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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Government Asked to Question the Seriousness of Rosneft

The central government is requested to be more serious and re-question the commitment of Rosneft Oil Company of the Russian State, in relation to the unclear Groundbreaking of Tuban Refinery, as the preliminary agreement can be realized, with many changing world scenarios.

"The refinery is used to make fuel oil and its users almost 90 percent is transportation," said Satya Widya Yudha, Vice Chairman of Commission VII of DPR RI while attending Beach Clean-Up Day event at Tuban Mangrove Center, Sugihwaras Village, Tuban yesterday (4/11).

Now the mode of transportation is how. When the mode of transportation changes from BBM to BBG, automatically the need for fuel is reduced. Conversely, when the need for fuel changes to electricity, it also affects fuel dependence. On the other hand, there is a positive side when fuel demand shrinks as it affects import dependence. As time went on, Indonesia's current account deficit also declined.

"The question is how with the commitment of Pertamina partners from the Red Bear country," said Yudha.

AThe changing of the world scenario, whether the Tuban refinery remains built in accordance with the initial capacity. It could be with the phenomenon of switching fuel, its capacity is reduced. Early production of 300 thousand barrels per day (BPH), can be reduced to 100 thousand BPH.


Pemerintah Diminta Pertanyakan Keseriusan Rosneft

Pemerintah pusat diminta agar lebih serius dan kembali mempertanyakan komitmen Rosneft Oil Company asal Negara Rusia, terkait dengan belum jelasnya Groundbreaking Kilang Tuban, sebagaimana kesepakatan awal dapat diwujudkan, dengan banyaknya skenario dunia yang berubah.

“Kilang itu dipakai membuat Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) dan penggunanya hampir 90 persen adalah transportasi,” kata Satya Widya Yudha, Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR RI saat menghadiri acara Beach Clean-Up Day di Kawasan Mangrove Center Tuban, Desa Sugihwaras, Kecamatan Jenu Tuban kemarin (4/11).

Satya Widya Yudha

Sekarang moda transportasi tersebut bagaimana. Ketika moda transportasi berubah dari BBM ke BBG, otomatis kebutuhan BBM berkurang. Sebaliknya ketika kebutuhan BBM berubah ke listrik, juga mempengaruhi ketergantungan BBM. Di lain sisi, ada sisi positifnya ketika kebutuhan BBM menyusut karena mempengaruhi ketergantungan impor.  Berjalannya waktu, defisit transaksi berjalan Indonesia juga menjadi mengecil. 

“Pertanyaannya bagaimana dengan komitmen mitra Pertamina dari negeri Beruang Merah itu,” tegas Yudha.

Adanya perubahan skenario dunia, apakah Kilang Tuban tetap dibangun sesuai dengan kapasitas awal. Bisa saja dengan fenomena beralihnya BBM, kapasitasnya dikurangi. Awal produksi 300 ribu Barel Per Hari (BPH), bisa dikurangkan menjadi 100 ribu BPH.

Bhirawa, Page-6, Monday, Nov 6, 2017

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