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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Kedung Keris Production Facility Begins 2018

PT Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) targets the construction of the Kedung Keris field production facility in Cepu Block to start in 2018. Kedung Keris field is targeted to start operating in 2019.

Vice President of Public and Government Affairs of ExxonMobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto said that his side has realized the drilling activities of one well. According to him, physical construction including the installation of oil and gas well pipe installation will begin next year. Kedung Keris field development is projected to require US $ 100 million.

"We are constructing Kedung Keris Field next year," he said, Tuesday (12/12).

Kedung Keris Square is about 16 km from Banyu Urip-Bojonegoro Square-East Java. ExxonMobil will process oil from Kedung Keris at Banyu Urip gas processing facility. The oil from Kedung Keris will be channeled through a 16 km pipeline to Banyu Urip Field.

He hopes that oil and gas production from Kedung Keris can add oil and gas ready for sale or lifting from Banyu Urip field which is also a part of Cepu Block. Currently, Banyu Urip Field produces about 208,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd). Oil production from Banyu Urip is projected to increase by 10,000 bpd by 2019.

"Additional potential oil production from Banyu Urip is 10,000 barrels per day. We hope that Banyu Urip will increase, "he said.

However, it will not realize Banyu Urip oil production up to 300,000 bpd. From the permit side of environmental impact analysis (amdal) obtained, maximum production of Banyu Urip is only 220.000 bph.

In terms of investment, it needs to add new larger investment because they have to build additional facilities. Oil reserves at Banyu Urip Field rose to 709 million barrels from initial data of 450 million barrels.

Meanwhile, an increase in oil production from 185,000 bpd to 220,000 bpd, ExxonMobil does not need to increase investment, but only raises operating costs.

"It should be added facilities of all sorts. Greater investment, "he said.


Fasilitas Produksi Kedung Keris Dimulai 2018

PT Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) menargetkan konstruksi fasilitas produksi Lapangan Kedung Keris, Blok Cepu bisa dimulai pada 2018. Lapangan Kedung Keris ditargetkan mulai beroperasi pada 2019.

Vice President Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto mengatakan bahwa pihaknya telah merealisasikan kegiatan pengeboran satu sumur. Menurutnya, konstruksi fisik termasuk pemasangan pipa tapak sumur minyak dan gas bumi akan dimulai pada tahun depan. Pengembangan Lapangan Kedung Keris diproyeksikan butuh dana US$ 100 juta. 

“Kita konstruksi Lapangan Kedung Keris tahun depan," ujarnya, Selasa (12/12).

Lapangan Kedung Keris berjarak sekitar 16 km dari Lapangan Banyu Urip-Bojonegoro-Jawa Timur. ExxonMobil akan mengolah minyak dari Kedung Keris di fasilitas pemrosesan gas Banyu Urip. Minyak dari Kedung Keris akan dialirkan melalui pipa sepanjang 16 km menuju Lapangan Banyu Urip.

Dia berharap agar produksi migas dari Kedung Keris bisa menambah migas siap jual atau lifting dari lapangan Banyu Urip yang juga menjadi bagian dari Blok Cepu. Saat ini, Lapangan Banyu Urip memproduksi minyak sekitar 208.000 barel per hari (bph). Produksi minyak dari Banyu Urip diproyeksikan bertambah 10.000 bph pada 2019.

“Potensi tambahan produksi minyak dari Banyu Urip 10.000 barel per hari. Kami berharap agar Banyu Urip nanti bertambah,” katanya.

Namun, pihaknya belum akan merealisasikan produksi minyak Banyu Urip hingga 300.000 bph. Dari sisi izin analisis dampak lingkungan (amdal) yang didapatkan, produksi maksimal Banyu Urip hanya 220.000 bph.

Dari sisi investasi, pihaknya perlu menambah investasi baru yang lebih besar karena harus membangun fasilitas tambahan. Cadangan minyak di Lapangan Banyu Urip naik menjadi 709 juta barel dari data awal 450 juta barel.

Sementara itu, peningkatan produksi minyak dari 185.000 bph menjadi 220.000 bph, ExxonMobil tidak perlu menambah investasi, tetapi hanya menaikkan biaya operasi.

“Itu harus ditambah fasilitas segala macam. Investasi yang lebih besar lagi,” katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, Dec 13, 2017

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