.

In addition, with no increase in BBM PSO, Pertamina also has difficulties in adding infrastructure and updating tools. Forward, said Elia, Pertamina will give a big picture for five years about performance report if BBM PSO is not raised. So that. shareholders can see with transparency about Pertamina's financial performance.

"I emphasize, our efficiency is good," he said.

If the government still does not raise PSO fuel prices, Pertamina's dividend should be cut. The government's strategy now cuts revenue and does not raise prices, but also does not cut dividends. Arief Budiman Finance Director of Pertamina said that by the end of the year or the fourth quarter, the company's profit could reach US $ 2.15 billion.

"Pertamina also still has receivable Rp 30 trillion, we want Rp 10 trillion just paid first," he said. The receivables come from Fuel assignment.

While in the upstream sector, performance supported by oil production from January to September 2017 reached 342,000 barrels per day (bpd), growing 11% compared to the same period of 2016 of 309,000 bpd. Meanwhile, gas production grew 4% from 1,953 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd) in January-September 2016, to 2,030 mmscfd in the same period of 2017.

So total oil and gas production rose 7%, from 646,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (mboepd) to 693 mboepd. Syamsu Alam, Upstream Director of Pertamina, believes production can be stable at 342,000 bph by the end of the year. Because Cepu production continues to increase and could reach more than 200,000 bpd per day.

Meanwhile, next year the company will get additional gas from the Mahakam Block. Pertamina put US $ 700 million in capital expenditure for drilling 14 wells. Mahakam Block production of about 800 mmscfd because since mid-2015 Total EP does not add to drilling wells.


BBM Penugasan Bikin Laba Pertamina Memble

PT Pertamina menegaskan, perusahaan sudah melakukan efisiensi dengan baik

PT Pertamina mencatatkan laba sekitar US$ 1,99 miliar atau turun dibandingkan laba periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar US$ 2,83 miliar. Padahal, pendapatan Pertamina naik 18% dari US$ 26,62 miliar menjadi US$ 31,38 miliar.

Salah satu persoalan laba Pertamina tidak terangkat adalah amanat pendistribusian bahan bakar minyak (BBM) Public Service Obligation (PSO), sementara harga bensin PSO tidak kunjung berubah. Padahal seharusnya pemerintah mengubah setiap tiga bulan sekali. Harga premium mestinya sudah di posisi Rp 7.150 per liter, bukan lagi Rp 6.450 per liter untuk BBM PSO.

Elia Massa Manik, Direktur Utama Pertamina, bilang, kendati begitu Pertamina masih tetap bisa mencatatkan laba, di saat penugasan dalam penyediaan BBM bagi masyarakat di seluruh Indonesia, dengan harga sesuai ketetapan pemerintah yakni Rp 6.450 per liter. 

"Bila mengacu pada Formula penghitungan harga BBM sesungguhnya jika ada kenakan harga kinerja keuangan Pertamina akan lebih baik. Pendapatan bisa mencapai US$ 32,8 miliar dan nett income US$ 3,05 miliar," ungkap dia 

     Namun, Massa Manik tidak mempersoalkan hal itu, lantaran demi memberikan harga BBM murah untuk rakyat. Tetapi jika ada kenaikan harga BBM PSO, Pertamina mendapat tambahan pendapatan sekitar sekitar US$ 1,42 miliar atau sekitar Rp 19 triliun.

"Dana itu sangat dibutuhkan untuk investasi di sektor hulu, kilang dan proyek-proyek strategis Iain. Kalau (pendapatan) berkurang , berdampak karena Pertamina mengemban banyak misi," kata dia.

    Misalnya, Pertamina kesulitan merealisasikan mimpi pemerintah membangun beberapa kilang. Proyek kilang Balikpapan misalnya, memakai uang kas perusahaan. 

"Kilang Balikpapan kami sudah komitmen Desember akan groundbreaking, " ujarnya.

    Selain itu, dengan tidak dinaikkannya BBM PSO, Pertamina kesulitan juga menambah infrastruktur dan memperbarui alat-alat. Ke depan, kata Elia, Pertamina akan memberikan gambaran besar selama lima tahun soal laporan kinerja jika BBM PSO tidak dinaikkan. Sehingga. pemegang saham bisa melihat dengan transparan soal kinerja keuangan Pertamina. 

"Saya tekankan, efisiensi kami sudah baik," ungkap dia.

    Jika pemerintah tetap tidak menaikkan harga BBM PSO, sebaiknya dividen Pertamina dipotong. Strategi pemerintah sekarang memangkas revenue dan tidak menaikan harga, tapi juga tidak memotong dividen. Arief Budiman Direktur Keuangan Pertamina mengatakan, hingga akhir tahun nanti atau kuartal IV laba perusahaan bisa mencapai US$ 2,15 miliar. 

"Pertamina juga masih punya piutang Rp 30 triliun, kami ingin Rp 10 triliun saja dulu dibayar," kata dia. Piutang itu berasal dari BBM penugasan.

     Sementara di sektor hulu, kinerja disokong produksi minyak Januari-September 2017 mencapai 342.000 barel per hari (bph), tumbuh 11% dibandingkan periode sama 2016 sebesar 309 .000 bph. Sedangkan, produksi gas tumbuh 4% dari 1.953 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd) pada Januari-September 2016, menjadi 2.030 mmscfd pada periode yang sama 2017. 

    Sehingga total produksi minyak dan gas naik 7%, dari 646.000 barel setara minyak per hari (mboepd) menjadi 693 mboepd. Syamsu Alam, Direktur Hulu Pertamina, yakin, produksi hingga akhir tahun bisa stabil di 342.000 bph. Sebab produksi Blok Cepu terus meningkat dan sempat mencapai lebih dari 200.000 bph per hari. 

    Sementara tahun depan perusahaan akan mendapat tambahan gas dari Blok Mahakam. Pertamina menaruh belanja modal US$ 700 juta untuk pengeboran 14 sumur. Produksi Blok Mahakam sekitar 800 mmscfd lantaran sejak pertengahan 2015 lalu Total EP tidak menambah pengeboran sumur.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Nov 3, 2017

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