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Friday, December 15, 2017

Oil and Gas Production This Year Approximately 99% of Target

The Upstream Oil and Gas Upstream Business Unit (SKK Migas) said that until the end of the year, oil and gas lifting could reach 99 percent of this year's Revised State Budget target of 1.97 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd). If detailed, the APBN-P 2017 target of oil reaches 815,000 barrels per day (bpd) and gas is 6,440 mmscfd.

Head of Program and Communication Division SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher stated, although not reaching 100% of the target, the achievement was good. Because, during this year there was some development in the field of oil and gas is not optimal and there is a decrease in natural production is greater than the estimates SKK Migas.

"In some fields, the natural decline is estimated to be between 10% and 15%, even 20% -25%," he said.

In addition, Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi some time ago also said, factors that make lifting does not reach 100% for example because gas in Block Simenggaris no buyer. Then, there is the incident of platform rigs in the West Offshore Madura Block (WMO) belonging to PT Pertamina Hulu Energi WMO tilted, resulting in disturbance of production facilities (unplanned shutdown).

Moreover, the old oil and gas pipes, so that production is restrained.

"This year a lot of unplanned shutdown, especially if Field Banyu Urip dead a day, can go down," said Amien.

Then the oil and gas reserves are also not expected to reach the target because the Kasuri Kasuri plan of development (PoD) has not been completed yet. Kasuri Block is predicted to produce gas 285 mmscfd.

"If the Cassowary Block operates, the target can pass," he said.

While the investment projection until the end of the year is only US $ 10.5 billion-US $ 11 billion. In a note to SKK Migas at the end of November 2017 upstream oil and gas investments that enter only US $ 8 billion-US $ 9 billion of the target of US $ 12 billion this year.

Although not able to invest in this year. SKK Migas believes next year oil and gas investment will be bigger, reaching US $ 12 billion. This is because oil prices are starting to rise.

"KKKS activities can increase in 2018, of course also for exploration," said Vishnu.

Next year, it is predicted that the investment portion of exploration activities can reach 10-15 percent of the total investment in 2018. Meanwhile, next year's oil and gas production target is projected to reach 2 million boepd. The achievement of production can be achieved with new projects and maximum production achievement in a number of production blocks by 2017.

"There are four peak production phase projects and five new PODs in 2018," he added.

Wisnu said several projects to be started next year include Block A which is projected to produce 70 mmscfd of gas. There is also a Cricket Project which will reach the peak of production next year. The current gas production from the Cricket Project has reached 600 mmscfd.

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said upstream production is achieved, until the end of November 2017 already 693,000 boepd with oil and gas each contributing 50%.

"The greatest contribution from Pertamina EP Cepu is 80,000 bpd," said Syamsu, and the second contribution came from PT Pertamina EP and PHE.

Although some targets are not reached, SKK Migas can still smile broadly because the state revenue exceeds the target.

"Outlook is about US $ 13 billion from US $ 12.2 billion this year," said Vishnu.

Amien said oil and gas revenues are encouraged because the price of Indonesian crude oil or Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) continues to increase.

"So it is not the achievement of SKK Migas, he said.

The Ministry of Finance is also relieved by the trend in the oil and gas industry.

"If the state revenue passes the target the Finance Minister is happy," he said.


Produksi Migas Tahun Ini Sekitar 99% dari Target 

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menyatakan hingga akhir tahun lifting migas bisa mencapai 99% dari target APBN-P tahun ini sebesar 1,97 juta barrels oil equivalent per day (boepd). Jika didetailkan, target APBN-P 2017 minyak mencapai 815.000 barel per hari (bph) dan gas 6.440 mmscfd.

Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher menyatakan, meskipun tidak mencapai 100% dari target, pencapaian itu sudah bagus. Sebab, sepanjang tahun ini terjadi beberapa pengembangan di lapangan migas yang tidak optimal dan ada penurunan produksi secara alamiah yang lebih besar dari perkiraan SKK Migas. 

"Di beberapa lapangan, penurunan alamiah diperkirakan 10%-15% ini malah 20%-25%. ltu wajar sebetulnya karena kita dominan lapangan tua," ungkapnya, Kamis (14/12).

Selain itu, Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi beberapa waktu lalu juga bilang, faktor yang membuat lifting tidak mencapai 100% misalnya karena gas di Blok Simenggaris belum ada pembeli. Lalu, ada kejadian platform rigs di Blok West Offshore Madura (WMO) milik PT Pertamina Hulu Energi WMO miring, sehingga terjadi gangguan fasilitas produksi (unplanned shutdown).

Apalagi pipa-pipa migas yang sudah tua, sehingga produksi tertahan. 

"Tahun ini banyak yang unplanned shutdown, apalagi kalau Lapangan Banyu Urip mati sehari saja, bisa turun," ungkap Amien.

Kemudian cadangan migas juga diperkirakan tidak mencapai target karena plan of development (PoD) Blok Kasuri belum selesai. Blok Kasuri diprediksi dapat memproduksi gas 285 mmscfd. 

"Kalau Blok Kasuari beroperasi, target bisa melewati," ujarnya.

Sementara proyeksi investasi hingga akhir tahun hanya US$ 10,5 miliar-US$ 11 miliar. Dalam catatan SKK Migas pada akhir November 2017 investasi hulu migas yang masuk hanya US$ 8 miliar-US$ 9 miliar dari target US$ 12 miliar tahun ini.

Meski tidak bisa mengenjot investasi pada tahun ini. SKK Migas yakin tahun depan investasi migas akan lebih besar, yakni mencapai US$ 12 miliar. Ini karena harga minyak mulai naik. 

"Kegiatan KKKS bisa meningkat di tahun 2018, tentu saja juga untuk eksplorasi," ujar Wisnu.

Tahun depan diprediksi bagian investasi kegiatan eksplorasi bisa mencapai 10%-15% dari total seluruh investasi tahun 2018. Sementara, target produksi migas tahun depan diproyeksikan bisa mencapai 2 juta boepd. Pencapaian produksi itu bisa dicapai dengan proyek baru dan pencapaian produksi maksimal di sejumlah blok berproduksi pada tahun 2017.

"Ada empat proyek fase puncak produksi dan lima POD baru di 2018," imbuhnya.

Wisnu menyatakan, beberapa proyek yang akan dimulai tahun depan di antaranya adalah Blok A yang diproyeksi bisa menghasilkan gas sebesar 70 mmscfd. Ada juga Proyek Jangkrik yang tahun depan akan mencapai puncak produksi. Saat ini produksi gas dari Proyek Jangkrik sudah mencapai 600 mmscfd.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, produksi hulu tercapai, sampai akhir November 2017 sudah 693.000 boepd dengan minyak dan gas masing-masing memberikan kontribusi 50%. 

“Paling besar kontribusi dari Pertamina EP Cepu sebesar 80.000 bph," kata Syamsu. Lalu kontribusi kedua datang dari PT Pertamina EP dan PHE. 

Meski beberapa target tak tercapai, SKK Migas masih bisa tersenyum lebar karena pendapatan negara melebihi target. 

"Outlook sekitar US$ 13 miliar dari US$ 12,2 miliar tahun ini," ujar Wisnu.

Amien mengatakan, pendapatan migas terdorong karena harga minyak mentah Indonesia atau Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) terus meningkat.

"Jadi bukan prestasi SKK Migas, kata dia.

Kementerian Keuangan juga lega dengan tren di industri migas ini. 

“Jika penerimaan negara melewati target Menteri Keuangan senang," katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Dec 15, 2017

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