Investors are awaiting Government Regulation on gross split tax in order to get stimulus.
The year 2018 is still two weeks away. The new year always brings new hope, not to mention the upstream oil and gas investment climate. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar optimistic, upstream oil and gas investment climate will be better next year. Because the government will soon issue the rules of taxation gross split.
Gross split tax rules are most awaited by business actors. The final draft of the gross split tax regulation has reached the State Secretary (Setneg) table since the beginning of last week.
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is still waiting for a Letter of Intent from the Secretary of State so that four ministers can immediately sign the draft before being signed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).
"The four ministers are the Minister of Finance, Maritime, ESDM, Kemenkumham," explained Arcandra, Friday (15/12).
But Arcandra did not know when the Government Regulation was out. He hopes that the Government Regulation of the gross split tax can come out before the deadline for the return of 15 oil and gas blocks ending on 31 December 2017.
Currently there are 20 companies that take the auction proposal, but there are five who committed to return the proposal or buy the oil and gas block.
"If the oil and gas blocks we sell, is a good sign. That said with gross split a lot of doubts, the evidence with last year's cost recovery, how many that work? Zero yes. This year we try there, "he explained.
Head of Program and Communications Program Division of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Wisnu Prabawa Taher said that the company targets upstream oil and gas investment next year to reach more than US $ 12 billion. That number should be almost equal to the target of upstream oil and gas investment this year which is at US $ 12 billion-US $ 13 billion.
Wisnu said that next year's investment target will increase by 10 percent. That's because the projected achievement of the target until the end of the year is only US $ 10.5 billion-US $ 11 billion until the end of the year. Until the end of November 2017, SKK Migas recorded upstream oil and gas investment of US $ 8 billion to US $ 9 billion.
SKK Migas is still optimistic that there will be an increase in upstream oil and gas investment in 2018. The world oil price is rising.
"With oil prices improving this could be a stimulus to KKKS," he said.
Ada Lima KKKS Berminat Ikut Lelang Blok Migas
Investor menunggu Peraturan Pemerintah tentang pajak gross split agar bisa mendapat stimulus.
Tahun 2018 masih dua pekan lagi. Tahun baru selalu membawa harapan baru, tidak terkecuali iklim investasi hulu migas. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar optimistis, iklim investasi hulu migas akan lebih baik tahun depan. Sebab pemerintah sebentar lagi akan mengeluarkan aturan perpajakan gross split.
Aturan pajak gross split ini paling ditunggu oleh para pelaku usaha. Draft akhir aturan perpajakan gross split telah sampai di meja Sekretaris Negara (Setneg) sejak awal pekan lalu.
Kementerian ESDM masih menunggu Surat pengantar dari Sekretaris Negara agar empat menteri bisa segera menadatangani draf itu sebelum ditandatangani oleh Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi).
"Empat menteri itu adalah Menteri Keuangan, Maritim, ESDM, Kemenkumham," jelas Arcandra, Jumat (15/12).
Namun Arcandra belum tahu kapan Peraturan Pemerintah itu keluar. Dia berharap, Peraturan Pemerintah pajak gross split bisa keluar sebelum batas akhir pengembalian lelang 15 blok migas yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2017.
Saat ini sudah ada 20 perusahaan yang mengambil proposal lelang, tapi ada lima yang berkomitmen mengembalikan proposal atau membeli blok migas itu.
“Kalau blok migas kita laku, merupakan suatu pertanda baik. Bahwa dikatakan dengan gross split banyak yang meragukan, buktinya dengan cost recovery tahun lalu, berapa yang berhasil? Nol ya. Tahun ini kami usahakan ada," terangnya.
Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Wisnu Prabawa Taher menyebutkan, pihaknya menargetkan investasi hulu migas tahun depan bisa mencapai lebih dari US$ 12 miliar. Angka itu seharusnya hampir sama dengan target investasi hulu migas tahun ini yang di angka US$ 12 miliar-US$ 13 miliar.
Wisnu menyebut, target investasi tahun depan naik 10% Itu karena proyeksi pencapaian target hingga akhir tahun hanya US$ 10,5 miliar-US$ 11 miliar sampai akhir tahun. Hingga akhir November 2017, SKK Migas mencatat investasi hulu migas sebesar US$ 8 miliar- US$ 9 miliar.
SKK Migas masih optimistis ada kenaikan angka investasi hulu migas di 2018. Sebab harga minyak dunia beranjak naik.
"Dengan harga minyak membaik ini bisa jadi stimulus ke KKKS," katanya.
Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Dec 18, 2017
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