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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Petronas Targets 20 Thousand BOPD Oil

Petronas Carigali (PC) Ketapang II Ltd targets oil production up to 20 thousand barrels oil per day (BOPD). The target will be pursued by drilling two new wells in the Ketapang Block located on the north coast of Madura Island.

Senior Manager of Corporate Affairs and Administration (CAA) Petronas Carigali (PC) Ketapang II Ltd, Andiono Setiawan, said that to disburse gas production, Petronas built a 110km-long seabed pipe.

The pipe is withdrawn from the drilling site to the onshore facility at Manyar Industrial Estate (KIM), Gresik. This pipe has a maximum capacity of 70 million metric standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD).

"The resulting production is also fairly good which is about 16 to 17 thousand BOPD," he said.

It is said, currently it uses the platform Well Head Platform (WHP) and Floating production storage and offloading unit (FPSO) is a floating unit used to take oil and gas in the ocean as well as processing it into oil ready to sell.

"Performance of Petronas in Ketapang Block is also promising since May 2015 succeeded in channeling oil," he said.

Furthermore, Andiono explained, since the beginning of January to November 2017, the average oil production in the Ketapang Block reached 17 thousand Bph. This number exceeds the company's target of reaching 16,200 Bph.

"We are targeting to peak production of 20 bph for oil and gas 50 mmscfd by the end of December," he said.

Meanwhile, Corporate Communication Manager of Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd, Raesita Salim, said that the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKS), Petronas is also obedient to the rules of corporate social responsibility.

"We are partnering with Trunojoyo Madura University to identify the social map of the communities in the three districts where the Ketapang Block is located in Gresik, Bangkalan and Sampang districts," he said.


Petronas Targetkan Minyak 20 Ribu BOPD

Petronas Carigali (PC) Ketapang II Ltd mentargetkan produksi minyak hingga 20 ribu barrel oil per day (BOPD). Target itu akan dikejar melalui pengeboran dua sumur baru di Blok Ketapang yang berada di pantai utara Pulau Madura.

Senior Manager Corporate Affairs and Administration (CAA) Petronas Carigali (PC) Ketapang II Ltd, Andiono Setiawan, mengatakan, untuk mengalirkan produksi gas, Petronas membangun pipa dasar laut sepanjang 110 Km.

Pipa tersebut ditarik dari lokasi pengeboran menuju fasilitas onshore di di Kawasan Industri Manyar (KIM), Gresik. Pipa ini berkapasitas maksimum 70 million metric standar cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). 

”Produksi yang dihasilkan juga terbilang bagus yakni sekitar 16 sampai 17 ribu BOPD,” ujarnya.

Dikatakan, saat ini pihaknya menggunakan platform Well Head Platform (WHP) dan unit Floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) yaitu unit terapung yang digunakan untuk mengambil minyak dan gas di lautan sekaligus memprosesnya menjadi minyak siap jual. 

”Kinerja Petronas di Blok Ketapang juga menjanjikan sejak Mei 2015 berhasil mengalirkan minyak bumi,” katanya.

Lebih lanjut Andiono menjelaskan, sejak awal Januari hingga November 2017, rata-rata produksi minyak di Blok Ketapang mencapai 17 ribu Bph. Jumlah ini melebihi target perusahaan yang mencapai 16.200 Bph.

“Kami targetkan bisa mencapai puncak produksi 20 bph untuk minyak dan gas 50 mmscfd pada akhir Desember mendatang,” tandasnya.

Sementara itu, Manager Corporate Communication Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd, Raesita Salim, menuturkan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKS), Petronas juga taat dengan aturan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan.

”Kami menggandeng Universitas Trunojoyo Madura untuk mengidentifikasi peta sosial komunitas di tiga kabupaten yang menjadi tempat beroperasinya di Blok Ketapang yaitu kabupaten Gresik, Bangkalan dan Sampang,” katanya.

Radar Gresik, Page-4, Tuesday, Dec 5, 2017

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