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Friday, November 3, 2017

Total E & P Hesitate Enter Mahakam Block

As an investor, Total. E & P Indonesie does not have a deadline back to the Mahakam Block.

Total E & P Indonesie still has not decided to re-enter the Block Mahakam. Though the management contracts owned immediately ends, ie on December 31, 2017.

Vice President of Authorization Coordination, Communication, and External Affairs Total E & P Indonesie Agus Suprijanto said his side is still conducting a deeper study to re-enter the block.

Agus admitted, despite having conducted various discussions with other stakeholders, until now there has been no final decision.

"We've had discussions with Pertamina, but there has been no decision," said Agus, Wednesday (1/11).

As an investor, according to Agus, Total E & P Indonesie has no deadline to return to Mahakam. Even in two months the contract will end. Total E &  P Indonesie does not want to rush to decide about investment in the block located in East Kalimantan. The company is still considering various aspects, related to investments that continue to be studied in order not to lose money.

"If we are invited to consider whether the location is good or not, profitable or not, and the benefits are compared to what risks, it is the investor decision. If Total still join the Mahakam, will enter as investors, invest capital, see the loss and profit," said Agus .

The Mahakam Block

Although the management time will be exhausted in two months, Agus asserted, the operation of the Mahakam Block continues normally as usual. There are currently six production fields with total production reaching about 300,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd).

As for the details, it consists of gas production of 1,300 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) on target and liquid (condensate and oil) of 50,000 barrels oil per day (bopd).

"Now it can still meet the target, still as expected 1,300 mmscfd and liquid 50.000 bopd," said Agus.

Throughout this year, Total E & P Indonesie has completed drilling in seven wells. As for the drilling of wells and investment of Pertamina, until the beginning of November has been done as many as eight wells.

Pertamina has targeted, drilling as many as 14 wells in the Mahakam Block. If it is fully realized, by the end of this year there will be 21 production wells located in the Mahakam Block. Ignasius Jonan, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), said the 10% share or participating interest (PI) in Mahakam block will be handed over to local government (Pemda).

"So, given free hmapir, no need to spend anything," explained Jonan.

Operational decreases

In addition to the Mahakam Block, Total E & P Indonesie is also considering returning Telen Block in East Kalimantan. Because the prospect of exploration block is not satisfactory. Currently Total E & P Indonesie has completed the seismic survey in the block, so it is only complete the drilling commitment of one well. However, if less show good results then most likely will be returned.

Consequently, Total E & P lndonesie must pay a penalty of commitment.

"If the opportunity is bad, it's better to pay a penalty rather than an investment, such as drilling one US / $ 100 million well," said Agus.

The large number of Oil and Gas Blocks returned by Total E & P Indonesie has resulted in the company's operating in France. In addition to the Telen Block, the Mentawai Block, South Segari Block, and a block in Papua have been returned to the government. Meanwhile, one block away from Sebuku Block will still be continued due to production.


Total E&P Ragu-ragu Masuk  Blok  Mahakam

Sebagai  investor, Total. E&P Indonesie tidak memiliki tenggat waktu kembali ke Blok Mahakam.

Total E&P Indonesie masih belum memutuskan kembali masuk ke -Blok Mahakam. Padahal kontrak pengelolaan yang dimiliki segera berakhir, yakni pada 31 Desember 2017.

Vice President Authorization Coordination, Communication, and External Affairs Total E&P Indonesie Agus Suprijanto mengatakan, pihaknya masih melakukan pengkajian lebih mendalam untuk kembali masuk ke blok tersebut.

Agus mengaku, meski sudah melakukan berbagai pembahasan dengan pemangku kepentingan lain, hingga kini belum ada keputusan final.

"Kami sudah pernah diskusi dengan Pertamina, tapi belum ada keputusan," kata Agus, Rabu (1/11).

Sebagai investor, menurut Agus, Total E&P Indonesie tidak memiliki tenggat waktu untuk kembali ke Mahakam. Biarpun dua bulan lagi kontraknya akan berakhir. Total E&P Indonesie tidak ingin terburu-buru memutuskan soal investasi di blok yang berada di Kalimantan Timur tersebut. Perusahaan ini masih mempertimbangkan berbagai aspek, terkait dengan investasi yang terus dikaji agar tidak merugi. 

"Kalau kami diajak pasti pertimbangannya lokasi bagus atau tidak, menguntungkan atau tidak, dan keuntungannya dibandingkan dengan risiko seperti apa. Itu adalah investor decision. Kalau Total tetap gabung Mahakam, akan masuk sebagai investor, menginvestasikan modal, melihat kerugian dan keuntungannya," jelas Agus.

Walaupun waktu pengelolaan akan habis dalam dua bulan ini, Agus menegaskan, operasional Blok Mahakam tetap berjalan normal seperti biasa. Saat ini ada enam lapangan produksi dengan total produksi mencapai sekitar 300.000 barrel oil equivalent per day (boepd).

Adapun perinciannya, terdiri dari produksi gas sebesar 1.300 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) sesuai target dan likuid (kondensat dan minyak) sebesar 50.000 barrel oil per day (bopd).

"Sekarang masih bisa penuhi target. Masih sesuai harapan 1.300 mmscfd dan likuid 50.000 bopd," ujar Agus.

Sepanjang tahun ini, Total E&P Indonesie telah menyelesaikan pengeboran di tujuh sumur. Sementara untuk pengeboran sumur dan investasi Pertamina, hingga awal November sudah dilakukan sebanyak delapan sumur.

Pertamina sudah menargetkan, pengeboran sebanyak 14 sumur di Blok Mahakam. Apabila direalisasikan seluruhnya, hingga akhir tahun ini akan ada 21 sumur produksi yang berada di Blok Mahakam. Ignasius Jonan, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), mengatakan, pembagian saham atau participating interest (PI) sebesar 10% di Blok Mahakam akan diserahkan kepada pemerintah daerah (Pemda). 

"Jadi, diberi hmapir gratis, tidak perlu mengeluarkan apa-apa," terang Jonan.

Operasional berkurang

Selain Blok Mahakam, Total E&P Indonesie juga sedang mempertimbangkan untuk mengembalikan Blok Telen di Kalimantan Timur. Pasalnya prospek blok eksplorasi tersebut belum memuaskan. Saat ini Total E&P Indonesie sudah menyelesaikan survei seismik di blok tersebut, sehingga tinggal menyelesaikan komitmen pengeboran satu sumur. Namun, bila kurang menunjukan hasil yang bagus maka kemungkinan besar bakal dikembalikan.

Konsekuensinya, Total E&P lndonesie harus membayar penalti komitmen. 

"Kalau peluangnya jelek, lebih baik membayar penalti daripada investasi misalnya pengeboran satu sumur US/$ 100 juta," kata Agus.

Banyaknya Blok Migas yang dikembalikan Total E&P Indonesie, menyebabkan operasional perusahaan asal Perancis itu semakin sedikit di Indonesia. Selain Blok Telen, Blok Mentawai, Blok South Segari, dan satu blok di Papua sudah dikembalikan ke pemerintah. Sementara satu blok lagi yaitu Blok Sebuku masih akan dilanjutkan karena masih produksi.  

Kontan,  Page-14, Thursday, Nov 2, 2017

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