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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Four PGN Proposals Concerning Concept Holding Rejected

PGN wants to become a Sub Holding that will manage the gas business in an integrated manner

Discussion on the formation of Holding SOE Oil and Gas (Oil and Gas) seems still difficult. Recently, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) sent a letter to the Director General of State Assets at the Ministry of Finance (MoF) which contains four points of the proposal.

But the government has officially rejected the letter. PGN letter numbered 013700.PEM / PR.06 / PDO2017 signed directly by PGN President Director, Jobi Triananda Hasjim. In that letter Jobi asked:

First, the PGN transformation in the holding serves as Sub Holding gas. PGN becomes an integrated natural gas business manager.

"This role will provide optimal management along the natural gas business chain, as well as provide maximum benefits for corporations and countries," said Jobi through the letter.

Secondly, with regard to the retention of state shares in PGN, PGN's management requested the state to retain Series B shares directly in PGN. The reason, so that PGN can get benefits as were in the first point. Because, according to Jobi, the concept of retention as a state-owned stock was once carried out on the establishment of holding state-owned plantations.

"The government maintains a series B share in each member of Holding State-owned Plantation," he explained.

Third, the institutional structure of the oil and gas holding is related to the legal review aspects of oil and gas holding. Therefore, Jobi asked the formation of Holding BUMN Migas also involving parties from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

Fourth, the transformation of human resource management as a strategic asset of the company. In this regard, PGN proposes equality of workers with equal treatment and equality to workers of the holding group to contribute and work for the sake of the company's progress and the success of the holding establishment's ideals.

Responding to the circulation of the letter, Deputy Minister of Mining Business, Strategic Industries and Media Ministry of State Enterprises, Fajar Harry Sampumo confirmed, the letter given by PGN as of November 29 was revoked. In the sense that the proposal has been rejected by the government.

"The letter has been revoked. Regarding the series B shares, it is regulated in Government Regulation number 72/2016," he explained.

Unfortunately, Fajar has not been willing to give a detailed description of the extent to which the discussion of holding of this BUMN Migas. What is clear, the formation of this holding is still in accordance with the target given by the Minister of SOEs, Rini Soemarno in March 2017.

"If it can be faster in the first quarter of 2018," he said.

He added that what has not changed in the government discussion is a subsidiary. Pertamina is PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) which will be acquired by PGN. But until now Pertamina is still reluctant to release Pertagas to PGN.


Empat Usulan PGN Soal Konsep Holding Ditolak

PGN ingin menjadi Sub Holding yang akan mengelola bisnis gas secara terintegrasi

Pembahasan pembentukan Holding BUMN Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas) nampak masih sulit. Baru-baru ini, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) mengirimkan Surat kepada Direktur Jenderal Kekayaan Negara Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) yang berisikan empat poin usulan.

Namun pemerintah sudah resmi menolak Surat itu. Surat PGN bernomor 013700.PEM/PR.06/PDO2017 ditandatangani langsung oleh Direktur Utama PGN, Jobi Triananda Hasjim. Di Surat itu Jobi meminta :

Pertama, transformasi PGN dalam holding berperan sebagai Sub Holding gas. PGN menjadi pengelola bisnis gas bumi terintegrasi.

"Peran ini akan memberikan pengelolaan yang optimal sepanjang mata rantai bisnis gas bumi, serta memberikan benefit yang maksimal bagi korporasi dan negara," kata Jobi melalui surat itu.

Kedua, berkenaan dengan retensi saham negara pada PGN, manajemen PGN meminta negara tetap memiliki saham seri B secara langsung di PGN. Alasannya, supaya PGN bisa memperoleh benefit sebagai mana dalam poin pertama. Karena, menurut Jobi, konsep retensi sebagai saham milik negara pernah dilakukan pada pembentukan holding BUMN Perkebunan.

"Pemerintah mempertahankan saham seri B pada masing-masing anggota Holding BUMN Perkebunan," jelasnya.

Ketiga, struktur kelembagaan holding migas terkait dengan aspek kajian legal holding migas. Karena itu, Jobi meminta pembentukan Holding BUMN Migas juga melibatkan pihak dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM).

Keempat, transformasi pengelolaan sumber daya manusia sebagai aset strategis perusahaan. Sehubungan dengan hal itu, PGN mengusulkan kesetaraan pekerja dengan perlakuan dan kesetaraan yang sama terhadap pekerja dari holding group untuk memberikan kontribusi dan karya demi kemajuan perusahaan dan keberhasilan cita-cita pembentukan holding tersebut.

Menanggapi tentang beredarnya surat itu, Deputi Bidang Usaha Pertambangan, Industri Strategis dan Media Kementerian BUMN, Fajar Harry Sampumo menegaskan, surat yang diberikan oleh PGN per tanggal 29 November itu sudah dicabut. Dalam artian usulan tersebut telah ditolak oleh pemerintah.

"Suratnya sudah dicabut. Mengenai saham seri B, sudah diatur di Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 72/2016," terangnya.

Namun Sayangnya, Fajar belum mau memberi penjelesan detail sejauh mana pembahasan holding BUMN Migas ini. Yang jelas, terbentuknya holding ini masih sesuai dengan target yang diberikan oleh Menteri BUMN, Rini Soemarno yaitu Maret 2017.

"Kalau bisa lebih cepat di Kuartal I-2018," katanya. 

Ia menambahkan, yang belum berubah dalam pembahasan pemerintah adalah anak usaha. Pertamina yaitu PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) yang akan diakuisisi oleh PGN. Namun hingga kini Pertamina masih enggan melepaskan Pertagas kepada PGN.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Dec 30, 2017

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