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Thursday, November 9, 2017

Government Will Rearrange Gas Distribution Area

The government will reorganize the distribution of gas pipeline distribution areas managed by business entities, both existing and new areas. This re-arrangement is one of the revised points of the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 19 Year 2009 on Gas Operations through Pipes.

Member of the Gas Committee of the Oil and Gas Downstream Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Jugi Prajugio said that the revision of the Ministerial Regulation is still being processed, mainly concerning the pattern of distribution of the distribution network.

"It also claimed not to know when this regulation will be published."

However, this change of territorial division is said to be applied to new and existing areas, though, re-arranging for existing areas would be more difficult,

"The existing will still run like now until the allocation of gas runs out. After that we will set the Distribution Network Area (WJD) and Certain Commercial Areas (WNT), "he said in Jakarta, Tuesday (8/11).

Recognized Jugi, a business entity engaged in the distribution and commercial business of gas has not agreed about the re-arrangement of the distribution network area. Therefore, it will wait until the gas allocation of the business entity in certain areas is completed, then new WJD is determined.

"If for virgin area, they have agreed," he said.

The business entity is PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN). In the revised matter of Ministerial Regulation No 19/2009, the government will arrange a plan for the construction of transmission pipelines and distribution pipes within the distribution network (WJD) category in the master plan of natural gas infrastructure.

On the construction of the pipeline, the government will conduct auction and assignment. In this document, prepared three alternative arrangement of distribution pipeline network. First, a commercial entity can build a technical and economical distribution pipeline which can not be established as WJD.

Business entities can conduct commercial activities within a certain period until the economy is reached, then the distribution pipeline can be utilized together.

Second, the government will assign WNT to the region not yet categorized as WJD by considering the technical and economic aspects. Distribution pipelines in WNT are closed access and can be accessed only after reaching the economy. The determination of WNT is conducted through an auction by BPH Migas which will also provide Special Rights.

Third option, WNT will be established within the WJD so that there is a distribution pipeline connecting between WNT The distribution pipeline built in WJD is open access and pipes in the WNT category will be closed access.

When it reaches the economy, pipeline closed access on WNT can be changed into open access. However, not all business entities may do business in WJD. Business entities shall have Oil and Natural Gas Business License for natural gas transportation activities through pipeline as well as Special Rights.


Pemerintah Bakal atur ulang wilayah Distribusi Gas  

Pemerintah bakal mengatur ulang pembagian wilayah jaringan distribusi gas pipa yang dikelola oleh badan usaha, baik Wilayah eksisting maupun baru. Pengaturan ulang ini merupakan salah satu poin revisi dari Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No 19 Tahun 2009 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Gas melalui Pipa.

Anggota Komite Gas Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) Jugi Prajugio mengatakan, revisi Peraturan Menteri itu kini masih terus diolah, utamanya soal pola pembagian wilayah jaringan distribusi ini.

“Pihaknya juga mengaku belum mengetahui kapan regulasi ini akan diterbitkan."

Meski demikian, perubahan pembagian wilayah ini disebutnya bakal diterapkan untuk wilayah baru dan eksisting, walaupun, pengaturan ulang untuk wilayah eksisting bakal lebih sulit, 

“Yang eksisting tetap akan berjalan seperti sekarang sampai alokasi gas habis. Setelah itu akan kami tetapkan Wilayah Jaringan Distribusi (WJD) dan Wilayah Niaga Tertentu (WNT)," kata dia di Jakarta, Selasa (8/11).

Diakui Jugi, badan usaha yang bergerak di bisnis distribusi dan niaga gas memang belum sepakat soal pengaturan ulang wilayah jaringan distribusi. Karena itulah, pihaknya bakal menunggu sampai alokasi gas milik badan usaha tersebut di wilayah tertentu selesai, baru kemudian ditetapkan WJD yang baru. 

“Kalau untuk virgin area, mereka sudah sepakat,” ujarnya.

Badan usaha yang dimaksud yakni PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) dan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN). Dalam materi revisi Peraturan Menteri No 19/2009 yang beredar, pemerintah akan mengatur rencana pembangunan pipa transmisi dan pipa distribusi dalam kategori Wilayah Jaringan Distribusi (WJD) dalam rencana induk infrastruktur gas bumi.
Atas pembangunan pipa tersebut, pemerintah akan melakukan lelang dan penugasan. Dalam dokumen ini, disiapkan tiga alternatif pengaturan jaringan pipa distribusi. Pertama, badan usaha niaga dapat membangun pipa distribusi yang secara teknis dan ekonomis belum dapat ditetapkan sebagai WJD. 

Badan Usaha dapat melakukan kegiatan niaga dalam jangka waktu tertentu sampai dengan keekonomian tercapai, selanjutnya pipa distribusi dapat dimanfaatkan bersama.

Kedua, pemerintah akan menetapkan WNT pada Wilayah belum dikategorikan WJD dengan mempertimbangkan aspek teknis dan ekonomis. Jaringan pipa distribusi dalam WNT bersifat closed access dan baru bisa dibuka aksesnya setelah mencapai keekonomian. Penetapan WNT ini dilakukan melalui lelang oleh BPH Migas yang juga akan memberikan Hak Khusus.

Opsi Ketiga, WNT akan dibentuk di dalam WJD sehingga terdapat pipa distribusi yang menghubungkan antar WNT Pipa distribusi yang dibangun di WJD tersebut bersifat open access dan pipa dalam kategori WNT akan bersifat closed access. 

Ketika telah mencapai keekonomian, pipa closed access pada WNT dapat diubah menjadi open access. Meski demikian, tidak semua badan usaha boleh berbisnis di WJD. Badan usaha harus memiliki Izin Usaha Pengangkutan Minyak dan Gas bumi untuk kegiatan pengangkutan gas bumi melalui pipa juga Hak Khusus.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Nov 9, 2017

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