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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Five Investors Interested in Auction 15 Oil and Gas Blocks

The application of a gross split scheme for oil and gas revenue sharing begins to get results. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) claims gross split has hooked oil and gas contractors at 15 oil and gas block auction closed Friday, Dec 29, 2017

At the auction, only five blocks of oil and gas contractors interest. The five blocks of interest are conventional blocks, namely the Andaman I Block, Andaman II Block, Merak-Lampung Block, Pekawai Block, West Wandena Block.

    For the Andaman I Block of interest Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) ltd, Andaman II Block is interested in Repsol Exploration SA, Energy Mega Persada Tbk (EMP), and Premier Gil Far East Ltf Consortium, Mubadala Petroleum & Kris Energy. 

     The Peacock-Lampung block is in demand by PT Tansri Madjid Energy, and the Pekawai Block and West Yamdena are interested in Saka Energy.

Furthermore, the contractors who bid the oil and gas blocks will negotiate with the government with a gross split scheme. If the contractor's proposal is not in accordance with the wishes of the government the contract is void.

Despite only five blocks of interest, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar confirmed the auction of oil and gas blocks with a gross split scheme this year was successful.

Arcandra does not agree if during this time many who call the auction of oil and gas blocks with gross split scheme less desirable investors.

"The proof is today alhamdulillah five blocks of interest, mostly international contractors," he said.

He also compared with the auction of oil and gas blocks in 2015 and 2016 which the result is nil because there is no signing a new contract. Whereas at that time the oil and gas revenue sharing system still uses cost recovery scheme.

"Let's see the year 2015 offered eight oil and gas blocks, which interest does not exist, 2016 offered 14 oil and gas blocks, also no one interested," said Arcandra.

However, looking at the statistics of oil and gas block offerings since 2001-2014 are always in demand. Even so, Arcandra still mention the auction of oil and gas blocks this year is pretty good. In fact, he is optimistic that there will be a new contract signing from the 2017 oil and gas block auction which is targeted to be signed by the end of March 2018.


Lima Investor Berminat dalam Lelang 15 Blok Migas

Penerapan skema gross split untuk bagi hasil minyak dan gas bumi mulai mendapatkan hasil. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengklaim gross split telah menggaet kontraktor migas pada lelang 15 blok migas yang ditutup Jumat, Dec 29, 2017

Pada lelang itu, hanya lima blok migas diminati kontraktor. Lima blok yang diminati itu adalah blok konvensional, yakni Blok Andaman I, Blok Andaman II, Blok Merak-Lampung, Blok Pekawai, Blok West Wandena. 

     Untuk Blok Andaman I diminati Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) ltd, Blok Andaman II diminati Repsol Exploration SA, Energy Mega Persada Tbk (EMP), dan Konsorisum Premier Gil Far East Ltf, Mubadala Petroleum & Kris Energy. Blok Merak-Lampung diminati oleh PT Tansri Madjid Energy, dan Blok Pekawai dan West Yamdena diminati Saka Energy.

Selanjutnya para kontraktor yang mengajukan penawaran blok migas itu akan bernegosiasi dengan pemerintah dengan skema gross split. Jika proposal kontraktor tidak sesuai dengan keinginan pemerintah kontrak batal.

Meskipun hanya lima blok yang diminati, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arcandra Tahar menegaskan lelang blok migas dengan skema gross split tahun ini berhasil.

Arcandra tidak sepakat jika selama ini banyak yang menyebut lelang blok migas dengan skema gross split kurang diminati investor. 

"Buktinya hari ini alhamdulillah lima blok diminati, sebagian besar kontraktor internasional," katanya.

Dia pun membandingkan dengan lelang blok Migas pada tahun 2015 dan 2016 yang hasilnya nihil karena tidak ada penandatanganan kontrak baru. Padahal kala itu sistem bagi hasil migas masih menggunakan skema cost recovery. 

"Coba lihat tahun 2015 ditawarkan delapan blok migas, yang berminat tidak ada, 2016 ditawarkan 14 blok migas, juga tidak ada yang berminat ," kata Arcandra.

Namun, melihat statistik penawaran blok migas sejak 2001-2014 selalu diminati. Meski begitu, Arcandra tetap menyebut lelang blok migas tahun ini sudah cukup bagus. Bahkan dia optimistis akan ada penandatanganan kontrak baru dari lelang blok migas 2017 yang ditargetkan bisa dilakukan penandatanganan akhir Maret 2018.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Dec 30, 2017

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