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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Government Continues to Monitor Oil Prices

The government still will not raise the price of premium fuel, diesel and kerosene until December 31, 2017.

World oil prices tend to rise. It also can not be separated from the government's attention. Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ego Syahrial said it will continue to monitor and observe the price increase trend.

"The government continues to monitor. Especially towards the end of this December, we monitor the continued movement of oil prices, "said Ego when contacted by Media Indonesia in Jakarta

World oil prices from a number of benchmarks continue to be observed rising. US benchmark, light sweet crude oil (WNY) crude oil (Nymex) reached US $ 55.64 per barrel. Then the global benchmark, namely brent north sea crude oil (ICE), recorded worth US $ 62.07 per barrel.

Earlier, energy observers from the Reforminer Institute Pri Agung Rakhmanto reminded of the world crude oil price movement which continues to rise to above US $ 50 per harel should be wary of the government. This has the potential to suppress the energy subsidy budget in the State Budget (APBN).

"It should be remembered that the macroeconomic indicators in terms of Indonesian crude oil prices (ICP) in the 2017 Revised State Budget and APBN 2018 are set at US $ 48 per barrel. That way, energy subsidy budget in APBN is vulnerable to be exceeded, "he said on Saturday (4/11).

Pri said that in order for energy subsidies to be exceeded, the government must re-adjust the price of fuel at the time of price fluctuations oil world. This is because the world oil price is one of the determinants of fuel prices, in addition to the rupiah exchange rate and inflation.

In dealing with it, Ego said the government is still on the decision not to raise the price of premium fuel, diesel and kerosene until December 31, 2017. No increase until December is in accordance with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree Number 3448 K / 12 / MEM / 2017 .

When submitting APBN 2018 some time ago, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani asserted the government still insist on holding back the current price policy or administered prices policy or the upcoming year. This is done to maintain public purchasing power and to control inflation.

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Ego accepts price hikes The world's oil is currently not very influential. However, if the price of oil then rose drastically, such as in the price of US $ 70-US $ 80 / barel, it needs to be wary. However, to make adjustments by raising prices, BBM, decisions will be seen from the country's financial capacity and purchasing power.

"If one day must be wary, the government would think. Suppose the price of oil suddenly rises above a very drastic limit, say US $ 70-US $ 80 / barel. But, if now, not too high even though the government does not turn a blind eye to monitor, "he explained.

Until now, continued Ego, the decision to adjust oil prices is still done four months. "But what the future three months, or longer, or faster, will be done in the near future by monitoring the price of oil, "he concluded.

Earlier economists from Indef Bhima Yudhistira reminded the government that spending on energy subsidies until the end of 2017 potentially not enough with the increase in world crude oil prices. Therefore, adjustments are required.


Pemerintah Terus Pantau Harga Minyak

Pemerintah masih tetap tidak akan menaikkan harga BBM jenis premium, solar, dan minyak tanah hingga 31 Desember 2017.

Harga minyak dunia cenderung naik. Hal itu pun tidak lepas dari perhatian pemerintah. Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ego Syahrial mengatakan pihaknya akan terus memonitor dan mencermati tren kenaikan harga itu.

“Pemerintah terus monitor. Terutama jelang akhir Desember ini, kita monitor terus pergerakan harga minyak," ujar Ego saat dihubungi Media Indonesia di Jakarta

Harga minyak dunia dari sejumlah patokan terus terpantau naik. Patokan AS, minyak mentah light sweet atau WTI crude oil (Nymex) mencapai US$ 55,64 per barel. Kemudian patokan global, yaitu minyak mentah brent north sea (ICE), tercatat berharga US$ 62,07 per barel.

Sebelumnya, pengamat energi dari Reforminer Institute Pri Agung Rakhmanto mengingatkan pergerakan harga minyak mentah dunia yang terus meningkat hingga di atas US$ 50 per harel harus diwaspadai pemerintah. Hal tersebut berpotensi menekan anggaran subsidi energi dalam anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara (APBN).

“Perlu diingat bahwa indikator ekonomi makro dari sisi harga minyak mentah Indonesia (ICP) dalam APBN Perubahan 2017 dan APBN 2018 dipatok sebesar US$ 48 per barel. Dengan begitu, anggaran subsidi energi di APBN rentan untuk terlampaui,” ujarnya, Sabtu (4/11).

Pri mengatakan, agar subsidi energi  tidak terlampaui, pemerintah mesti kembali menyesuaikan harga BBM di saat fluktuasi harga minyak dunia. Hal itu disebabkan harga minyak dunia merupakan Salah satu indikator penentu harga BBM, selain nilai tukar rupiah dan inflasi.

Dalam menyikapi hal itu, Ego menyebut pemerintah masih tetap pada keputusan untuk tidak menaikkan harga BBM jenis premium, solar, dan minyak tanah hingga 31 Desember 2017. Tidak adanya kenaikan hingga Desember tersebut sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri ESDM Nomor 3448 K/12/MEM/2017.

Saat menyampaikan APBN 2018 beberapa waktu lalu, Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani menegaskan pemerintah tetap berkukuh menahan kebijakan penyesuaian harga atau administered prices policy saat ini dan tahun mendatang. Hal tersebut ditempuh untuk menjaga daya beli masyarakat serta demi mengendalikan inflasi.

Lihat kemampuan

Ego mengukui kenaikan harga Minyak dunia saat ini tidak terlalu berpengaruh. Namun, jika harga minyak kemudian naik secara drastis,  semisal di harga US$ 70-US$ 80/barel, hal itu perlu baru diwaspadai. Akan tetapi, untuk melakukan penyesuaian dengan menaikkan harga, BBM, keputusan bakal dilihat dari kemampuan keuangan negara dan daya beli masyarakat.

“Kalau suatu saat harus diwaspadai, pemerintah tentu memikirkan. Misalkan harga minyak tiba-tiba naik di atas batas yang sangat drastis, misalkan US$ 70-US$80/barel. Tapi, kalau sekarang, belum terlalu tinggi meski pemerintah tidak menutup mata untuk monitor terus,” jelasnya.

Hingga saat ini, lanjut Ego, keputusan untuk menyesuaikan harga minyak masih dilakukan empat bulan sekali. “Tapi ke depan apakah tiga bulan, atau mau lebih lama, atau lebih cepat, akan dilakukan dalam waktu dekat dengan memonitor harga minyak,” pungkasnya.

Sebelumnya ekonom dari Indef Bhima Yudhistira mengingatkan pemerintah bahwa belanja untuk subsidi energi sampai akhir 2017 berpotensi tidak cukup dengan adanya kenaikan harga minyak mentah dunia. Oleh karena itu, penyesuaian diperlukan.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Monday, Nov 6, 2017

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