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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

RPS - Pertamina EP Holds Journalism School

The association of journalists who are members of Ronggolawe Press Solidarity (RPS) of Tuban District held a basic journalism school at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Islamiyah Senori for two consecutive days, Wednesday-Thursday (15-16 / 11). The activity is in cooperation with PT Pertamina Ep Asset 4 Cepu.

Chairman of the RPS, Khoirul Huda said there were 30 students who attended this elementary school journalism. During the training, they are provided with some materials, ranging from basic journalism, reporting and interviewing techniques, photography, videography, and news writing techniques.

"The press is not only looking for news, but also educating the community, so in this training we also want to be able to share so that students who participate better understand the science of journalism," explained Huda greeting familiar.

Huda revealed that this journalism school is the first time implemented in Senori area and is an implementation program to give responsibility to educate the community, especially school students. In the future journalistic school activities will be held in other schools within the next weeks.

"Once here, continued in SMA Negeri Kenduruan," he added.

The two locations were chosen as the location of journalism school because its area happened to be adjacent to ring 1 Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu.


RPS - Pertamina EP Gelar Sekolah Jurnalistik

Perkumpulan wartawan yang tergabung dalam Ronggolawe Press Solidarity (RPS) Kabupaten Tuban menggelar sekolah jurnalistik tingkat dasar di Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Islamiyah Senori selama dua hari berturut-turut, Rabu-Kamis (15-16/11). Kegiatan tersebut bekerja sama dengan PT Pertamina Ep Asset 4 Cepu.

Ketua RPS, Khoirul Huda mengatakan ada 30 siswa yang mengikuti sekolah jurnalistik tingkat dasar ini. Selama mengikuti pelatihan, mereka dibekali beberapa materi, mulai dari dasar jurnalistik, teknik reportase dan wawancara, fotografi, videografi, dan teknik menulis berita.

"Fungai pers tak hanya mencari berita, namun juga mengedukasi masyarakat. Sehingga, dalam pelatihan ini kami juga ingin bisa berbagi agar siswa yang ikut lebih memahami ilmu jurnalistik," terang Huda sapaan akrabnya.

Huda mengungkapkan jika sekolah jurnalistik ini baru pertama kali dilaksanakan di wilayah Senori dan merupakan program implementasi untuk memberikan tanggung jawab untuk mengedukasi masyarakat, khusunya pelajar sekolah. Ke depan kegiatan sekolah jurnalistik akan dilaksanakan di sekolah lain dalam waktu minggu kedepan.

"Setelah di sini, dilanjut di SMA Negeri Kenduruan," tambahnya.

Dua lokasi itu dipilih sebagai lokasi digelarnya sekolah jurnalistik karena wilayahnya kebetulan berdekatan dengan ring 1 Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Thursday, Nov 16, 2017

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