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Thursday, January 11, 2018

BPH Migas Asks Bakrie to Build Pipe Kalija 2 soon

BPH Migas (BPH Migas) awaits the commitment of PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk (BNBR) to immediately build gas pipeline Kalimantan-Java (Kalija) 2. This project has been neglected since 11 years ago. Previously Kalija I project also had abandoned. But it was eventually built by PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) and BNBR.

Head of BPH Migas Fanshurullah Asa mentioned that his side has several times called the Bakrie & Brothers related to Kalija 2 project. In the talks, Bakrie & Brothers is committed to build Kalija 2 project this year.

"We hope in 2018 can build," said Fanshurullah.

Fanshurullah is determined, BPH Migas will continue to collect BNBR to build the project. If this year the company does not immediately develop Kalija 2 project, BPH Migas will not hesitate to punish Bakrie & Brothers by revoking the permit for Kalija 2 gas pipeline development.

"We charge, we call in. The point this year, later we will provide punisment to BNBR," he said.


BPH Migas Meminta Bakrie Segera Bangun Pipa Kalija 2

Badan Pengawas Hilir Migas (BPH Migas) menanti komitmen PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk (BNBR) segera membangun pipa gas Kalimantan-Jawa (Kalija) 2. Proyek ini sudah terbengkalai sejak 11 tahun lalu. Sebelumnya proyek Kalija I juga sempat terbengkalai. Tapi akhirnya dibangun oleh PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) dan BNBR.

Kepala BPH Migas Fanshurullah Asa menyebutkan, pihaknya telah beberapa kali memanggil pihak Bakrie & Brothers terkait proyek Kalija 2. Dalam pembicaraan tersebut, Bakrie & Brothers berkomitmen membangun proyek Kalija 2 tersebut pada tahun ini. 

"Kami berharap pada tahun 2018 bisa membangun," kata Fanshurullah.

Fanshurullah bertekad, BPH Migas akan terus menagih BNBR membangun proyek tersebut. Jika tahun ini perusahaan tersebut tidak segera membangun proyek Kalija 2, BPH Migas tidak segan-segan menghukum Bakrie & Brothers dengan mencabut izin pembangunan pipa gas Kalija 2.

"Kami tagih, kami memanggil. Intinya tahun ini, nanti kami akan memberikan punisment kepada BNBR," ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Jan 10, 2018

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