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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Total Immediately Leave at Mahakam

The Mahakam Block transition continues. Such as ensuring employees and service contractors in the Mahakam Block still get certainty. One of the main focuses of Pertamina Hulu Mahakam is to ensure production does not go down after the transfer of contract on January 1, 2018.

In less than two months, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam officially took over the ownership of the Mahakam Block operator from Total EP Indonesia. The half-century total being the operator of the Mahakam should lift the suitcase from the block. This occurred after in 2015 the government decided to grant the right to manage the Mahakam block to Pertamina.

From that moment to the present, the transition period continues. One of the most important transitions is ensuring that all employees of Total EP Indonesie in the Mahakam block obtain new & new employment contracts from Pertamina.

Vice President of Authorization Coordination, Communication and External Affairs Total E & P Indonesie Agus Suprijanto asserted that all employees in Mahakam block get a working contract from Pertamina Hulu Mahakam.

Currently there are about 1,000 workers Total EP Indonesie in the Mahakam Block has been offered a new contract by Pertamina. The majority of workers are willing to release the status of their employees in French companies and become human Pertamina. Only about 20 employees of Total EP Indonesie refused to join Pertamina for various reasons. One of them for wanting to retire.

In addition to the workers, the contractors working in the Mahakam Block have also signed a contract with Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. With so expected, the transition of the Mahakam Block in early 2018 can run smoothly.

"The contractor is running, the rig is already running, if everything goes, yes it is smooth (the transition)," said Agus, last week.

He asserted, Total absence after 2017 will not affect the operation of the block. Because Total has released the employment status of workers in the Mahakam Block.

"We as of December 31 are no longer Total employees," he stressed.

So does the contract of contractors in the Mahakam Block. Agus even said next year the number of rigs operating in the Mahakam block will increase. If there are currently only two rigs in operation, next year there will be five rigs. This is in line with the number of well drilling that will be more done next year.

"We're talking from two offshore rigs and three swamp rigs to five rigs - our wells now are from 14 to 65 next year. So it triples, "he said.

Meanwhile, Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam revealed, it is ready to take care of its own Mahakam Block without Total EP and lnpex. But he heard, Total and Inpex are still interested in sharing in Mahakam.

Pertamina's President Director, Masia Manik, said production in the Mahakam block is dependent on wells. The more wells are drilled, the production will increase. The Mahakam Block production is currently around 800 mmscfd, because in mid 2015 Total did not add wells.

"But I am sure, can return to 1,200 mmscfd again," he said.


Total Segera Angkat Koper di Mahakam

Transisi Blok Mahakam terus dilakukan. Seperti memastikan karyawan dan para kontraktor jasa di Blok Mahakam tetap mendapat kepastian. Salah satu fokus utama Pertamina Hulu Mahakam adalah memastikan produksi tidak turun pasca beralihnya kontrak pada 1 Januari 2018 mendatang.

Kurang dua bulan lagi, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam resmi mengambilalih kepemilikan operator Blok Mahakam dari Total EP Indonesia. Total yang telah setengah abad menjadi operator Mahakam harus angkat koper dari blok tersebut. Ini terjadi setelah pada tahun 2015 lalu pemerintah memutuskan memberi hak kelola Blok Mahakam kepada Pertamina.

Sejak saat itu hingga saat ini, masa transisi terus berlangsung. Salah satu transisi paling penting adalah memastikan seluruh karyawan Total EP Indonesie di Blok Mahakam mendapatkan kontrak kerja & baru dari Pertamina.

The Mahakam Block

Vice President Authorization Coordination, Communication, and External Affairs Total E&P Indonesie Agus Suprijanto menegaskan, seluruh karyawan di Blok Mahakam mendapatkan penawaran kontrak kerja dari Pertamina Hulu Mahakam.

Saat ini ada sekitar 1.000 orang pekerja Total EP Indonesie di Blok Mahakam sudah ditawari kontrak kerja baru oleh Pertamina. Mayoritas para pekerja tersebut rela melepas status karyawan mereka di perusahaan asal Prancis dan menjadi insan Pertamina. Hanya ada sekitar 20-an karyawan Total EP Indonesie menolak bergabung ke Pertamina karena berbagai alasan. Salah satunya karena ingin pensiun.

Selain pekerja, para kontraktor yang bekerja di Blok Mahakam juga telah menandatangani kontrak dengan Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Dengan begitu diharapkan, transisi Blok Mahakam awal tahun 2018 bisa berjalan lancar. 

"Kontraktor sudah jalan, rig sudah berjalan, kalau semuanya jalan, ya memang smooth (transisi-nya)," terang Agus, pekan lalu. 

Ia menegaskan, ketiadaan Total setelah 2017 tidak akan berpengaruh pada operasi blok tersebut. Pasalnya, Total telah melepas status kepegawaian pekerja di Blok Mahakam. 

"Kami per 31 Desember sudah bukan lagi karyawan Total," tegas dia.

Begitu juga dengan kontrak para kontraktor di Blok Mahakam. Agus bahkan bilang pada tahun depan jumlah rig yang beroperasi di Blok Mahakam akan bertambah. Jika saat ini hanya ada dua rig beroperasi, tahun depan akan ada lima rig. Ini sejalan dengan jumlah pengeboran sumur yang akan lebih banyak dilakukan pada tahun depan. 

"Kami bicara dari dua rig offshore dan tiga rig swamp menjadi lima rig. Sumur kita sekarang dari 14 menjadi 65 di tahun depan.
Jadi naik tiga kali lipat," ujarnya.

Sementara Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengungkapkan, pihaknya siap mengurus Blok Mahakam sendiri tanpa Total EP dan lnpex. Tapi ia mendengar, Total dan Inpex masih berminat berkongsi di Mahakam.

Direktur Utama Pertamina Elia Massa Manik menyatakan, produksi di Blok Mahakam tergantung dengan sumur. Semakin banyak sumur yang dibor, produksi akan meningkat. Produksi Blok Mahakam saat ini sekitar 800 mmscfd, itu karena pada pertengahan tahun 2015 lalu Total tidak menambah sumur. 

"Tapi saya yakin, bisa kembali ke 1.200 mmscfd lagi," katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Nov 6, 2017

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