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Thursday, November 9, 2017

Oil and Gas Investment is Targeted to Increase

The government targets oil and gas sector investments in 2018 and 2019 to continue rising as regulations have been issued that simplify and improve the business climate. Meanwhile, this year's oil and gas investment target is US $ 12.29 billion. Oil and gas investment realization per October 2017 reached US $ 7.58 billion or 61.67% of the target.

Head of Communications, Public Information Service and Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana said that the investment target until 2019 is made by considering the projects to be implemented by the cooperation contract contractor (KKKS) referring to the plan of development (PoD) .

Meanwhile, for the target in the downstream sector of oil and gas is made by considering the development and development plan from processing to sales. With rising oil prices and new policies, the government is optimistic that the upstream and downstream oil and gas investment targeted will continue to rise each year.

Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), the investment target of oil and gas sector in 2018 of US $ 17.04 billion consists of US $ 14.45 billion from upstream and US $ 2, S9 billion from downstream. In 2019, oil and gas investment target reached US $ 18.22 billion with US $ 15.45 billion between and upstream and US $ 2.76 billion and downstream.

"Optimism has been issued by several regulations that will simplify and improve the investment climate such as gross split policy [gross profit sharing contract]," he said.

And the oil and gas production side, the government has set the lifting assumption made two versions, namely moderate and optimistic. For a moderate assumption, oil lifting target in 2018 is 771,000 barrels per day (bpd) and gas is 1.19 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd). Oil assumption in 2019 dropped to 722,000 bpd and gas rose to 1.2 million boepd.

The optimistic assumption, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to set the target of oil lifting in 2018 amounted to 815,000 bpd. Then, the figure rises in 2019 to 850,000 bpd. Earlier, Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said the investment target in 2017 will not be achieved. According to him, the financial aspect becomes the main problem of capital expenditure.


Investasi Migas Ditargetkan Terus Naik

Pemerintah menargetkan investasi sektor minyak dan gas bumi pada 2018 dan 2019 terus naik karena telah diterbitkan regulasi yang mempermudah dan memperbaiki iklim berusaha. Sementara itu, target investasi migas tahun ini sebesar US$ 12,29 miliar. Realisasi investasi migas per Oktober 2017 mencapai US$7,58 miliar atau 61,67% dari target tersebut.

Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik, dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM Dadan Kusdiana mengatakan bahwa target investasi hingga 2019 dibuat dengan mempertimbangkan proyek-proyek yang akan dilaksanakan oleh kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) mengacu pada rencana pengembangan lapangan (plan of development/PoD).

Sementara itu, untuk target di sektor hilir migas dibuat dengan mempertimbangkan rencana pengembangan dan pembangunan dari pengolahan hingga penjualan. Dengan naiknya harga minyak dan sejumlah kebijakan baru, pemerintah optimistis dengan capaian investasi sektor hulu dan hilir migas yang ditarget terus naik tiap tahunnya. 

Berdasarkan data Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), target investasi sektor migas pada 2018 sebesar US$17,04 miliar terdiri atas US$ 14,45 miliar dari hulu dan US$ 2,S9 miliar dari hilir. Pada 2019, target investasi migas mencapai US$ 18,22 miliar dengan US$ 15,45 miliar diantaranya dan hulu dan US$2,76 miliar dan hilir.

“Optimism karena telah terbit beberapa regulasi yang akan mempermudah dan memperbaiki iklim investasi seperti kebijakan gross split [kontrak bagi hasil kotor],” ujarnya.

Dan sisi produksi migas, pemerintah telah menetapkan asumsi lifting dibuat dua versi, yakni moderat dan optimistis. Untuk asumsi moderat, target lifting minyak pada 2018 sebesar 771.000 barel per hari (bph) dan gas 1,19 barel setara minyak per hari (boepd). Asumsi minyak pada 2019 turun menjadi 722.000 bph dan gas justru naik menjadi 1,2 juta boepd.

Asumsi optimistis, Kementerian ESDM memasang target lifting minyak pada 2018 sebesar 815.000 bph. Kemudian, angkanya naik pada 2019 menjadi 850.000 bph. Sebelumnya, Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, target investasi pada 2017 tidak akan tercapai. Menurutnya, aspek finansial menjadi masalah utama pembelanjaan modal.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, Nov 9, 2017

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