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Saturday, December 2, 2017

Pertamina Search Oil and Gas Block in Russia

PT Pertamina is still looking for oil and gas blocks in Russia to be acquired, although previously the company canceled to take over two blocks on offer, namely The Northern Tip of Chayvo Field and Russkoye Field.

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said it was still looking for cooperation opportunities in the upstream oil and gas sector with Rosneft Oil Company, after the agreement on building the refinery was reached. The company's business development team continues to communicate with the Rosneft team. "But, until now there has been no [oil and gas blocks] that have been specifically [targeted]," he said on Thursday (30/11).

Along with the agreement to build a fuel oil refinery together, Rosneft has actually offered two oil and gas blocks to Pertamina, namely The Northern Tip of Chayvo Field and Russkoye Field. In the preliminary agreement, at The Northtern Tip of Chayvo Field, Pertamina can take up to 20% stake, while at Russkoye Square up 37.5%.

However, the acquisition of shares in these two fields was officially canceled. Because, to take the oil and gas blocks in Russia, Pertamina must pay taxes to the country. The amount of this tax is large enough that the acquisition of two oil and gas blocks in Russia is no longer enter the economy. On the other hand, there are other companies that compete with Pertamina to bid on two Rosneft oil and gas blocks.
Until now, he admitted there is no solution to the tax problem. However, it continues to seek a way out for the acquisition of upstream assets in Russia can be realized.

"We are trying to find a solution," said Alam.

Previously, Pertamina said it would rely on oil and gas production from its overseas assets in the future, with a contribution target of 33 percent of the total production of 2025 or equivalent to 650 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day / boepd. Acquisitions abroad are needed to minimize the difference in domestic demand and supply of oil and gas in the future.

In addition to Russia, Pertamina is also eyeing a block of oil and gas in Iran, the Mansouri Block. Talks with the Iranians have now come to the discussion of terms and conditions in the management of the migration bloc The negotiations on the acquisition of the Mansouri Block can be continued after the Iranian Government releases a new oil and gas contract form, the Iranian Petroleum Contract. If all parties have agreed, then this Mansouri Block contract can be signed.

"Hopefully can [close / finished] this year," said Alam.

In the next year, it will continue the process of adding oil and gas blocks in these two countries. Iran has even offered another block to Pertamina. Not only that, the company is also studying the prospects of other oil and gas abroad, namely in Africa and the Middle East. Africa is the choice one of them based on the political conditions in the continent.

However, it has not confirmed whether there will be a new oil and gas block that will be acquired next year, "We want try Africa and the Middle East, "he said.

Currently, Pertamina already has oil and gas blocks in several countries. In Iraq, the company owns shares in West Qurna Field 1. In Algeria, the state-owned oil and gas company owns 65% of MLN and 16.9% shares in EMK Square in Malaysia, the company holds ownership in Block K, Kikeh Block, Block SNR Block SK309 and Block SK311.

Most recently, Pertamina controls 72.65% shares of French oil and gas company, Maurel & Prom. Maurel & Prom has oil and gas assets scattered in Gabon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Namibia, Colombia, Canada, Myanmar, Italy, and other countries. However, the main assets that have been produced are in Gabon, Nigeria and Tanzania.

For oil production, Alam had mentioned, is targeted to reach 822 thousand bpd in 2025, which is 35 thousand bpd from domestic and 469 thousand bpd from abroad. As for gas, it is targeted to increase to 5.71 billion cubic feet per day, ie 4.23 billion cubic feet of domestic and 1.48 billion cubic feet of foreign assets. In the same year, oil demand reached 1.7 million bpd and gas 9.1 billion cubic feet per day.

Without acquisitions abroad, the gap between oil and gas supply and demand could be greater.


Pertamina Cari Blok Migas di Rusia

PT Pertamina masih mencari blok minyak dan gas di Rusia untuk diakuisisi, meski sebelumnya perseroan batal mengambil alih dua blok yang ditawarkan, yakni Lapangan The Northern Tip of Chayvo dan Lapangan Russkoye.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, pihaknya masih terus mencari peluang kerja sama untuk di sektor hulu migas dengan Rosneft Oil Company, setelah kesepakatan membangun kilang tercapai. Tim pengembangan bisnis perseroan terus berkomunikasi dengan tim Rosneft. “Tetapi, memang sampai saat ini belum ada [blok migas] yang sudah spesifik [diincar],” kata dia Kamis (30/11).

Bersamaan dengan kesepakatan membangun kilang bahan bakar minyak (BBM) bersama-sama, Rosneft sebenarnya telah menawarkan dua blok migasnya kepada Pertamina, yakni yakni Lapangan The Northern Tip of Chayvo dan Lapangan Russkoye. Dalam kesepakatan awal, di Lapangan The Northtern Tip of Chayvo, Pertamina bisa mengambil saham sampai 20%, sementara di Lapangan Russkoye sampai 37,5%.

Namun, akuisisi saham di dua lapangan ini resmi batal dilakukan. Pasalnya, untuk mengambil blok migas di Rusia ini, Pertamina harus membayar pajak ke negara. Besaran pajak ini cukup besar sehingga akuisisi dua blok migas di Rusia itu tidak lagi masuk keekonomiannya. Di sisi lain, ada perusahaan lain yang menjadi pesaing Pertamina dalam menawar dua blok migas milik Rosneft. 

Hingga sekarang, diakuinya belum ada solusi atas masalah pajak tersebut. Namun, pihaknya terus berupaya mencari jalan keluar agar akuisisi aset hulu di Rusia bisa terealisasi. 

“Kami sedang mencoba mencari solusinya,” tutur Alam.

Sebelumnya, Pertamina menyatakan akan mengandalkan produksi migas dari aset-asetnya di luar negeri di masa mendatang, dengan target kontribusi mencapai 33% dari total produksi 2025 atau setara dengan 650 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (barrel oil equivalent per day/boepd). Akuisisi di luar negeri diperlukan untuk memperkecil selisih kebutuhan dan pasokan migas domestik di masa mendatang.

Selain di Rusia, Pertamina juga sedang mengincar satu blok migas di Iran, yakni Blok Mansouri. Pembicaraan dengan pihak Iran kini sudah sampai pada pembahasan terms and condition dalam pengelolaan blok migasi Negosiasi akuisisi Blok Mansouri ini dapat dilanjutkan setelah Pemerintah Iran merilis bentuk kontrak migas baru, yakni Iranian Petroleum Contract. Jika seluruh pihak sudah sepakat, maka kontrak Blok Mansouri ini bisa ditandatangani.

“Semoga bisa [close/selesai] tahun ini,” tutur Alam.

Pada tahun depan, pihaknya akan melanjutkan proses penambahan blok migas di dua negara ini. Iran bahkan telah menawarkan satu blok lagi ke Pertamina. Tidak hanya itu, perseroan juga sedang mempelajari prospek migas lain di luar negeri, yakni di Afrika dan Timur Tengah. Afrika menjadi pilihan salah satunya berdasarkan kondisi politik di benua tersebut.

Tetapi, pihaknya belum memastikan apakah akan ada blok migas baru yang akan diakuisisi pada tahun depan, “Kami mau mencoba Afrika dan Middle East,” ujarnya.

Saat ini, Pertamina telah memiliki blok migas di beberapa negara. Di Irak, perseroan memiliki saham di Lapangan West Qurna 1. Di Aljazair, perusahaan migas milik negara ini menguasai 65% saham di Lapangan MLN dab 16,9% di Lapangan EMK mentara di Malaysia, perseroan memegang kepemilikan saham di Blok K, Blok Kikeh, Blok SNR Blok SK309 dan Blok SK311.

Yang terbaru, Pertamina menguasai 72,65% saham perusahaan migas Perancis, Maurel&Prom. Maurel&Prom memiliki aset migas yang tersebar di Gabon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Namibia, Kolombia, Kanada, Myanmar, Italia, dan negara lainnya. Namun, aset utamanya yang telah berproduksi yakni di Gabon, Nigeria, dan Tanzania.

Untuk produksi minyak, Alam sempat menyebutkan, ditargetkan mencapai 822 ribu bph pada 2025, yakni 35 ribu bph dari dalam negeri dan 469 ribu bph dari luar negeri. Sementara untuk gas, ditargetkan meningkat menjadi 5,71 miliar kaki kubik per hari, yaitu 4,23 miliar kaki kubik dari domestik dan 1,48 miliar kaki kubik dari aset luar negeri. Pada tahun yang sama, kebutuhan minyak mencapai.1,7 juta bph dan gas 9,1 miliar kaki kubik per hari. 

Tanpa akuisisi di luar negeri, selisih pasokan dan permintaan migas ini bisa lebih besar.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Dec 2, 2017

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