The government estimates investment in the oil and gas sector will continue to rise and reach. US $ 18.2 billion in 2019. Whereas since 2013 the realization of national oil and gas investment continues to decrease every year.
In the matter of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), this year, oil and gas investment is projected at US $ 15.28 billion with US $ 12.85 billion spread in the upstream and US $ 2.4 billion downstream. In 2018, the investment figure is projected to rise to US $ 17.03 billion, ie US $ 14.45 billion in the upstream and US $ 2.5 billion downstream.
This investment growth trend is projected to last until 2019. At that time, oil and gas investment is estimated at US $ 18.26 billion, where US $ 15.45 billion is upstream and US $ 2.7 billion downstream.
Head of Bureau of Communications, Public Information Service and Cooperation Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana said that in the downstream sector of oil and gas, the prognosis is the result of forecasting from the realization in previous years. While in the upstream sector, based on ongoing project planning.
"In addition, based on Work Program and Budget (WP & B) 2017, he said in Jakarta, Wednesday (8/11).
In fact, still based on the same data, national oil and gas investment continues to fall since 2013. At that time, national oil and gas investment reached US $ 22.37 billion in which the upstream sector dominated with the realization of US $ 20.38 billion and downstream of US $ 1.9
The realization of this investment continues to be cut to US $ 21.72 billion in 2014, US $ 17.98 billion in 2015 and US $ 12.73 billion in 2016. Therefore, in order to realize future investment projections, the government must work hard.
The reason, until early October, the realization of oil and gas investment is still reached US $ 6.4 billion. The figure is only 41.88% of the 2017 target of US $ 15.28 billion. While the government only has less than two months to pursue this year's target.
In fact, the projected investment in the coming years is much greater. Asked about the government's efforts, Dadan said, will keep the whole project running as planned.
"The government monitors, facilitates, and also coordinates with relevant agencies to ensure that all plans can be run on the ground according to target," said Dadan.
In the upstream sector of oil and gas, there are several projects that are expected by the government, including the Cepu Block. However, several projects have been completed and started to produce oil and gas. So there are only a few more major projects still in operation, namely Tangguh Train-3 project with an investment value of US $ 11.13 billion which will be completed by 2020.
Indonesia Deepwater Development Project for Gendalo and Gehem Field, and Abadi Field Project, Masela Block. In the downstream sector, investment plans are dominated by gas pipelines and refineries projects. According to data from the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas), there are five gas pipeline projects under construction.
The details are 266.26 km Gresik-Semarang transmission line, 176 km Grissik-Pusri Pipeline, 67 km Duri-Dumai Pipe and 55 km of PK 52-Tanjung Batu Pipe.
For the refinery project, no half-hearted, six refinery projects are being worked out at once. Detailedly, the construction of two units new in Tuban, East Java and Bontang, East Kalimantan, and repair of four existing refineries spread across Balongan-West Java; Balikpapan-East Kalimantan; Dumai-Riau; And Cilacap-Central Java. The total investment of these six refineries is more than US $ 30 billion.
Earlier, Director General of Oil and Gas ESDM Ministry Ego Syahrial said the low realization of oil and gas investment this year as the impact of global conditions, especially oil prices.
The impact of oil price plunge is felt not only in upstream oil and gas sector, but also downstream of oil and gas. On the downstream side of oil and gas, the progress of the projects has not been too good. Although, the contribution of downstream investment in oil and gas is quite small, ie only about 20%. The government will support investors by minimizing the licensing process.
In addition, the government has also issued several regulations that encourage the growth of oil and gas production, such as Government Regulation No. 27/2017 concerning taxation of oil and gas contracts and Ministerial Regulation No. 22 of 2016 concerning gross split oil and gas contracts.
"Then what is being done is the Government Regulation on gross split taxation. We expect to be published in the near future, "he said.
Investasi Migas Diproyeksikan Capai US$ 18,2 Miliar
Pemerintah memperkirakan investasi di sektor minyak dan gas bumi bakal terus naik dan mencapai. US$ 18,2 miliar pada 2019. Padahal sejak 2013 realisasi investasi migas nasional terus berkurang setiap tahunnya.
Dalam materi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), pada tahun ini, investasi migas diproyeksikan sebesar US$ 15,28 miliar dengan sebaran US$ 12,85 miliar di hulu dan US$ 2,4 miliar di hilir. Pada 2018, angka investasi ini diproyeksikan naik menjadi US$ 17,03 miliar, yakni US$ 14,45 miliar di hulu dan US$ 2,5 miliar di hilir.
Tren kenaikan investasi ini diprognosakan bertahan sampai 2019. Pada saat itu, investasi migas diperkirakan mencapai US$ 18,26 miliar di mana US$ 15,45 miliar di hulu dan US$ 2,7 miliar di hilir.
Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik, dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM Dadan Kusdiana menuturkan, di sektor hilir migas, prognosa tersebut merupakan hasil forecasting dari realisasi pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Sementara di sektor hulu, berdasarkan perencanaan proyek yang masih berjalan.
“Selain itu juga berdasarkan Work Program and Budget (WP&B) 2017, kata dia di Jakarta, Rabu (8/11).
Padahal, masih berdasarkan data yang sama, investasi migas nasional terus turun sejak 2013 lalu. Pada saat itu, investasi migas nasional mencapai US$ 22,37 miliar di mana sektor hulu mendominasi dengan realisasi US$ 20,38 miliar dan hilir US$ 1,9
Realisasi investasi ini terus terpotong menjadi US$ 21,72 miliar pada 2014, US$ 17,98 miliar pada 2015, dan US$ 12,73 miliar pada 2016. Karenanya, untuk merealisasikan proyeksi investasi ke depan, pemerintah harus bekerja keras.
Pasalnya, sampai awal Oktober lalu, realisasi investasi migas masih mencapai US$ 6,4 miliar. Angka tersebut hanya 41,88% dari target 2017 yang sebesar US$ 15,28 miliar. Sementara pemerintah hanya memiliki waktu kurang dari dua bulan untuk mengejar target tahun ini.
Padahal, proyeksi investasi di tahun-tahun mendatang jauh lebih besar lagi. Ditanya soal upaya pemerintah, Dadan mengungkapkan, akan menjaga agar seluruh proyek berjalan sesuai rencana.
“Pemerintah memonitor, memfasilitasi, dan juga koordinasi dengan instansi terkait untuk memastikan semua rencana dapat berjalan di lapangan sesuai target,” tutur Dadan.
Di sektor hulu migas, terdapat beberapa proyek yang diharapkan pemerintah, termasuk Blok Cepu. Namun, beberapa proyek telah selesai dan mulai menghasilkan migas. Sehingga hanya ada beberapa proyek besar lagi yang masih beroperasi, yakni Proyek Tangguh Train-3 dengan nilai investasi US$ 11,13 miliar yang akan selesai pada 2020.
Proyek Indonesia Deepwater Development untuk Lapangan Gendalo dan Gehem, serta Proyek Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela. Di sektor hilir, rencana investasi didominasi proyek pipa gas dan kilang minyak. Menurut data Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) terdapat lima proyek pipa gas yang kini sedang dibangun.
Rincinya, pipa transmisi Gresik-Semarang sepanjang 266,26 km, Pipa Grissik-Pusri sepanjang 176 km, Pipa Duri-Dumai sepanjang 67 km, serta Pipa PK 52-Tanjung Batu sepanjang 55 km.
Untuk proyek kilang, tidak tanggung-tanggung, enam proyek kilang sedang digarap sekaligus. Rincinya, pembangunan dua unit baru di Tuban, Jawa Timur dan Bontang, Kalimantan Timur, serta perbaikan empat kilang eksisting yang tersebar di Balongan-Jawa Barat; Balikpapan-Kalimantan Timur; Dumai-Riau; Serta Cilacap-Jawa Tengah. Total investasi enam kilang ini lebih dari US$ 30 miliar.
Sebelumnya, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial mengatakan, rendahnya realisasi investasi migas tahun ini sebagai dampak kondisi global, utamanya harga minyak.
Dampak dari terjunnya harga minyak ini dirasakan tidak hanya di sektor hulu migas, tetapi juga hilir migas. Di sisi hilir migas, progres proyek-proyek belum terlalu bagus. Walaupun, sumbangan investasi sektor hilir migas memang cukup kecil, yakni hanya sekitar 20%. Pemerintah akan mendukung investor dengan meminimalkan proses perizinan.
Selain itu, pemerintah juga telah mengeluarkan beberapa regulasi yang mendorong pertumbuhan produksi migas, seperti Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27/2017 soal perpajakan kontrak migas dan Peraturan Menteri No 22 Tahun 2016 soal kontrak migas gross split.
“Kemudian yang sedang dikerjakan adalah Peraturan Pemerintah tentang perpajakan gross split. Kami harapkan dalam waktu dekat bisa diterbitkan,” ujarnya.
Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Nov 9, 2017
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