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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Gas Price Rejects Investment Rate

High gas prices curbed investors' interest to invest in the chemical sector.

The pharmaceutical chemical sector is supporting investment in clusters of chemical, textile and miscellaneous industries. Investments in the chemical, textile and miscellaneous industries (IKTA) in the period from January to September this year reached Rp 66.7 trillion.

The realization of such investment is around 60% from last year's achievement of Rp 111.36 trillion. The investment for three quarters includes domestic investment of Rp 22.2 trillion, and foreign investment worth Rp 44.48 trillion.

The Director General of Textile and Multifarious Chemical Industry, Achmad Sigit Dwiwahjono, said that the chemical and pharmaceutical industry is one of the biggest contributors to investment. However, investment in upstream chemical sector which is relatively capital intensive is still constrained by the issue of certainty of gas price.

"Petrochemical projects for example, meneka choose to wait until there is certainty of gas prices feasible. But, for the government the slowest development of the petrochemical industry is 2020 must be on stream, "he said Tuesday (21/11).

Investments in chemical and pharmaceutical industries contribute the most to the overall sector of IKTA. The industrial sector absorbed investment of Rp 39.59 trillion until the third quarter of this year. Over the past year, the sector was able to absorb investment of Rp 69.68 trillion.

"Actually there may be one pharmaceutical pablik asking to be unveiled at the end of this year. But we will see again, "he said.

Significant increase in investment realization began to be felt in the textile industry sector. Investments in the textile industry reached Rp 10.23 trillion. This figure has even exceeded the realization of textile investment throughout 2016 worth Rp 7.62 trillion.

Investments in the leather and footwear manufacturing sector also surpassed the realization of last year's investment. The realization of investment in labor-intensive industrial sector was recorded at Rp 3.57 trillion, exceeding the realization of investment in 2016 worth Rp 2.05 trillion.

Meanwhile, the non-metallic minerals industry reached Rp11.52 trillion. The realization of capital investment in non-metallic excavation sector in 2016 was recorded at Rp 30.24 trillion. The high gas price is also one of the factors causing the growth rate of non-metallic mining industry investment such as cement, glass and ceramics manufacturers.

"Whereas the demand for the construction sector for non-metallic minerals here is actually very strong," he said.

Another challenge for the chemical, textile and miscellaneous industries is the deficit in the availability of local raw materials. A number of sectors that depend on imported raw materials include, such as pharmaceuticals, footwear and textiles.

"This is also really need to be anticipated in order to substitute import raw materials," he said.


The government seeks to accelerate the development of the petrochemical industry in the country. Director of Upstream Chemical Industry Ministry of Industry Muhammad Khayam said there are two petrochemical manufacturers that are expanding.

The two companies are PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk. and Lotte Chemical Titan. Both are preparing the construction of a naphtha cracker factory in Cilegon.

"Well only we do not want to just rely on the plans of the two companies only. So the government encourages more investment into the petrochemical sector, "said Director of Upstream Chemical Industry Ministry of Industry Muhammad Khayam Monday (20/11)

According to him, foreign manufacturers who intend to invest in Indonesia want the development of gas-based petrochemical industry because naphtha petrochemical plant is vulnerable to fluctuations in world oil prices that impact on the decrease in margin.

Fajar Budiyono, secretary general of the Aromatic Association of Olefin and Plastics Indonesia, said that currently more than 50% of total raw material needs are still met by imports. The need for polypropylene for example reaches 1.6 million tons. Of this number, which can be produced by domestic producers only 700,000 tons.

Similarly, the needs of polyethylene (PE) of 1.5 million tons and can only be met in the country of 800,000 tons.

"In total for plastic polymer needs 5.56 million tons and domestic production only at 2.2 million tons, the rest is still imported," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said it is not easy to reach upstream prices of less than US $ 6 per MMBtu. Meanwhile, on some occasions, gas industry players often request that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources can suppress the prices that meet the industrial economy. Farmers demanded that upstream gas prices be sold at US $ 3 per MMBtu.

"For example, the fertilizer industry at every opportunity is always asking for a cheap price.they come to me, please make the gas price of US $ 3. How?" he said when giving a speech at the Indonesia Gas & LNG Buyers Summit event at Shangri-la Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday (21/11).

According to him, the price as low as it can only be from the blessing of the finance minister because it needs to cut the state revenue from the oil and gas sector. The reason, he said if it suppresses the price is too low, there will be no investors in the upstream sector who will be interested to develop gas fields that will be able to supply gas for the industry.


Harga Gas Menahan Laju lnvestasi

Harga gas yang tinggi menahan minat investor untuk menanamkan modal di sektor kimia.

Sektor kimia bersama farmasi menjadi pendukung penanaman modal di klaster industri kimia, teksil dan aneka. Penanaman modal pada sektor industri kimia, tekstil, dan aneka (IKTA) pada periode Januari-September tahun ini tercatat mencapai Rp 66,7 triliun.

Realisasi investasi tersebut sekitar 60% dari pencapaian tahun lalu senilai Rp 111,36 triliun. Penanaman modal tersebut selama tiga kuartal meliputi penanaman modal dalam negeri senilai Rp 22,2S triliun, dan penanaman modal asing senilai Rp 44,48 triliun.

Dirjen Industri Kimia Tekstil dan Aneka Kementerian Perindustrian Achmad Sigit Dwiwahjono menyatakan industri kimia dan farmasi merupakan salah satu penyumbang terbesar investasi. Hanya saja, investasi pada sektor kimia hulu yang relatif padat modal masih terkendala persoalan kepastian harga gas.

“Proyek petrokimia misalnya, meneka memilih menunggu sampai ada kepastian harga gasnya feasible. Tapi, bagi pemerintah paling lambat pembangunan industri petrokimia itu 2020 sudah harus on stream,” ujarnya Selasa (21/11).

Penanaman modal di industri kimia dan farmasi berkontribusi paling tinggi terhadap keseluruhan sektor IKTA. Sektor industri tersebut menyerap investasi senilai Rp 39,59 triliun sampai kuartal ketiga tahun ini. Sepanjang tahun lalu, sektor tersebut mampu menyerap investasi senilai Rp 69,68 triliun.

“Sebenarnya kemungkinan ada satu pablik farmasi yang meminta untuk diresmikan di akhir tahun ini. Tapi nanti kami lihat lagi,” ujarnya.

Kenaikan realisasi investasi yang signifikan mulai terasa pada sektor industri tekstil. Penanaman modal pada industri tekstil mencapai Rp 10,23 triliun. Angka tersebut bahkan sudah melampaui realisasi investasi tekstil sepanjang 2016 senilai Rp 7,62 triliun.

lnvestasi pada sektor industri kulit dan alas kaki juga tercatat sudah melampaui realisasi investasi pada tahun lalu. Realisasi investasi sektor industri padat karya tersebut tercatat senilai Rp 3,57 triliun, melebihi realisasi investasi pada 2016 senilai Rp 2,05 triliun.

Sementara itu, industri mineral non-logam mencapai Rp11,52 triliun. Realisasi penanaman modal pada sektor industri galian non-logam pada 2016 tercatat senilai Rp 30,24 trililun. Tingginya harga gas juga menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab melandainya laju penumbuhan investasi industri galian non-logam seperti pabrikan semen, kaca, dan keramik. 

“Padahal permintaan sektor konstruksi untuk barang galian non-logam di sini itu sebenarnya kuat sekali," ujarnya.

Tantangan lain bagi industri kimia, tekstil, dan aneka adalah defisit ketersediaan bahan baku lokal. Sejumlah sektor yang bergantung terhadap bahan baku impor di antaranya, seperti farmasi, alas kaki, dan tekstil. 

“Ini yang juga sebenarnya perlu diantisipasi supaya bisa mensubstitusi raw material impor,” ujarnya.


Pemerintah berupaya untuk mengakselerasi pengembangan industri petrokimia di dalam negeri. Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu Kementerian Perindustrian Muhammad Khayam menyatakan terdapat dua pabrikan petrokimia yang sedang melakukan ekspansi.

Dua perusahaan itu adalah PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk. dan Lotte Chemical Titan. Keduanya sedang mempersiapkan pembangunan pabrik naphtha cracker di Cilegon.

“Nah hanya memang kita tidak mau hanya bertumpu terhadap rencana kedua perusahaan itu saja. Makanya pemerintah mendorong agar lebih banyak lagi investasi yang masuk ke sektor petrokimia,” ujar Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu Kementerian Perindustrian Muhammad Khayam Senin (20/11)

Menurutnya, pabrikan asing yang berniat menanamkan modal di Indonesia menghendaki pengembangan industri petrokimia berbasis gas karena pabrik petrokimia berbasis naphta rentan terhadap fluktuasi harga minyak dunia yang berdampak terhadap penurunan margin.

Fajar Budiyono, Sekjen Asosiasi industri Aromatik Olefin dan Plastik Indonesia, mengatakan saat ini lebih dari 50% dari total kebutuhan bahan baku masih dipenuhi oleh impor. Kebutuhan polypropylene misalnya mencapai 1,6 juta ton. Dari angka ini, yang mampu diproduksi oleh produsen domestik hanya 700.000 ton.

Begitu pula dengan kebutuhan polyethylene (PE) sebesar 1,5 juta ton dan hanya dapat dipenuhi dalam negeri sebesar 800.000 ton. 

“Secara total untuk polymer plastik butuh 5,56 juta ton dan produksi domestik hanya di angka 2,2 juta ton, sisanya masih impor,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Minral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan tidak mudah untuk bisa mencapai harga di hulu kurang dari US$6 per MMBtu. Sementara, di beberapa kesempatan pelaku industri pengguna gas sering meminta agar Kementerian ESDM bisa menekan harga yang memenuhi keekonomian industri. Pelaku industri pupuk meminta agar harga gas hulu dijual US$ 3 per MMBtu. 

"Sebagai contoh, industri pupuk di setiap kesempatan selalu minta harga yang murah. Mereke datang kepada saya, tolong buat harga gas US$ 3. Bagaimana?" ujarnya saat memberikan sambutan dalam acara Indonesia Gas&LNG Buyers Summit di Hotel Shangri-la, Jakarta, Selasa (21/11).

Menurutnya, harga serendah itu hanya bisa dari restu menteri keuangan karena perlu pemangkasan penerimaan negara dari sektor migas. Pasalnya, dia menuturkan bila pihaknya menekan harga terlalu rendah, tidak akan ada investor di sektor hulu yang akan berminat untuk mengembangkan lapangan-lapangan gas yang nantinya bisa memasok gas bagi industri.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-25, Wednesday, Nov 22, 2017

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