After issuing the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) regarding the limitation of gas margin of only 7%, now the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will revise the Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 19/2009 on Gas Gas Business Activities Through Pipe.
Head of Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) M. Fanshurullah Asa revealed, there are two important points in the change of the rules. First, BPH Migas will divide the distribution network area and establish the holding business entity
the region.
If there is an existing business entity in an area, the business entity will be included in the gas pipeline of the business entity of the owner of the distribution network area. According to him, BPH Migas will regulate the widest or highest business entity.
"BPH Migas will regulate the area, we give the most there in terms of existing distribution channels are not harmed," explained Fanshurullah, Tuesday (14/11).
In addition to points concerning the division of gas network territory, the second revision of Ministerial Regulation No. 19/2009 will change the rules of downstream dedicated. According to him, dedicated downstream that makes gas prices to end consumers become expensive.
In Presidential Regulation No. 40/2016 on the Determination of Natural Gas Prices, the government determines not only the upstream gas price, but downstream.
"So far the downstream dedicated that determines who? Yes, business entities," he explained.
As an illustration, Ministerial Regulation Number 19/2009 Article 8 states that in certain commercial areas, natural gas business activities can be conducted through pipes by more than one business entity holding natural gas business license through pipeline.
While Article 9 of the regulation stipulates that in carrying out the business activities of the natural gas business through pipes, the business entity as referred to in Article 6 shall use transmission pipes and or distribution pipes available to be able to be utilized together (open access) on the transmission segment and / or distribution network territory certain.
Fanshurullah explained, this policy has been discussed by stakeholders both business entities and associations engaged in downstream gas sector. Like Pertamina, Perusahaan Gas Negara, SKK Migas and also one of the associations is the Indonesian Natural Gas Distributors Association (INGTA).
Harga GaS Hilir Kini di Tangan Jonan
Setelah menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) tentang pembatasan margin gas hanya sebesar 7%, kini Kementerian ESDM akan merevisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 19/2009 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Gas Bumi Melalui Pipa.
Kepala Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) M. Fanshurullah Asa mengungkapkan, ada dua poin penting dalam perubahan aturan tersebut. Pertama, BPH Migas akan membagi wilayah jaringan distribusi dan menetapkan badan usaha yang memegang
wilayah tersebut.
Jika di suatu wilayah telah ada badan usaha eksisting, badan usaha itu akan masuk dalam jaringan pipa gas badan usaha pemilik wilayah jaringan distribusi. Menurut dia, BPH Migas akan mengatur badan usaha paling luas atau paling tinggi.
"BPH Migas akan mengatur kawasan, kami memberikan kepada yang paling banyak di sana dari sisi jalur distribusi yang sudah ada tidak dirugikan," jelas Fanshurullah, Selasa (14/11).
Selain poin soal pembagian Wilayah jaringan gas, revisi kedua Peraturan Menteri Nomor 19/2009 akan mengubah aturan tentang dedicated hilir. Menurutnya, dedicated hilir yang membuat harga gas hingga konsumen akhir menjadi mahal.
Dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40/2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi, pemerintah menentukan bukan hanya harga gas di hulu, melainkan sampai hilir.
"Selama ini dedicated hilir yang menentukan siapa? Ya, badan usaha," jelasnya.
Sebagai gambaran, Peraturan Menteri Nomor 19/2009 Pasal 8 menyebutkan, pada wilayah niaga tertentu dapat dilaksanakan kegiatan usaha niaga gas bumi melalui pipa oleh lebih dari satu badan usaha pemegang izin usaha niaga gas bumi melalui pipa.
Sementara Pasal 9 aturan tersebut menyatakan, dalam melaksanakan kegiatan usaha niaga gas bumi melalui pipa, badan usaha sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 6 wajib menggunakan pipa transmisi dan atau pipa distribusi yang tersedia untuk dapat dimanfaatkan bersama (open access) pada ruas transmisi dan atau vwilayah jaringan distribusi tertentu.
Fanshurullah menjelaskan, kebijakan ini sudah dibahas oleh para pemangku kepentingan baik badan usaha maupun asosiasi yang bergerak di sektor hilir gas. Seperti Pertamina, Perusahaan Gas Negara, SKK Migas dan juga asosiasi salah satunya adalah Asosiasi Penyalur Gas Alam Indonesia (INGTA).
Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Nov 15, 2017
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