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Friday, January 19, 2018

Field Project Jambaran Tiung Biru Need 3,800 Labor

The unitization project of the Jambaran-Tiung Biru gas field development (JTB) in Bojonegoro Regency, East Java in the early stages requires 3,800 workers whose recruitment process will be implemented in March-April.

Head of Development and Employment Division of Disperinaker Bojonegoro Joko Santoso explained the recruitment process of 3,800 workers needs based on the report submitted by subcontractors PT Rekaya Industri (Rekind).

The number of subcontractors reporting requires tens of workers because PT Rekind in handling the JTB gas field unitization development project has a substantial number of subcontractors, "he said, accompanied by the Head of Information and Employment Information Section of the Office of Perindustrian and Sugi Hartono.

According to him, the recruitment process schedule for the JTB gas field unitization project with Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) operator, which will start in March - April is not only skilled labor but also another workforce.

"The possibility of labor needs will still increase. Yes, the need for manpower of various kinds ranging from skilled manpower to ordinary labor, "he explained.

He also said that in this area there are quite a lot of skilled laborers, having previously worked in the Cepu Block oil project with ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) operator.

"The number of recorded there is 1,500 skilled manpower, starting labor experts in the field of welding, electrical, mechanical, as well as others all of which are certified, "he said.

Therefore, according to him, the labor recruitment process in the JTB gas field unitization development project should prioritize local workforce.

"If the required power in the local area does not exist, then it can take the worker from outside the region according to the recommendation of the Office of Perindustrian and labor," said Head of Perindustrian and Agus Supriyanto.

Joko added in the Office of the Perindustrian and the labor has just received a report that one of PT Rekind sub-contractors has just reportedly needed eight security workers.

"The security workforce is available, but the subcontractor has not come to our office yet," he said.

According to the project data of JTB gas field development unitization with an investment of about 1.5 billion US dollars Bonds will produce 330 MMSCFD of gas with sales of 172 MMSCFD for 16 years.

Of the 172 MMSCFD utilization of the gas, of which 100 MMSCFD will be distributed to PLN Gresik Region at a price of 7.6 US dollars per MMBTU flat during the contract period, and 72 MMSCFD for industries in Central Java and East Java.


Proyek Lapangan Jambaran Tiung Biru Membutuh 3.800 Tenaga Kerja

Proyek unitisasi pengembangan lapangan gas Jambaran-Tiung Biru (JTB) di Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur pada tahap awal membutuhkan 3.800 tenaga kerja yang proses rekrutmen akan dilaksanakan pada Maret-April.

Kepala Bidang Pengembangan dan Penempatan Tenaga kerja Disperinaker Bojonegoro Joko Santoso menjelaskan proses rekrutmen kebutuhan 3.800 tenaga kerja itu berdasarkan laporan yang disampaikan subkontraktor PT Rekaya Industri (Rekind).

Jumlah subkontraktor yang melaporkan membutuhkan tenaga kerja puluhan, sebab PT Rekind dalam menangani proyek unitisasi pengembangan lapangan gas JTB memiliki subkontraktor yang jumlahnya cukup banyak,” kata dia didampingi Kepala Bagian Informasi Pasar Kerja dan Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Dinas Perindusterian dan tenaga kerja Sugi Hartono.

Menurut dia, jadwal proses rekrutmen tenaga kerja proyek unitisasi lapangan gas JTB dengan operator Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) , yang akan dimulai Maret - April tidak hanya tenaga kerja terampil, tetapi juga tenaga kerja yang lainnya.

“Kemungkinan kebutuhan tenaga kerja masih akan bertambah. Ya, kebutuhan tenaga kerjanya macam-macam mulai tenaga kerja terampil sampai tenaga kerja biasa,” ucapnya menjelaskan.

Ia juga mengatakan di daerahnya tenaga kerja terampil jumlahnya cukup banyak, karena sebelumnya pernah bekerja di proyek minyak Blok Cepu dengan operator ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL).

“Jumlah yang terdata ada 1.500 tenaga kerja terampil, mulai tenaga kerja ahli di bidang las, listrik, mekanik, juga lainnya yang semuanya bersertifikasi,” ujarnya.

Oleh karena itu, menurut dia, proses rekrutmen tenaga kerja di proyek unitisasi pengembangan lapangan gas JTB harus mengutamakan tenaga kerja lokal. 

“Kalau tenaga yang dibutuhkan di lokal tidak ada, maka bisa mengambil tenaga kerja dari luar daerah menurut rekomendasi Dinas Perindusterian dan tenaga kerja,” kata Kepala Dinas Perindusterian dan tenaga kerja Agus Supriyanto.

Joko menambahkan di Dinas Perindusterian dan tenaga kerja baru saja menerima laporan bahwa salah satu sub-kontraktor PT Rekind baru saja melaporkan membutuhkan delapan tenaga kerja keamanan.

“Tenaga kerja keamanannya sudah tersedia, tapi subkontraktornya belum datang lagi ke kantor kami,” ucapnya.

Sesuai data proyek unitisasi pengembangan lapangan gas JTB dengan investasi sekitar 1,5 miliar dolar Amerika Setikat akan memproduksikan gas sebesar 330 MMSCFD dengan penjualan sebesar 172 MMSCFD selama 16 tahun.

Dari 172 MMSCFD pemanfaatan gas tersebut, di antaranya sebesar 100 MMSCFD akan disalurkan ke PLN Wilayah Gresik dengan harga 7,6 dolar Amerika Serikat per MMBTU flat selama masa kontrak, dan 72 MMSCFD untuk industri di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan 17, 2018

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