The gas supply for Medan, North Sumatera is again dropped due to repair and maintenance of gas processing facilities of PT Perta Arun Gas. As a result, the supply of gas from the Offshore North Sumatera Block (NSO) of 60 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd) can not be discharged.
President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi affirmed that there is no interruption of operation in NSO Block which is the source of Medan gas supply. The disturbance occurred in gas processing unit owned by PT Perta Arun Gas so it can not process gas from NSO Block. In fact, the gas from the block it manages it contains carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide is high enough that it must be processed before the flow to the consumer.
Typically, the gross production of gas from this block is 120 mmscfd. With carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide content high enough, and the use of gas for itself is quite large, gas sold to consumers of 60 mmscfd. The gas supply can not be channeled to consumers because of the incident in Perta Arun Gas.
"Currently we are shutting in (not operating). We hope as soon as possible (repairs completed), said Mount in Jakarta, Sunday (10/12).
According to Media and Relations Manager PHE Ifki Sukarya, distribution of gas supply from NSO Block depends on the availability of facilities at Perta Arun Gas. The gas supply is still waiting for procurement of Instrument Analyzer instrument in the damaged Unit Reaction Furnace in January 2018 and delivery of Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU) chemicals from abroad.
In a joint meeting at the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Perta Arun Gas has been requested to speed up its equipment repair and supply of the chemical. In addition, as long as the equipment is not yet operational, Perta Arun Gas must still supply gas for PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) and municipal gas network from gas regasification of PT PLN.
"The gas will be replaced by gas from PHE through gas balance mechanism," said Ifky. Furthermore, if the constraints in Perta Arun Gas have been overcome, then the supply of gas to customers will be normal again.
PGN President Director Jobi Triananda confirmed the gas supply disruption in Medan. Although the cause is not caused by his side, PGN will still try to keep the gas supply to the community keep flowing. Because the gas supply is reduced drastically, then the economic activity in Medan could be disrupted.
"We're setting up the network to keep it down. If down gas supply, down all. Everyone wants to celebrate Christmas and New Year, "said Jobi.
One of them, it asks the consumers of large gas does not use excessive gas. This is for the supply of gas to uninterrupted household customers, primarily ahead of the 2017 and 2018 New Year's Celebrations.
"Thousands of household customers, if gas supplies die, can be excited. One industry is synonymous with several thousand households, "he explained.
In addition, PGN Corporate Secretary Rachmat Hutama added, it also utilizes gas stocks in existing pipelines. Then, his side has also delivered a letter to PT Pertamina Hulu Energi and PT Pertamina EP to increase its gas supply. PGN will make every effort to reduce the impact of reducing gas supply from the North Sumatra Offshore Block and North Sumatra Block B.
"So that the gas distribution of customers can still be optimized while still adjusting the security conditions of pipelines," he said
Gangguan Pemrosesan, Pasokan Gas Medan Turun
Pasokan gas untuk Wilayah Medan, Sumatera Utara kembali turun lantaran adanya perbaikan dan pemeliharaan fasilitas pemrosesan gas PT Perta Arun Gas. Akibatnya, pasokan gas dari Blok North Sumatera Offshore (NSO) sebesar 60 juta kaki kubik per hari (million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd) tidak dapat dialirkan.
Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina Hulu Energi menegaskan, tidak ada gangguan operasi di Blok NSO yang menjadi sumber pasokan gas Wilayah Medan. Gangguan justru terjadi pada unit pemrosesan gas milik PT Perta Arun Gas sehingga tidak dapat mengolah gas dari Blok NSO. Padahal, gas dari blok yang dikelolanya itu mengandung karbondioksida dan hidrogen sulfida yang cukup tinggi sehingga harus diproses sebelum dialirkan ke konsumen.
Biasanya, produksi kotor gas dari blok ini sebesar 120 mmscfd. Dengan kandungan karbondioksida dan hidrogen sulfida cukup tinggi, serta penggunaan gas untuk sendiri cukup besar, gas yang dijual ke konsumen sebesar 60 mmscfd. Pasokan gas tersebut tidak dapat dialirkan ke konsumen lantaran kejadian di Perta Arun Gas.
“Saat ini kita sedang shut in (tidak operasi). Kami berharap sesegera mungkin (perbaikan selesai), tutur Gunung di Jakarta, Minggu (10/ 12).
Menurut Media and Relations Manager PHE Ifki Sukarya, distribusi pasokan gas dari Blok NSO tergantung kesiapan fasilitas di Perta Arun Gas. Pasokan gas masih menunggu pengadaan alat Instrument Analyzer di Unit Reaction Furnace yang rusak pada Januari 2018 dan pengiriman bahan kimia Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU) dari luar negeri.
Dalam rapat bersama di Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Perta Arun Gas sudah diminta mempercepat perbaikan peralatannya dan penyediaan bahan kimia tersebut. Selain itu, selama alat belum beroperasi, Perta Arun Gas tetap harus memasok gas untuk PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) dan jaringan gas kota dari hasil regasifikasi gas PT PLN.
“Gas tersebut nanti akan diganti oleh gas dari PHE melalui mekanisme gas balance,” ujar Ifky. Selanjutnya, jika kendala di Perta Arun Gas sudah tertanggulangi, maka suplai gas kepada para pelanggan akan normal kembali.
Direktur Utama PGN Jobi Triananda membenarkan adanya gangguan pasokan gas di Wilayah Medan. Meski penyebabnya bukan disebabkan pihaknya, PGN tetap akan berupaya agar pasokan gas ke masyarakat tetap mengalir. Pasalnya, pasokan gas berkurang drastis, maka kegiatan ekonomi di Medan bisa terganggu.
“Kami sedang mengatur jaringan supaya tidak turun. Kalau down pasokan gas, turun semua. Semua orang ingin merayakan Natal dan Tahun Baru,” kata Jobi.
Salah satunya, pihaknya meminta konsumen gas yang cukup besar tidak menggunakan gas secara berlebihan. Hal ini agar pasokan gas ke pelanggan rumah tangga yang tidak terganggu, utamanya menjelang Perayaan Hari Raya Natal 2017 dan Tahun Baru 2018.
“Ribuan pelanggan rumah tangga, kalau pasokan gas mati, bisa heboh. Satu industri itu identik dengan beberapa ribu rumah tangga,” jelasnya.
Selain itu, Sekretaris Perusahaan PGN Rachmat Hutama menambahkan, pihaknya juga memanfaatkan stok gas di jaringan pipa yang ada. Kemudian, pihaknya juga telah menyampaikan surat kepada PT Pertamina Hulu Energi dan PT Pertamina EP untuk menambah pasokan gasnya. PGN akan berupaya semaksimal mungkin untuk mengurangi dampak pengurangan pasokan gas dari Blok North Sumatera Offshore dan North Sumatera Block B.
“Sehingga penyaluran gas kepelanggan masih dapat dioptimalkan dengan tetap menyesuaikan kondisi keamanan jaringan pipa,” kata dia
Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Dec 11, 2017
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