The government hopes the oil and gas industry can produce oil and gas faster
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Directorate of Customs of the Ministry of Finance for the development of information system integration. The objective is the provision of fiscal facilities on the import of goods for the operation of KKKS for upstream oil and gas activities. KKKS is expected to work faster to produce oil and gas.
Just so you know, the Minister of Finance has long published this duty-free rule based on PMK No. 177/2007 regarding the exemption of import duty on the import of goods for upstream oil and gas and geothermal business activities. But all this time, the period of care is very long.
Director General of Customs, Heru Pambudi added that with this cooperation, the government will provide incentives for import duty exemption of imported goods for Contractor Cooperation Contract (KKKS) and tax exemption of imported goods both VAT and import tax. This synergy is expected to facilitate KKKS in applying for fiscal exemption facility on the import of operating goods for Upstream Oil and Gas business activities.
"Therefore, KKKS is expected to be interested in investing in exploration and exploitation in Indonesia," said Heru, at the ESDM Ministry office on Thursday (16/11).
After conducting system integration, service to the provision of fiscal facilities to the import of goods for the operation of KKKS for upstream oil and gas business activities will be faster. If the previous transaction is done six times, then after the integrated system will only be twice or faster 66%.
"As for the total time required in the management of this facility will only be 24 working days or approximately 42.8% faster," he explained.
With this synergy step is expected to import value can be bigger. Based on Customs data, the provision of oil and gas facilities that have been issued by Customs in 2015 as many as 1,392 decree of oil and gas facilities and in 2016 as many as 1,221 letters.
"The value of imports increased by US $ 2.3 billion in 2015 to US $ 13.9 billion in 2016. Our state revenues increase and if there is cost recovery we are efficiency," Heru said.
One example of the efficiency that KKKS can obtain through the provision of oil and gas facilities is the efficiency of 14 rigs worth Rp 300 billion. Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi also optimistic, this synergy will create efficiency from the budget side of cost recovery next year.
Because there will be time savings to take care of imported goods at customs. With synergy, the time spent by KKKS can be shorter. He has not been able to estimate what percentage of efficiency or the value of dollars that can be saved.
"But cost recovery will decrease because the time spent on KKKS is shorter, so KKKS personnel will be able to use the time for other work, so it is more productive," explained Amien
Director General of Oil and Gas of the ESDM Ministry Ego Syahrial explained that the purpose of this cooperation is for the upstream oil and gas industry to return on the track. One of them is efforts to increase oil and gas production. Because oil needs reached 1.6 million barrels per day. But production is only 800,000 barrels per day.
Under these conditions, Indonesia must import about 800,000 oil per day. Therefore, it is hoped that KKKS can perform production quickly by simplifying the license and free of excise duty on KKKS production goods.
"The average time to produce oil from a field oil and gas reaches 10 years," he said.
He stated that currently there are several strategic upstream oil and gas projects such as IDD project in Bangka Strait Makassar, Tangguh Train 3 project, Tiung Biru field project, and the largest is Masela Field development in Eastern Indonesia.
In addition to increasing production, Ego is hoping with this synergy then the investment target next year of US $ 13.5 billion can be achieved. This year, oil and gas investment target of US $ 14 billion is difficult to achieve. As of October, oil and gas investment realization was only US $ 6.4 billion.
"Beginning in 2018, the oil and gas investment activities are expected to be more enthusiastic, with many groundbreaking projects such as Tiung Biru project, Duri-Dumai pipeline, and next year we hope that oil and gas fields will be onstream," Ego explained.
Impor Barang Kontraktor Migas Akan Dipersingkat
Pemerintah berharap industri migas bisa memproduksi migas Iebih cepat
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menandatangani nota kesepahaman dengan Direktorat Bea Cukai Kementerian Keuangan untuk pengembangan integrasi sistem informasi. Tujuannya adalah pemberian fasilitas fiskal terhadap impor barang operasi keperluan KKKS untuk kegiatan hulu migas. KKKS diharapkan bisa lebih cepat bekerja untuk memproduksi migas.
Asal tahu saja, Menteri Keuangan sudah lama menerbitkan aturan tentang bebas bea ini berdasarkan PMK Nomor 177/2007 mengenai pembebasan bea masuk atas impor barang untuk kegiatan usaha hulu migas dan panas bumi. Namun selama ini, jangka waktu mengurusnya sangat lama.
Direktur Jenderal Bea Cukai, Heru Pambudi menambahkan dengan kerjasama ini, pemerintah akan memberikan insentif pembebasan bea masuk barang impor untuk Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) dan pembebasan pajak barang impor baik PPN maupun PPh impor. Sinergi ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah KKKS dalam mengajukan permohonan fasilitas pembebasan fiskal atas impor barang operasi untuk kegiatan Usaha Hulu Migas.
"Sehingga diharapkan KKKS tertarik untuk berinvestasi melakukan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi di Indonesia," kata Heru, di Kantor Kementerian ESDM, Kamis (16/11).
Setelah melakukan integrasi sistem, pelayanan terhadap pemberian fasilitas fiskal terhadap impor barang operasi keperluan KKKS untuk kegiatan usaha hulu migas akan lebih cepat. Jika sebelumnya transaksi dilakukan enam kali, maka setelah sistem terintegrasi akan hanya menjadi dua kali atau lebih cepat 66%.
"Sementara untuk total waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam pengurusan fasilitas ini hanya akan menjadi 24 hari kerja atau kurang lebih 42.8% lebih cepat," jelasnya.
Dengan langkah sinergi ini diharapkan nilai impor bisa lebih besar. Berdasarkan data Bea Cukai, pemberian fasilitas migas yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Bea Cukai di tahun 2015 sebanyak 1.392 surat keputusan pemberian fasilitas migas dan di tahun 2016 sebanyak 1.221 surat.
"Nilai impor yang meningkat dali US$ 2.3 miliar tahun 2015 menjadi US$ 13,9 miliar di tahun 2016. Penerimaan negara kami tingkatkan dan kalau ada cost recovery kami efisiensi," ujar Heru.
Salah satu contoh efisiensi yang bisa didapat KKKS melalui pemberian fasilitas migas adalah efisiensi 14 rig senilai Rp 300 miliar. Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi juga optimistis, sinergi ini akan menciptakan efisiensi dari sisi anggaran cost recovery pada tahun depan.
Pasalnya akan ada penghematan waktu untuk mengurus barang impor di bea cukai. Dengan sinergi, waktu yang dihabiskan oleh KKKS bisa lebih pendek. Ia belum bisa mengestimasi berapa persen efisiensi atau nilai dollar AS yang bisa dihemat.
"Tapi cost recovery akan turun karena waktu yang harus dihabiskan KKKS lebih pendek, sehingga personel KKKS akan bisa menggunakan waktu untuk pekerjaan lain, jadi lebih produktif," jelas Amien.
Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial menjelaskan, tujuan kerjasama ini agar industri hulu migas kembali on the track. Salah satunya upaya meningkatkan produksi migas. Sebab kebutuhan minyak mencapai 1,6 juta barel per hari. Tapi produksi hanya 800.000 barel per hari.
Dengan kondisi tersebut, Indonesia harus mengimpor sekitar 800.000 minyak per hari. Untuk itu pihaknya berharap KKKS bisa melakukan produksi secara cepat dengan penyederhanaan izin dan bebas cukai atas barang produksi KKKS.
"Rata-rata waktu memproduksi minyak dari suatu lapangan migas mencapai 10 tahun," kata dia.
Dia menyatakan, saat ini ada beberapa proyek hulu migas yang strategis seperti proyek IDD di Bangka Selat Makassar, proyek Tangguh Train 3, proyek Lapangan Tiung Biru, dan yang terbesar itu pengembangan Lapangan Masela yang ada di Timur Indonesia.
Selain meningkatkan produksi, Ego memang berharap dengan adanya sinergi ini maka target investasi pada tahun depan sebesar US$ 13,5 miliar bisa tercapai. Sebab pada tahun ini target investasi migas sebesar US$ 14 miliar sulit tercapai. Hingga Oktober, realisasi investasi migas hanya US$ 6,4 miliar.
"Awal tahun 2018 kegiatan investasi migas kami harapkan bergairah lagi. Banyak proyek yang groundbreaking seperti proyek Tiung Biru, pipa Duri-Dumai. Tahun depan kami harapkan lapangan migas sudah bisa onstream," jelas Ego.
Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Nov 17, 2017
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