, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 2017 Oil and Gas Receipts Reach US $ 13 Billion - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Friday, December 15, 2017

2017 Oil and Gas Receipts Reach US $ 13 Billion

Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Activities (SKK Migas) states that state revenues exceed the target set in the 2017 Revised State Budget (APBN). The realization of state revenue reaches US $ 13 billion or 10% of the 2017 APBNP target of US $ 12.2 billion.

"If the state revenue from oil and gas will be above 100 percent, that lifting it all," Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi in Jakarta, Thursday (14/12).

Signs of exceeding state revenues have been seen since late September yesterday. The reason is three months before the end of the year state revenue has reached 79% or for US $ 9.58 billion.

The condition is different from the realization of oil and gas production in 2017. Realization until the end of 2017 only reached 98% of the lifting target in APBN-P 2017 of 1.96 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). But Amien did not explain the cause of the achievement of the target lifting.

"Approximately lifting this 2017 will only reach about 98% (of the target)," he said.

Based on the oil and gas production record of SKK Migas, until December 12, 2017, Indonesia's oil production reached 786,504 barrels per day (bpd), while the average production throughout 2017 reached 802,199 bpd.

For gas production until December 12, 2017 reached 7,824 MMSCFD, while the average gas production throughout 2017 reached 7,620 MMSCFD. Artiya total lifting oil and gas only reached 1.94 million BOEPD. While the target set APBN-P 2017 amounted to 1.96 million BOEPD.

When viewed realization in last September, oil lifting has actually reached 1.93 million BOEPD or 98% of the target. The realization is in line with the start of production of five oil and gas fields. First, Banyu Urip oil field in Bojonegoro, East Java with an investment value of US $ 3.38 billion. Currently its production reaches 200,000 barrels per day (bpd) from the target of 185,000 bpd.

The next field is Bangka Field which is part of the deepwater development project (Indonesian Deep Water Development / IDD) with an investment value of US $ 6.98 billion. Bangka field produces 100 mmscfd of gas and 4,000 bpd of condensate and gas allocation for domestic needs. Then Donggi Square, Matindok, and Senoro.

Investment for Donggi and Matindok amounted to US $ 762.1 million and Senoro reached US $ 815.5 million. Each production is 90 mmcfd and 270 mmscfd. The fourth field is the Jangkrik Field with an investment value of US $ 3.77 billion. The oil and gas field has an initial production capacity of 450 mmscfd and can be increased up to 600 mmscfd. The gas is supplied to Bontang refinery with 50% utilization for domestic.

Finally, Madura BD Field with an investment value of US $ 642.1 million. This oil and gas field produces gas of 46 mmscfd and 3,000 bpd of condensate. Production capacity 100 mmscfd. Now only 46 mmscfd.

Press Operational Cost

On the same occasion, Amin also revealed that the upstream oil and gas industry still faces major challenges, namely the declining value of investment due to the low price of oil. In order to survive in carrying out activities in the upstream oil and gas sector, the government, investors, and supporting industries are required to produce the most effective and efficient business decisions.

Not only in the upstream oil and gas activities, the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) encourages efficiency in all areas, including office operations (general affairs) ranging from rental of buildings, transportation to worker mobilization, facilities and equipment offices, service facilities, and travel and travel services.

"SKK Migas continues to maintain sustainability of upstream oil and gas activities, striving to be efficient in various aspects, including safeguarding the investment climate to keep the industry attractive to investors," Amien said.

Exemplified, SKK Migas has conducted operational efficiency. For the building, the reduced area of ​​rented office space saves Rp 70 billion for five years.

Budget efficiency for off-site meetings starting 2017 is estimated to reach Rp 51 billion per year. Meanwhile, in the submission of general affairs budget by all contractors of cooperation contract in the program and budget plan (WP & B) in 2017, contribute efficiency worth Rp 350 billion.

"This can be achieved through intensive communication and coordination, the formation of working groups, as well as recommendations for standardization of general affairs management," said Head of Office and Finance Facilities Division of SKK Migas Sapta Nugraha.

GA Forum 2017 is organized as a forum for ideas exchange and benchmarking for General Affairs managers involving upstream oil and gas industry players and other industries. This year, the event which was attended by 300 participants was the theme of "Smart Facility Management to Enhance Business Process and FFiciency".

The Forum presents Finance and Administration Director, MRT Jakarta, Tuhiyat as the keynote speaker and dozens of speakers from SKK Migas, Unilever Indonesia, Bank Mandiri, Grad Indonesia, Microsoft Indonesia, Citilink, Chevron, and others. In addition, there is a cast involving several companies, such as Telkomsel and Garuda Indonesia.


Penerimaan Migas 2017 Capai US$ 13 Miliar

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menyatakan penerimaan negara melebihi dari target yang ditetapkan dalam Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara (APBN) Perubahan 2017. Realisasi penerimaan negara mencapai US$ 13 miliar atau 10% dari target APBNP 2017 sebesar US$ 12,2 miliar.

“Kalau penerimaan negara dari migas akan di atas 100 persen, itu lifting semuanya,” Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi di Jakarta, Kamis (14/12).

Tanda-tanda terlampauinya penerimaan negara itu sudah terlihat sejak akhir September kemarin. Sebabnya tiga bulan jelang tutup tahun penerimaan negara sudah mencapai 79% atau sebesar US$ 9,58 miliar.

Kondisi berbeda dengan realisasi produksi minyak dan gas siap jual (lifting migas) 2017. Realisasi hingga akhir 2017 hanya mencapai 98% dari target lifting dalam APBN-P 2017 sebesar 1,96 juta barel setara minyak per hari (BOEPD).  Namun Amien tidak menjelaskan penyebab tidak tercapainya target lifting tersebut. 

“Kira-kira lifting 2017 ini hanya akan tercapai sekitar 98% (dari target)," ujarnya.

Berdasarkan catatan produksi migas SKK Migas, sampai 12 Desember 2017 produksi minyak Indonesia mencapai 786.504 barel per hari (bph), sedangkan produksi rata-rata sepanjang 2017 mencapai 802.199 bph.

Untuk produksi gas sampai 12 Desember 2017 mencapai 7.824 MMSCFD, sedangkan rata-rata produksi gas sepanjang 2017 mencapai 7.620 MMSCFD. Artiya total lifting migas hanya mencapai 1,94 juta BOEPD. Sedangkan target yang ditetapkan APBN-P 2017 sebesar 1,96 juta BOEPD.

Bila dilihat realisasi pada September lalu, sebenarnya lifting migas sudah mencapai 1,93 juta BOEPD atau 98% dari target. Realisasi itu seiring dengan mulai berproduksinya lima lapangan migas. Pertama, lapangan migas Banyu Urip di Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur dengan nilai investasi mencapai US$ 3,38 miliar. Saat ini produksinya mencapai 200.000 barel per hari (bph) dari target 185.000 bph.

Lapangan berikutnya yakni Lapangan Bangka yang merupakan bagian dari proyek pengembangan laut dalam (Indonesian Deep Water Development/ IDD) dengan nilai investasi US$ 6,98 miliar. Lapangan Bangka memproduksi gas 100 mmscfd dan 4.000 bph kondesat dan alokasi gasnya untuk kebutuhan domestik.  Kemudian Lapangan Donggi, Matindok, dan Senoro.

Investasi untuk Donggi dan Matindok sebesar US$ 762,1 juta dan Senoro mencapai US$ 815,5 juta. Masing-masing produksi 90 mmcfd dan 270 mmscfd. Lapangan keempat yakni Lapangan Jangkrik dengan nilai investasi US$ 3,77 miliar. Lapangan migas memiliki kapasitas produksi awal 450 mmscfd dan bisa ditingkatkan hingga 600 mmscfd. Gas tersebut disalurkan menuju kilang Bontang dengan pemanfaatan 50% untuk domestik.

Terakhir, Lapangan Madura BD dengan nilai investasi US$ 642,1 juta. Lapangan migas ini menghasilkan gas sebesar 46 mmscfd dan 3.000 bph kondensat. Kapasitas produksi 100 mmscfd. Sekarang hanya 46 mmscfd.

Tekan Biaya Operasional 

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Amin juga mengungkapkan bahwa industri hulu minyak dan gas bumi (migas) masih menghadapi tantangan besar yakni menurunnya nilai investasi akibat rendahnya harga minyak. Untuk dapat bertahan dalam menjalankan kegiatan di sektor hulu migas, pemerintah, investor, maupun industri pendukungnya dituntut untuk menghasilkan keputusan bisnis yang paling efektif dan efisien.

Tidak hanya di kegiatan inti hulu migas, Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mendorong efisiensi di segala bidang, tidak terkecuali operasional kantor (general affairs) mulai dari sewa gedung, transportasi untuk mobilisasi pekerja, fasilitas dan peralatan kantor, fasilitas kedinasan, serta travel dan akomodasi perjalanan dinas.

“SKK Migas terus berusaha menjaga kesinambungan kegiatan hulu migas, berupaya untuk terus efisien di berbagai aspek, termasuk menjaga iklim investasi agar industri ini tetap menarik bagi investor,” kata Amien.

Dicontohkan, SKK Migas telah melakukan efisiensi operasional. Untuk gedung, pengurangan luas area ruang kantor yang disewa menghemat Rp 70 miliar untuk lima tahun.

Efisiensi anggaran untuk rapat luar kantor mulai tahun 2017 ini diperkirakan mencapai Rp 51 miliar per tahun. Sementara itu, dalam pengajuan anggaran general affairs oleh seluruh kontraktor kontrak kerja sama dalam rencana program dan anggaran (WP&B) tahun 2017, memberikan kontribusi efisiensi senilai Rp 350 miliar. 

“Hal ini bisa dicapai melalui komunikasi dan koordinasi intensif, terbentuknya kelompok kerja, serta rekomendasi standarisasi pengelolaan general affairs,” kata Kepala Divisi Fasilitas Kantor dan Keuangan SKK Migas Sapta Nugraha.

GA Forum 2017 diselenggarakan sebagai wadah bertukar ide dan benchmarking bagi pengelola General Affairs melibatkan pelaku industri hulu migas maupun industri lainnya. Tahun ini, kegiatan yang dihadiri 300 orang peserta ini mengangkat tema “Smart Facility Management to Enhance Business Process and fficiency”.

Forum menghadirkan Finance and Administration Director, MRT Jakarta, Tuhiyat sebagai pembicara utama dan belasan narasumber dari SKK Migas, Unilever Indonesia, Bank Mandiri, Grad Indonesia, Microsoft Indonesia, Citilink, Chevron, dan lainnya. Selain itu, digelar pemeran yang melibatkan beberapa perusahaan, semisal Telkomsel dan Garuda Indonesia.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Dec 15, 2017

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