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Friday, December 8, 2017

Opportunities Total E & P-Inpek Gets 39% Shares of Mahakam Block

ESDM Ministry approves Pertamina's application to release 39% of Mahakam block shares

Mail replies between businessmen and government are normal. But perhaps, the letter on the table of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) the most mounting. One is about the Mahakam Block. Currently, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is making a reply to PT Pertamina.

The government's reply letter contains the blessing on Pertamina's request for permission to release Mahakam Block shares up to a maximum of 39%. The release of the letter later, as well as revise the previous letter in the form of 30% Participating Interest (PI) participation rights for Total E & P Indonesie and Inpex Corporation that came out in the ESDM Minister Sudirman Said's era. The change of direction of the wind was not long ago.

"Yes revision, Pertamina who filed, the government made the letter up to 39%, it was last night," explained Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar When met at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jakarta, Thursday (7/12).

Although Total E & P and Inpex have the opportunity to re-take part in the management of the Mahakam, the government ensures control remains in Pertamina. The government-owned company acts as an operator.

However, none of Pertamina's management contacted confirmed the news of the application for permission to divest the 39% Mahakam Block to the Ministry of ESDM. The day before this news, Pertamina insisted never sent the letter to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. (KONTAN, December 7, 2017)

Pertamina's response came out of Pertamina's Investment and Risk Management Director, Gigih Prakoso. Instead of providing certainty, he explains if the asset valuation valuation of the Mahakam Block is over. The next step, Pertamina, Total E & P and Inpex just match the value of the valuation.

"Next week we'll meet again to match the numbers," said Gigih

Be a precedent

Harry Poernomo, Member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia considers, re-entry of Total E & P and Inpex need not cause any worries. Therefore, the acquisition is a waiar action in the oil and gas industry. In fact, in that condition. Pertamina benefits because it can share the risk. The strategy to share those risks has been underway in the management of the previous Mahakam Block.

Total E & P releases 50% of Mahakam shares to Inpex. Meanwhile, Gajah Mada University Economic and Energy Observer Fahmy Radhi is of the opinion that business to business (B2B) Pertamina must maintain maximum 30% share disbursement to Total E & P and Inpex and must serve as operator.

Mahakam Block disbursement permit application up to 39% precisely signifies Pertamina not confident. If so, the actions of Pertamina are not the same as the realtor of the Mahakam block sale. Pertamina's action could be a precedent. Initially Sudirman Said gave 100% PI rights to Pertamina and now 39% of them are for Total E & P.

"If fulfilled, with the same mode Total ask again to 51%," he said.


Peluang Total E&P-Inpek Mendapatkan 39% Saham Blok Mahakam

Kementerian ESDM merestui permohonan Pertamina melepas 39% saham Blok Mahakam

Balas-balasan surat antara pengusaha dan pemerintah adalah hal yang wajar. Namun boleh jadi, surat di meja Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) yang paling menggunung. Salah satunya tentang Blok Mahakam. Saat ini, Sekretaris Jendral Kementerian ESDM tengah membuat surat balasan kepada PT Pertamina.

Surat balasan pemerintah berisi restu atas permohonan Pertamina yang meminta izin melepas saham Blok Mahakam hingga maksimal 39%. Keluarnya surat itu nanti, sekaligus merevisi surat terdahulu berupa restu hak partisipasi alias participating interest (PI) 30% untuk Total E&P Indonesie dan Inpex Corporation yang keluar di era Menteri ESDM Sudirman Said. Perubahan arah angin itu belum lama terjadi. 

"Ya revisi, Pertamina yang mengajukan, pemerintah membuat suratnya up to 39%, itu tadi malam," jelas Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar Saat ditemui di Kementerian ESDM, Jakarta, Kamis (7/12).

Meskipun Total E&P dan Inpex berpeluang kembali mengambil bagian dalam pengelolaan Mahakam, pemerintah memastikan kendali tetap ada di Pertamina. Perusahaan milik pemerintah itu bertindak sebagai operator.

Hanya saja, tidak satupun manajemen Pertamina yang dihubungi mengonfirmasi kabar pengajuan surat permohonan izin divestasi 39% Blok Mahakam ke Kementerian ESDM. Sehari sebelum pemberitaan ini, Pertamina menegaskan tidak pernah mengirimkan surat bermuatan itu kepada Kementerian ESDM. (KONTAN, 7 Desember 2017)

Respons Pertamina keluar dari dari Direktur Perencanaan Investasi dan Manajemen Resiko Pertamina, Gigih Prakoso. Alih-alih memberikan kepastian, dia menjelaskan jika penghitungan valuasi aset Blok Mahakam sudah selesai. Langkah selanjutnya, Pertamina, Total E&P dan Inpex hanya mencocokkan nilai valuasi tersebut.

"Pekan depan kami akan ketemu lagi untuk mencocokan angka," kata Gigih

Menjadi preseden

Harry Poernomo, Anggota Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Republik Indonesia menilai, masuknya kembali Total E&P dan Inpex tidak perlu mendatangkan kekhawatiran. Sebab, akuisisi adalah aksi waiar dalam industri migas. Malah, dalam kondisi tersebut. Pertamina diuntungkan karena bisa membagi risiko. Strategi membagi risiko tersebut sudah berjalan dalam pengelolaan Blok Mahakam sebelumnya. 

Total E&P melepas 50% saham Mahakam ke Inpex. Sementara Pengamat Ekonomi dan Energi Universitas Gajah Mada Fahmy Radhi berpendapat, secara business to business (B2B) Pertamina harus mempertahankan pelepasan saham maksimal 30% ke Total E&P dan Inpex dan harus berperan sebagai operator. 

Permohonan izin pelepasan saham Blok Mahakam hingga 39% justru menandakan Pertamina tidak percaya diri. Kalau benar begitu, tindakan Pertamina tidak ubahnya sebagai makelar penjualan saham Blok Mahakam. Aksi Pertamina bisa menjadi preseden. Awalnya Sudirman Said memberikan 100% hak PI ke Pertamina dan kini 39% di antaranya untuk Total E&P. 

"Kalau dipenuhi, dengan modus sama Total minta lagi menjadi 51%," katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Dec 8, 2017

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