Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Activities (SKK Migas) said the proposed development plan (PUR) of Kasuri Block is only awaiting the approval of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan.
Head of Programs and Communications Division of SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher said it has submitted the latest analysis result related to the development plan to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Because the proposal is a POD I Block Kasuri, it needs to be approved by the Minister of EMR.
"Still waiting for the minister's approval has been given the final analysis, "he said.
Previously, after submitting POD proposal to SKK Migas, Genting Oil as the operator of Kasuri Block was asked to revise because its development cost was overvalued. The reason, Genting Oil set the proposal based on exploration costs referring to oil prices in the past 2012 which still reach about US $ 100 per barrel. Furthermore, the compressor is not too needed considering the initial production so that the pressure is still quite high.
Deputy of Oil and Gas Operations Migrant Workers Fataryzmi Abdurahman revealed that development cost control at the beginning of the project is very important. The reason, the size of the investment issued, will affect the sale price of gas generated from this Kasuri Block. If the investment cost is high, then the gas price will also be high.
Moreover, there is no agreement on gas price of Kasuri Block. The plan, gas from this block will be used by petrochemical industry and fertilizer factory.
"But still in talks, because the price of gas demanded by the fertilizer factory is too low, which is about US $ 3 per million British thermal unit (mmbtu), this does not enter the economy," he said.
From the project's economy, gas prices in the region are in the range of US $ 67 per mmbtu. Previously mentioned Kasuri Block is expected to start the first production by the end of 2019. This block is estimated to be able to produce gas around 285 million cubic feet per day (million standard cubic per day / mmscfd). The sources of this gas are Red-field, Smoke, and Kido.
To date, Genting Oil has invested US $ 900 million. The fund is used by the Malaysian oil and gas company to drill 10 exploration wells spread across three fields in the Kasuri Block. At the beginning of the discovery of oil and gas reserves in the Kasuri Block in 2014 ago, the amount of oil and gas potential in this block is estimated to be at least 2 trillion cubic feet.
Usulan POD Blok Kasuri Tunggu Persetujuan Jonan
Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mengatakan usulan rencana pengembangan (plan of development/POD) Blok Kasuri hanya menunggu persetujuan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan.
Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher mengatakan, pihaknya sudah menyerahkan hasil analisa terakhir terkait rencana pengembangan tersebut ke Kementerian ESDM. Lantaran usulan itu merupakan POD I Blok Kasuri, maka perlu disetujui oleh Menteri ESDM.
“Masih menunggu persetujuan menteri sudah diberi hasil analisa terakhirnya,” kata dia.
Sebelumnya, pasca menyerahkan usulan POD ke SKK Migas, Genting Oil selaku operator Blok Kasuri diminta untuk merevisi lantaran biaya pengembangannya dinilai terlalu tinggi. Pasalnya, Genting Oil menetapkan usulan tersebut berdasarkan biaya eksplorasi yang mengacu pada harga minyak pada 2012 lampau yang masih mencapai sekitar US$ 100 per barel. Selanjutnya, kompresor belum terlalu dibutuhkan mengingat masih produksi awal sehingga tekanan masih cukup tinggi.
Deputi Operasi SKK Migas Fataryzmi Abdurahman sempat mengungkapkan, pengendalian biaya pengembangan di awal proyek sangatlah penting. Pasalnya, besar kecilnya investasi yang dikeluarkan, akan berdampak pada harga jual gas yang dihasilkan dari Blok Kasuri ini. Jika biaya investasi tinggi, maka harga gas juga akan tinggi.
Apalagi belum ada kesepakatan tentang harga gas Blok Kasuri. Rencananya, gas dari blok ini bakal digunakan oleh industri petrokimia dan pabrik pupuk.
“Tetapi masih dalam pembicaraan, karena harga gas yang diminta pabrik pupuk terlalu rendah, yakni sekitar US$ 3 per juta british thermal unit (mmbtu), ini tidak masuk keekonomian,” kata dia.
Dari keekonomian proyek, harga gas di wilayah tersebut di kisaran US$ 67 per mmbtu. Sebelumnya disebutkan Blok Kasuri diharapkan dapat mulai produksi pertama pada akhir 2019. Blok ini diperkirakan mampu memproduksi gas sekitar 285 juta kaki kubik per hari (million standard cubic per day/mmscfd). Sumber gas ini yakni Lapangan- Merah, Asap, dan Kido.
Sampai saat ini, Genting Oil telah mengeluarkan investasi sebesar US$ 900 juta. Dana ini digunakan perusahaan migas yang berasal dari Malaysia itu untuk mengebor 10 sumur eksplorasi yang tersebar di tiga lapangan di Blok Kasuri. Pada awal penemuan cadangan migas di Blok Kasuri pada 2014 lampau, besaran potensi migas di blok ini diperkirakan minimal sebesar 2 triliun kaki kubik.
Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Dec 12, 2017
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