, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Oil and Gas Block Based Auction Gross Split - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Oil and Gas Block Based Auction Gross Split

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is still unable to show any real evidence of the success of the scheme of cooperation contracts from cost recovery to gross split. Since the beginning of 2017, the ESDM Ministry has officially changed the contract of cooperation from cost recovery to gross split.

However, from January to November 2018, only one contract uses gross split, the contract for termination block, Block ONWJ, managed by Pertamina. While seven other termination blocks have not been signed yet.

Unfortunately again, from the auction results of oil and gas working area last year no new contract was successfully signed from the Work Area auction results. Whereas the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Operations. (SKK Migas) targets 10 new contracts to use gross splits this year.

Even so, the Government is still optimistic gross split remains sweet for the upstream oil and gas industry players. It is proven that there is no cooperation contract scheme offered by the government, other than gross split.

Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Supervision at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tunggal, said that the government only gives the option of contract for the gross split result in the auction of 15 oil and gas working areas this year.

"There is no choice," Single said Monday (27/11).

Similarly, termination block contracts that only use gross split.

"With the issuance of a gross split-sharing contract, the working area terminated hereinafter uses a gross split scheme," said Tunggal.

Energy Observer Pri Agung Rakhmanto stated that gross split until now has not succeeded in improving upstream oil and gas investment. According to him, a good upstream oil and gas cooperation contract is implemented in a country, not necessarily well implemented in Indonesia.

"A good contracting system for a country is not necessarily good for other countries depending on the purpose to be achieved," said Pri.

The government should take care of the acute and long-standing problems in the upstream oil and gas sector. Some of these problems are the uncertainty of the rules of the game, bureaucratic permissions, and raw data. In addition, the current ESDM Ministry often raises new rules and policies.


Lelang Blok Migas Berbasis Gross Split

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) masih belum bisa menunjukkan bukti nyata keberhasilan dari perubahan skema kontrak kerja sama dari cost recovery ke gross split. Sejak awal tahun 2017, Kementerian ESDM secara resmi telah mengubah kontrak kerja sama dari cost recovery menjadi gross split.

Namun dari Januari hingga November 2018, hanya satu kontrak yang menggunakan gross split, yaitu kontrak untuk blok terminasi, Blok ONWJ, yang dikelola Pertamina. Sementara tujuh blok terminasi lain belum juga ditandatangani.

Sialnya lagi, dari hasil lelang wilayah kerja migas tahun lalu tidak ada kontrak baru yang berhasil ditandatangani dari hasil lelang Wilayah Kerja. Padahal Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. (SKK Migas) menargetkan ada 10 kontrak baru yang akan menggunakan gross split pada tahun ini.

Biarpun begitu, Pemerintah masih optimistis gross split tetap manis bagi para para pelaku industri hulu migas. Terbukti tidak adanya skema kontrak kerja sama yang ditawarkan pemerintah, selain gross split.

Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM, Tunggal, menegaskan pemerintah hanya memberikan opsi kontrak bagi hasil gross split dalam lelang 15 Wilayah kerja migas tahun ini. 

" Tidak ada pilihan," kata Tunggal Senin (27/11).

Begitu pula kontrak-kontrak blok terminasi yang hanya menggunakan gross split.

"Dengan telah dikeluarkannya kontrak bagi hasil gross split, wilayah kerja yang dinyatakan terminasi selanjutnya menggunakan skema gross split, " kata Tunggal.

Pengamat Energi Pri Agung Rakhmanto menyatakan, gross split sampai saat ini juga belum berhasil memperbaiki investasi hulu migas. Menurutnya, suatu kontrak kerja sama hulu migas yang bagus diterapkan di suatu negara, belum tentu bagus diterapkan di Indonesia. 

"Suatu sistem kontrak yang baik bagi suatu negara belum tentu baik bagi negara lain. tergantung tujuan yang hendak dicapai," jelas Pri.

Sebaiknya pemerintah membereskan permasalahan-permasalahan yang sudah akut dan yang sudah lama terjadi di sektor hulu migas. Beberapa permasalahan tersebut adalah ketidakpastian aturan main, perizinan yang birokratis, dan data yang masih mentah. Ditambah lagi, Kementerian ESDM saat ini sering kali memunculkan aturan dan kebijakan baru.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Nov 28, 2017

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