The legal team of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) assessed the decision of the panel of judges of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) in the trial of the alleged monopoly of the selling price of natural gas in Medan, North Sumatra. Because the testimony of the witnesses is not displayed intact so obscure the facts on the ground.
"The opinions of expert witnesses are not comprehensive and only partial. So many considerations of the verdict of the wrong assembly, "said PGN lawyer, Yahdy Salampessy.
Yahdy continued that also the spotlight of the legal counsel over the verdict of the trial is the lack of competence of the judges in understanding the downstream gas business scheme. With the KPPU's decision, PGN's legal team will first learn a copy of the decision to take further legal action.
"What is clear this decision will be a bad precedent for other SOEs in conducting business activities."
As is known, the polemic about the high gas prices for the industrial sector in Medan appeared some time last. The high selling price due to the number of companies owning gas quota but does not have facilities (gas brokers).
On the other hand, in running the business, PGN which is a state-owned company in the national downstream natural gas sector has a number of legal basis in buying, distributing, and determining the selling price of gas to consumers. There are two regulations that regulate it, namely Article 27 of Law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Natural Gas and Article 51 of Law Number 5 Year 1999 on Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition.
"Unfortunately the decision of the assembly did not touch the point on the ground and we were blamed. It is very clear that such practices (gas brokers) can be seen directly, "said Yahdy.
Putusan KPPU atas PGN Preseden Buruk bagi BUMN
Tim kuasa hukum PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) menilai putusan majelis hakim Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) dalam persidangan dugaan monopoli harga jual gas bumi di wilayah Medan, Sumatra Utara, sangat keliru. Pasalnya, keterangan para saksi tidak ditampilkan utuh sehingga mengaburkan fakta di lapangan.
“Pendapat para saksi ahli tidak menyeluruh dan hanya sebagian. Jadi banyak pertimbangan putusan majelis yang keliru,” ujar kuasa hukum PGN, Yahdy Salampessy.
Yahdy melanjutkan yang juga jadi sorotan kuasa hukum atas putusan sidang ialah kurangnya kompetensi majelis Hakim dalam memahami skema bisnis hilir gas bumi. Dengan keputusan KPPU itu, tim kuasa hukum PGN akan mempelajari lebih dulu salinan keputusan untuk mengambil langkah hukum selanjutnya.
“Yang jelas putusan ini akan jadi preseden buruk bagi BUMN lainnya dalam melakukan kegiatan usaha.”
Seperti diketahui, polemik tentang tingginya harga gas untuk kalangan industri di Medan muncul beberapa waktu terakhir. Tingginya harga jual akibat banyaknya perusahaan pemilik kuota gas tapi tidak memiliki fasilitas (calo gas).
Di sisi lain, dalam menjalankan bisnis, PGN yang merupakan BUMN di sektor hilir gas bumi nasional memiliki sejumlah landasan hukum dalam membeli, menyalurkan, sekaligus menentukan harga jual gas tadi ke konsumen. Ada dua peraturan yang mengatur itu, yakni Pasal 27 UU No 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi dan Pasal 51 UU Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha tidak Sehat.
“Sayangnya keputusan majelis tidak menyentuh pokok permasalahan di lapangan dan kami yang disalahkan. Padahal sangat jelas praktik semacam itu (calo gas) dapat dilihat langsung,” kata Yahdy.
Media Indonesia, Page-17, Wednesday, Nov 15, 2017
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