The Government decided to no longer activate the membership of Indonesia in the Organization of Petroleum Exporter Countries (OPEC).
"There are several reasons, obviously the decision is still difreeze," said Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar in Jakarta, Tuesday (5/12) night.
Unfortunately, Arcandra is reluctant to disclose the government's consideration to remain inactive at OPEC. He also denied that the decision was taken because Indonesia would still not cut its oil and gas production, while OPEC members are required to restrain production. The answer has been formally submitted by the Indonesian side.
"We answered a month ago, that we remain in a condition to freeze," he said.
Previously, Indonesia decided to temporarily suspend OPEC membership during the OPEC 171th Session in Vienna, Austria, November 2016. At that time, the decision was taken because the trial decided to cut crude output by 1.2 million barrels per day (bpd) outside the condensate. The trial also asked Indonesia to cut about 5% of its production, or about 37 thousand bpd.
Then, in the middle of this year, Indonesia was asked to reactivate the membership submitted by the Minister of Energy of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. At that time, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ignasius Jonan, proposed the requirement for reactivation, ie no cuts in oil and gas production for Indonesia.
It said Arcandra's decision not to return actively at OPEC would not disrupt the procurement of crude oil through imports. Because the import of crude oil must be from OPEC member countries. Determination of import sources should be calculated on the basis of its economy.
"Oil import decisions from the commercial side, not necessarily from OPEC. As long as the price is economical and best, we can import from anywhere, "explained Arcandra.
Indonesia Bekukan Keanggotaan di OPEC
Pemerintah memutuskan untuk tidak lagi mengaktivasi keanggotaan Indonesia di Organisasi Negara-Negara Pengekspor Minyak (Organization of Petroleum Exporter Countries/ OPEC).
“Ada beberapa alasan, yang jelas keputusannya tetap difreeze,” kata Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM)
Arcandra Tahar di Jakarta, Selasa (5/12) malam.
Sayangnya, Arcandra enggan mengungkapkan pertimbangan pemerintah untuk tetap tidak aktif di OPEC tersebut. Dia juga menampik bahwa keputusan itu diambil karena Indonesia tetap tidak akan memangkas produksi migasnya, sementara anggota OPEC diwajibkan menahan produksinya. Jawaban tersebut telah disampaikan secara resmi oleh pihak Indonesia.
“Kami jawab sebulan lalu, bahwa kita tetap dalam kondisi untuk freeze,” ujarnya.
Sebelumnya, Indonesia memutuskan untuk membekukan sementara keanggotaan OPEC saat dalam Sidang ke- 171 OPEC di Wina, Austria, November 2016. Waktu itu, keputusan tersebut diambil karena sidang memutuskan untuk memotong produksi minyak mentah sebesar 1,2 juta barel per hari (bph), di luar kondensat. Sidang juga meminta Indonesia untuk memotong sekitar 5% dari produksinya, atau sekitar 37 ribu bph.
Kemudian, pada pertengahan tahun ini, Indonesia diminta melakukan reaktivasi keanggotaan yang disampaikan oleh Menteri Energi Arab Saudi dan Persatuan Emirat Arab. Saat itu Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengajukan syarat untuk reaktivasi, yakni tidak ada pemotongan produksi migas bagi Indonesia.
Dikatakan Arcandra keputusan untuk tidak kembali aktif di OPEC tidak akan menganggu pengadaan minyak mentah melalui impor. Pasalnya, impor minyak mentah harus dari negara-negara anggota OPEC. Penentuan sumber impor harus dihitung berdasarkan keekonomiannya.
“Impor minyak keputusannya dilihat dari sisi komersial, not necessary harus dari OPEC. Selama harga ekonomis dan terbaik, kita bisa impor dari mana saja,” jelas Arcandra.
Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Dec 7, 2017
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