, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Government Is Not Extending The Auction Of Oil and Gas Blocks - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Government Is Not Extending The Auction Of Oil and Gas Blocks

The government decided not to extend the auction of oil and gas blocks that ended on 29 December. Oil and gas companies are asked to re-enter their tender documents.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said it hoped oil and gas companies to enter their auction documents until the end of this year. because the deadline for submitting documents has been set by the end of this December. While the auction will no longer be extended.

"No renewed auction of oil and gas blocks. The oil and gas company should file a tender document now, "he said in Jakarta.

As it is known, the government has expanded the first time of the auction for the first phase of oil and gas blocks in 2017. The auction of oil and gas blocks has been postponed due to waiting for the government regulation (PP) regulating the taxation of gross split oil and gas contracts.

Not only that, in September, the government issued Ministerial Regulation 52/2017 which is a revision of Ministerial Regulation 8/2017 which became the basis of gross split oil and gas contract.

In the last announcement, the retrieval of the auction document of the oil and gas block is extended to 24 December. Furthermore, the limit of the submission of tender documents shall be until December 31, 2017. Initially, when it was announced in May, the auction deadline of the oil and gas block of direct bidding scheme was set on July 19.

Previously, Arcandra had revealed, as many as 20 auction documents have been accessed by bidders. Although not sure how many documents are returned, as many as five companies promise to enter the auction documents without waiting for the release of Government Regulation on gross split tax.

Regarding Government Regulation of gross split tax, Arcandra said, the design has been signed by the Minister of Finance and Minister of EMR.

"Still waiting for the signature President," he said.

It continues to oversee the process of making this Government Regulation to be issued soon and provide investment certainty. The regulation shall prescribe the taxes imposed and shall be exempted under the oil and gas gross split contract.

One of them, oil and gas companies will be exempt from Land and Building Tax and Import Duty. Likewise, for indirect taxes, oil and gas companies will not be taxed during the exploration period, ie from the approval of the plan of development (POD) to the first oil production (first oil).

Not only that, investors will also get a 10-year tax loss carryforward facility. This is because, at the beginning of the oil and gas project, oil and gas companies have not yet earned income from the project. Furthermore, all expenses incurred until the first drops of oil are produced will be tax deductions for up to 10 years.

Previously, the Secretary of the Board of Directors of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Ronald Gunawan revealed that the Government Regulation detailing the tax treatment for oil and gas contract scheme gross split awaited by oil and gas companies. Because all new oil and gas contracts are required to use this scheme.

"If the Government Regulation has been approved, we expect investors to be able to evaluate and make business decisions," he said.

The block auctioned by the government recorded 15 oil and gas blocks, 10 conventional oil and gas blocks and five non-conventional oil and gas blocks. A total of 10 blocks of oil and gas have the potential of oil reserves of about 830 million barrels and 22 trillion cubic feet of gas.

While the potential for oil for five non-conventional oil and gas blocks is about 640 million barrels and 17 trillion cubic feet of gas. For conventional oil and gas block auctioned through direct offer are Andaman I and Iaman Block II offshore Aceh, South Tuna Block offshore Natuna, Lampung Merak Block offshore and Banten-Lampung mainland, Pekawai Block offshore East Kalimantan, Block West Yamdena offshore and mainland Maluku, and Kasuri III Block in West Papua.

While offered with regular auctions are the Tongko Block offshore Natuna, East Tanimbar off the coast of Maluku, and the Mamberano Block on the mainland and offshore Papua.


Pemerintah Tidak Perpanjang Lelang Blok Migas

Pemerintah memutuskan untuk tidak lagi memperpanjang masa lelang blok migas yang berakhir pada 29 Desember ini. Perusahaan migas diminta segera memasukkan kembali dokumen lelangnya.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, pihaknya berharap perusahaan migas memasukkan dokumen lelangnya sampai akhir tahun ini. karena batas waktu memasukkan dokumen telah ditetapkan pada akhir Desember ini. Sementara lelang tidak akan lagi diperpanjang.

“Tidak diperpanjang lelang blok migas. Perusahaan migas harus mengajukannya dokumen lelang sekarang,” kata dia di Jakarta.

Seperti diketahui, pemerintah sudah kali ketiga memperpanjang masa lelang blok migas tahap pertama 2017. Lelang blok migas terus ditunda penutupannya karena menunggu keluarnya peraturan pemerintah (PP) yang mengatur tentang perpajakan kontrak migas gross split.

Tidak hanya itu, pada September lalu, pemerintah mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri 52/2017 yang merupakan revisi Peraturan Menteri 8/2017 yang menjadi dasar kontrak migas gross split.

Dalam pengumuman terakhir, pengambilan dokumen lelang blok migas diperpanjang hingga 24 Desember. Selanjutnya batas pemasukan dokumen lelang diberi waktu hingga 31 Desember 2017. Awalnya, ketika diumumkan dibuka pada Mei lalu, batas waktu lelang blok migas skema penawaran langsung ditetapkan pada 19 Juli.

Sebelumnya, Arcandra sempat mengungkapkan, sebanyak 20 dokumen lelang telah diakses oleh peserta lelang. Meski belum memastikan berapa dokumen yang dikembalikan, sebanyak lima perusahaan menjanjikan akan memasukkan dokumen lelangnya tanpa menunggu keluarnya Peraturan Pemerintah tentang pajak gross split.

Terkait Peraturan Pemerintah tentang pajak gross split, Arcandra menuturkan, rancangannya telah ditandatangani oleh Menteri Keuangan dan Menteri ESDM. 

“Masih menunggu Presiden tanda tangan,” ujarnya. 

Pihaknya terus mengawal proses pembuatan Peraturan Pemerintah ini agar dapat segera dikeluarkan dan memberikan kepastian investasi. Regulasi tersebut akan menetapkan pajak-pajak yang dikenakan dan menjadi pengecualian dalam kontrak migas gross split. 

Salah satunya, perusahaan migas akan dibebaskan dari Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan dan Bea Masuk. Demikian juga untuk pajak tidak langsung, perusahaan migas tidak akan dikenakan pajak selama masa eksplorasi, yakni dari persetujuan rencana pengembangan (plan of development/ POD) hingga produksi minyak pertama (first oil). 

Tidak hanya itu, investor juga akan memperoleh fasilitas penangguhan pembayaran pajak penghasilan (tax loss carry forward) 10 tahun. Hal ini lantaran pada awal proyek migas, perusahaan migas belum memperoleh pendapatan dari proyek yang dikerjakan. Selanjutnya, seluruh biaya yang dikeluarkan sampai dihasilkan tetes minyak pertama akan menjadi pengurang pajak sampai 10 tahun.

Sebelumnya, Sekretaris Board of Director Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Ronald Gunawan mengungkapkan, Peraturan Pemerintah yang merinci tentang perlakuan perpajakan untuk kontrak migas skema gross split ditunggu oleh perusahaan migas.  Pasalnya, seluruh kontrak migas baru wajib menggunakan skema ini.

“Kalau Peraturan Pemerintah sudah disetujui, kami harapkan investor bisa evaluasi dan membuat business decision," ujarnya.

Adapun blok yang dilelang oleh pemerintah tercatat terdapat 15 blok migas, 10 blok migas konvensional dan lima blok migas non-konvensional. Sebanyak 10 blok migas konvensional ini memiliki potensi cadangan minyak sekitar 830 juta barel dan gas 22 triliun kaki kubik. 

Sementara potensi minyak untuk lima blok migas non-konvensional sekitar 640 juta barel dan gas 17 triliun kaki kubik. Untuk blok migas konvensional yang dilelang melalui penawaran langsung adalah Blok Andaman I dan Andaman II di lepas pantai Aceh, Blok South Tuna di lepas pantai Natuna, Blok Merak Lampung di lepas pantai dan daratan Banten-Lampung, Blok Pekawai di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur, Blok West Yamdena di lepas pantai dan daratan Maluku, dan Blok Kasuri III di Papua Barat. 

Sementara yang ditawarkan dengan lelang reguler yakni Blok Tongko di lepas pantai Natuna, East Tanimbar di lepas pantai Maluku, dan Blok Mamberano di daratan dan lepas pantai Papua.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Dec 28, 2017

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