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Friday, December 8, 2017

IPA: National Oil and Gas Industry Is Still Quite Challenging

Indonesian Petroleum Associaton (IPA) states, the condition of the oil and gas industry in Indonesia throughout 2017 is still quite challenging. Especially with the movement of oil prices began to slightly increase although still relatively low than the last three years. Until the end of 2017, IPA projected oil price movement will not be much experiencing changes. So do not be surprised if oil and gas operations and investment activities continue to change.

"On a global scale, oil and gas companies are also continuing to make changes to their operational activities and investment plans," IPA 2017 President Christina Verchere said at the IPA Annual General Meeting on Wednesday (6/12).

The impact has been seen from exploration activities in Indonesia which can be said to have decreased drastically with the lack of enthusiasts participating in the auction of work areas offered by the government.

"But we have to wait for the results of the work area auction that has been extended until December 31, 2017," said Christina.

IPA also highlights the implementation of the National Energy General Plan Based on the National Energy General Plan document, there are at least two activities to be done to meet future energy needs, namely exploration and enhanced oil recovery (EOR). 

IPA also hopes the Government of Indonesia can make regulations that are able to attract upstream oil and gas investment into the country.


IPA: Industri Migas Nasional Masih Cukup Menantang

Indonesian Petroleum Associaton (IPA) menyebutkan, kondisi industri minyak dan gas bumi (migas) di Indonesia sepanjang tahun 2017 masih cukup menantang. Apalagi dengan pergerakan harga minyak yang mulai sedikit meningkat meski terbilang masih rendah daripada tiga tahun terakhir. 

    Hingga akhir tahun 2017, IPA memproyeksikan pergerakan harga minyak tidak akan banyak mengalami perubahan. Maka tidak heran jika kegiatan operasional dan investasi migas terus berubah. 

"Dalam skala global, perusahaan-perusahaan migas juga terus melakukan perubahan pada kegiatan operasional mereka dan rencana investasi," kata Presiden IPA 2017 Christina Verchere, dalam Rapat Umum Tahunan IPA, Rabu (6/12). 

Dampaknya sudah terlihat dari kegiatan eksplorasi di Indonesia yang dapat dikatakan mengalami penurunan secara drastis dengan minimnya peminat yang berpartisipasi pada lelang wilayah kerja yang ditawarkan pemerintah. 

“Namun kami harus menunggu hasil lelang wilayah kerja yang sudah diperpanjang hingga 31 Desember 2017," ujar Christina.

IPA juga menyoroti implementasi Rencana Umum Energi Nasional Berdasarkan dokumen Rencana Umum Energi Nasional, setidaknya ada dua kegiatan yang harus dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi di masa mendatang, yaitu eksplorasi dan enhanced oil recovery (EOR). 

     IPA pun berharap Pemerintah Indonesia dapat membuat peraturan yang mampu menarik investasi hulu migas masuk ke dalam negeri.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Dec 7, 2017

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