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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Oil and Gas Holding Formation Becomes Polemic

The House of Representatives still questioned the legal basis for the establishment of oil and gas holding

Holding State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) continues to proceed, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) through letter No. S-682 / MBU / 11/2017 as of November 28, 2017 and then requested PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) to immediately conduct the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Regular (EGMS).

Rini Soemarno's request to PGN was intended as a government plan in the formation of holding state-owned oil and gas (SOE). Rini writes, in connection with the plan to establish the holding of BUMN Migas and also consider to have been submitted to the President of the Government Regulation (RPP) Regulation on the Addition of State Equity Participation of the Republic of Indonesia into the Company's Shares Capital of PT Pertamina.

Therefore, the government requested that the Board of Directors of PGN immediately prepare and implement the General Meeting of Shareholders of Luara Ordinary (RUPSLB), PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk, with the agenda of the amendment of the articles of association.

Head of Task Force Oil and Gas Holding Ministry of SOEs Wianda Pusponegoro said, when the final holding will be strived maximal can run in the not too long.

"The point is that Pertamina as a holding will lead the oil and gas holding," he said

Deputy Minister of Mining Business, Strategic Industries and Media Ministry of SOEs Fajar Harry Sampurno said, EGMS PGN will be scheduled as soon as possible.

"Indeed after the holding of state-owned mines, the next is the holding of oil and gas," he said

Previously, this oil and gas holding scheme will be done by PT PGN acquired Pertagas. Unfortunately, Elia Massa Manik Pertamina President Director is reluctant to comment any questions about the formation of oil and gas holding.

Meanwhile, from internal PGN who did not want to be named said, as a state-owned natural gas, issuers coded PGAS on the Indonesia Stock Exchange respects shareholder decisions. Currently PGN is still awaiting direction and continue to coordinate with the Ministry of SOEs related to PGN plans in the future. Including oil and gas holding plan.

As a public company, PGN also needs to respond to this matter carefully, so that other stakeholders will get full and comprehensive information.

"We will convey information updates to media friends in the following opportunity," said a source from PGN, Monday (4/11).

There is PGN resistance

Meanwhile, Member of Commission VI of the House of Representatives (DPR) Nasas Nasrullah Zubir said the oil and gas holding is based on Government Regulation 72/2016 which is the domain of government. Himself is not unanimous, but one of the points is to be criticized. That is golden share that gives full authority, but there is no legal protection.

"So there should be an explanation, the extent of the authority," he said.

Fahmi Radhi Energy Observer Gadjah Mada University explained, the process of forming oil and gas holding is similar to mining holding which is a necessity. The reason, in addition to raising leverage and competitive anvantage also to integrate similar businesses, which so far is competing with each other between PGN and Pertagas.

Only, the process should not be shortcuts. Again, said Fahmi, SOE Minister Rini Soemarno wants to establish oil and gas holding with shortcuts, by making PGN as a subsidiary of Pertamina in lnbreng.

"Properly, the holding process begins with the integration of similar oil and gas companies, the merger between PGN and Pertagas," he said.

Then formed a new company as a holding, which is 100% controlled shares of the state, which oversees subsidiaries, including Pertamina and PGN.

"Pertamina does not control PGN, like Rini concept," he said.

He considered, if this is forced, there will be resistance from PGN already go public, to the formation of oil and gas holding.

"It is a blunder for the formation of oil and gas holding," he added.


Pembentukan Holding Migas Menjadi Polemik

DPR masih mempertanyakan soal dasar hukum pembentukan holding migas

Induk (holding) BUMN terus berproses, Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) melalui surat bernomor S-682/MBU/11/2017 per tanggal 28 November 2017 lalu meminta PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) agar segera melaksanakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB).

Permintaan Rini Soemarno kepada PGN itu ditujukan sebagai rencana pemerintah dalam pembentukan holding BUMN Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BUMN). Rini menulis, sehubungan dengan rencana pembentukan holding BUMN Migas serta dengan mempertimbangkan telah disampaikan kepada Presiden Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah (RPP) tentang Penambahan Penyertaan Modal Negara Republik Indonesia ke dalam Modal Saham Perusahaan Perseroan PT Pertamina.

Dengan itu, pemerintah meminta agar Direksi PGN segera mempersiapkan dan melaksanakan Rapat Umum Pemegang saham Luara Biasa (RUPSLB), PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk, dengan agenda perubahan anggaran dasar.

Kepala Gugus Tugas Holding Migas Kementerian BUMN Wianda Pusponegoro mengatakan, sewaktu final holding akan diupayakan maksimal dapat berjalan dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama. 

"lntinya Pertamina sebagai holding akan memimpin holding migas," ujarnya

Deputi Bidang Usaha Pertambangan, Industri Strategis dan Media Kementerian BUMN Fajar Harry Sampurno mengatakan, RUPSLB PGN akan diagendakan secepatnya. 

"Memang setelah terbentuk holding BUMN tambang, selanjutnya adalah holding migas," ujar dia 

Sebelumnya, skema holding migas ini akan dilakukan dengan cara PT PGN mengakuisisi Pertagas. Sayangnya, Elia Massa Manik Direktur Utama Pertamina enggan berkomentar apapun soal pertanyaan tentang pembentukan holding migas tersebut.

Sementara itu, dari internal PGN yang tidak ingin disebutkan namanya mengatakan, sebagai BUMN gas bumi, emiten berkode PGAS di Bursa Efek Indonesia tersebut menghormati keputusan pemegang saham. Saat ini PGN masih menunggu arahan dan terus berkoordinasi dengan pihak Kementerian BUMN terkait rencana PGN ke depan. Termasuk rencana pembentukan holding migas.

Sebagai perusahaan publik, PGN juga perlu merespons hal ini dengan hati-hati, sehingga stakeholder lain akan mendapatkan informasi secara utuh dan menyeluruh. 

"Kami akan sampaikan update informasinya kepada teman-teman media dalam kesempatan berikut," kata sumber dari PGN itu, Senin (4/11).

Ada resistensi PGN 

Sementara itu, Anggota Komisi VI Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) lnas Nasrullah Zubir mengatakan, holding migas tersebut berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah 72/2016 yang merupakan domain pemerintah. Dirinya bukan tidak sepakat, tetapi salah satu poin adalah yang harus dikritisi. Yaitu golden share yang memberikan full otoritas, tetapi tidak ada perlindungan hukum. 

“Jadi harus ada penjelasan, sejauh mana otoritas tersebut," kata dia.

Fahmi Radhi Pengamat Energi Universitas Gadjah Mada menjelaskan, proses pembentukan holding migas mirip dengan holding tambang yang merupakan keniscayaan. Alasannya, selain untuk menaikkan leverage and competitive anvantage juga untuk mengintegrasikan usaha sejenis, yang selama ini justru saling bersaing antara PGN dan Pertagas.

Hanya saja, proses tidak boleh jalan pintas. Lagi-lagi kata Fahmi, Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno ingin membentuk holding migas dengan jalan pintas, dengan menjadikan PGN sebagai anak perusahaan Pertamina secara lnbreng.

"Mestinya, proses holding diawali dengan integrasi perusahaan migas sejenis, merger antara PGN dengan Pertagas," ungkap dia.

Lalu dibentuk perusahaan baru sebagai holding, yang 100% saham dikuasai negara, yang membawahi anak perusahaan, termasuk Pertamina dan PGN. 

"Bukan Pertamina menguasai PGN, seperti konsep Rini," ungkapnya.

Dia menilai, jika hal ini dipaksa, akan ada resistensi dari PGN yang sudah go public, terhadap pembentukan holding migas. 

"Justru menjadi blunder bagi pembentukan holding migas," imbuh dia. 

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Dec 5, 2017

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