The government facilitates the administrative process of providing fiscal incentives to contractors of contracts of cooperation in the upstream oil and gas industry through an integrated system.
Directorate General of Customs, Directorate General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and SKK Migas signed memorandum of understanding to start merging system to be integrated. The system will be used as a way to provide fiscal incentives.
In the early stages, the system will accommodate the channeling of fiscal incentives to the import of contractor cooperative contracts [KKKS] operating goods. Fiscal facilities that can be channeled through this system include import duties, sales tax (VAT) for imported goods, and income tax (PPh) import.
Currently, inter-ministerial information systems have not been linked so that there is often repetition of data and the process of applying for fiscal facilities to be long.
To obtain fiscal facilities in import activities, the contractor needs to submit three applications with a total of six transactions.
After that, the contractor must wait 42 working days to get the Masterlist Decree. Later on, the process of submitting the plan for the need of imported goods (RKBI), the import of goods plan (RIB), until the issuance of Decision Letter of import duty exemption facility, and Import Tax (PDRI) is obtained within 24 working days.
Director General of Oil and Gas ESDM Ministry Ego Syahrial said that the acceleration of administrative and bureaucratic cutting process needs to be done to increase upstream oil and gas investment.
To help restore investment, the government needs to create a system for the entire process to be accelerated. He described, at least 10 years to make a working area produce oil and gas.
Thus, the government needs to support through the acceleration of administrative processes. On the other hand, there are other factors, such as oil prices that can not be monitored, but also determine the investment.
In addition to fiscal incentives on import activities, the system will connect with other administrative processes at the Directorate General of Taxation, Directorate General of State Assets, and the Directorate General of Budget of the Ministry of Finance.
"The return is needed to accelerate, can not carry out with business as usual," he said after attending the signing of a memorandum of understanding on the information system of fiscal facility granting to KKKS at the Directorate General of Customs office on Thursday (16/11).
Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said it could not yet calculate exactly what percentage of cost recovery savings created from the enactment of this System. He ensures, if the process gets shorter, the project can be completed on time in accordance with the established project economy.
Cara Pemberian lnsentif Fiskal Dipermudah
Pemerintah mempermudah proses administrasi pemberian insentif fiskal kepada kontraktor kontrak kerja sama di industri hulu minyak dan gas bumi melalui sistem terintegrasi.
Ditjen Bea Cukai, Ditjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM, dan SKK Migas meneken nota kesepahaman untuk memulai penggabungan sistem agar terintegrasi. Sistem itu akan digunakan sebagai cara untuk pemberian insentif fiskal.
Pada tahap awal, sistem akan mengakomodasi penyaluran insentif fiskal terhadap impor barang operasi kontraktor kontrak kerja sama [KKKS). Fasilitas fiskal yang bisa disalurkan melalui sistem ini mencakup bea masuk, pajak penjualan (PPn) untuk barang impor, dan pajak penghasilan (PPh) impor.
Saat ini, sistem informasi antar kementerian belum saling terhubung sehingga sering terdapat pengulangan data dan proses permohonan pemberian fasilitas fiskal menjadi panjang.
Untuk mendapatkan fasilitas fiskal dalam kegiatan impor, kontraktor perlu mengajukan tiga Surat permohonan dengan total transaksi mencapai enam kali.
Setelah itu, kontraktor harus menanti 42 hari kerja untuk mendapatkan Surat Keputusan Masterlist. Nantinya, proses pengajuan rencana kebutuhan barang impor (RKBI), Rencana Impor Barang (RIB), sampai keluarnya Surat keputusan fasilitas pembebasan bea masuk, dan Pajak Dalam Rangka Impor (PDRI) diperoleh dalam waktu 24 hari kerja.
Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial mengatakan bahwa percepatan proses administrasi dan pemangkasan rantai birokrasi perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan investasi sektor hulu migas.
Untuk membantu memulihkan investasi, pemerintah perlu menciptakan sistem agar seluruh proses bisa dipercepat. Dia menggambarkan, paling tidak perlu 10 tahun untuk membuat sebuah wilayah kerja menghasilkan minyak dan gas bumi.
Dengan demikian, pemerintah perlu mendukung melalui percepatan proses administrasi. Di sisi lain, terdapat faktor lain, seperti harga minyak yang tidak bisa diawasi, tetapi turut menentukan investasi.
Selain insentif fiskal pada kegiatan impor, sistem itu akan menghubungkan dengan proses administrasi lain di Ditjen Pajak, Ditjen Kekayaan Negara, dan Ditjen Anggaran Kementerian Keuangan.
“Mengembalikan itu butuh percepatan, tidak bisa melaksanakan dengan business as usual ujarnya usai menghadiri penandatanganan nota kesepahaman sistem informasi pemberian fasilitas fiskal kepada KKKS di kantor Ditjen Bea Cukai, Kamis (16/11).
Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, pihaknya belum bisa menghitung secara pasti berapa persen penghematan Cost Recovery yang diciptakan dari berlakunya Sistem ini. Dia memastikan, bila proses semakin pendek, proyek bisa selesai tepat waktu sesuai dengan keekonomian proyek yang telah ditetapkan.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, Nov 17, 2017
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