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Friday, December 22, 2017

Close 13 Wild Well wells

An integrated team on illegal drilling covers 13 illegal wells in Pompa Air Village, Bajubang Sub-District, Batang Hari Regency. The closure is the fourth act in 2017. At that location found 37 illegal wells made by the community.

The information obtained by Jambi Ekspres (Jawa Pos Group) mentions, some of the actors did return to the activity after the closure by the integrated team some time ago.

"Yesterday is still operating it," said a source who did not want to be named.

Head of Indra Water Pump Village admitted that he does not know exactly the mode of unscrupulous actors of illegal drilling.

"I do not know, as long as I know it was once closed by the government," he said.

After receiving information from the community, he sent officers to see the location, the findings were then forwarded to the integrated team to re-closure.

"I report there are 11 new wells made by the perpetrators," he said.

He agreed with the closure of an integrated team. On the other hand, he also acknowledges that there is economic value arising from the activities in his area.

"Some residents do earn income, but the government says it is illegal, so it should be closed," he said.

Separately, Chairman of the Integrated Team for Closing Illegal Drilling of Jambi Province, Tagor Mulia Nasution, said it was continuing to take action against such violations. According to him, illegal oil wells damage the environment because it does not conform to the prevailing standards. Activities in the area also endanger residents around the site.

"We continue to communicate with various parties in this closure," he said.

Head of Department of Energy and Mineral Resources Hari Andria added that illegal drilling is estimated to cost the state up to billions of rupiah. From the activity in Pompa Air Village, it is estimated per day produced 6,000 liters of crude oil. The selling price is around Rp 3 thousand per liter.

"Yes, how many times the income they get," he said.


Tutup 13 Sumur Minyak Liar

Tim terpadu penutupan sumur eksploitasi minyak ilegal (illegal drilling) kembali menutup 13 sumur ilegal di Desa Pompa Air, Kecamatan Bajubang, Kabupaten Batang Hari. Penutupan tersebut merupakan tindakan keempat pada 2017 ini. Di lokasi itu ditemukan 37 sumur ilegal yang dibuat masyarakat.

lnformasi yang diperoleh Jambi Ekspres (Jawa Pos Group) menyebutkan, beberapa oknum memang kembali beraktivitas setelah penutupan oleh tim terpadu beberapa waktu lalu. 

"Kemarin masih beroperasi itu," kata sumber yang tidak ingin disebutkan namanya.

Kepala Desa Pompa Air Indra mengaku tidak tahu secara pasti modus oknum pelaku illegal drilling. 

"Saya tidak tahu. Setahu saya dulu memang pernah ditutup oleh pemerintah,” ujarnya.

Setelah mendapat informasi dari masyarakat, dia mengirim petugas untuk melihat lokasi, temuan itu kemudian diteruskan ke tim terpadu untuk kembali dilakukan penutupan. 

”Saya laporkan ada 11 sumur baru yang dibuat para pelaku,” katanya.

Dia menyatakan setuju dengan penutupan tim terpadu. Di sisi lain, dia juga mengakui ada nilai ekonomis yang timbul dari kegiatan di daerahnya tersebut. 

"Beberapa warga memang mendapatkan penghasilan. Tapi, kata pemerintah ini ilegal, jadi harus ditutup," ujarnya lagi.

Terpisah, Ketua Tim Terpadu Penutupan Illegal Drilling Provinsi Jambi Tagor Mulia Nasution mengatakan, pihaknya terus berupaya menindak pelanggaran seperti itu. Menurut dia, sumur minyak ilegal merusak lingkungan karena tidak sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku. Kegiatan di daerah tersebut juga membahayakan warga di sekitar lokasi. 

"Kita terus berkomunikasi dengan berbagai pihak dalam penutupan ini," katanya.

Kepala Dinas Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Hari Andria menambahkan, illegal drilling diperkirakan merugikan negara hingga miliaran rupiah. Dari kegiatan di Desa Pompa Air, diperkirakan per hari dihasilkan 6.000 liter minyak mentah. Nilai jualnya sekitar Rp 3 ribu per liter. 

"Ya, berapa kali penghasilan yang mereka dapatkan,” ujarnya. 

Jawa Pos, Page-3, Tuesday, Dec 19, 2017

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