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Monday, January 15, 2018

Government Claims Gross Split Scheme Investor Interest

The ESDM Ministry records the supply of oil and gas blocks under a production sharing scheme of gross production (gross split) enthused investors.

"The 'gross split' scheme is in demand by investors. There are already five oil and gas blocks reaching an agreement with the 'gross split' scheme in 2017, "said Secretary General of the ESDM Ministry Ego Syahrial.

Ego Syahrial

The five blocks are the Andaman I Block, Andaman II Block, Pekawai Block, West Yamdena Block Papu, and Merak-Lampung Block which is e auctioned and sold in 2017.

On the other hand, Ego stated that oil and gas blocks auctioned under the cost recovery scheme in 2015 and 2016, no one is interested.

According to him, in 2017, out of 10 conventional oil and gas blocks auctioned, five of them are sold or 50 percent of the target. Ego also added that by 2017, the government's efforts to boost the efficiency of operating costs of oil and gas activities have begun to be seen from the greater amount of revenue from "cost recovery".

In 2017, the realization of government revenue reached 13.1 billion US dollars, while "cost recovery" is only US $ 11.3 billion US dollars. Meanwhile, in 2016, government revenues were recorded at 9.9 billion US dollars and "cost recovery" was realized at US $ 11.5 billion


Pemerintah Klaim Skema Gross Split Diminati Investor 

Kementerian ESDM mencatat penawaran blok minyak dan gas bumi dengan skema kontrak bagi hasil dari produksi kotor (gross split) diminati investor.

“Skema ‘gross split’ diminati oleh investor. Sudah ada lima blok migas yang mencapai kesepakatan dengan skema ‘gross split’ pada 2017,” kata Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial.

Kelima blok tersebut adalah Blok Andaman I, Blok Andaman II, Blok Pekawai, Blok West Yamdena Papua, dan Blok Merak-Lampung yang dilelang dan terjual pada 2017.

Sebaliknya, Ego menyatakan blok migas yang dilelang dengan skema biaya operasi yang dikembalikan (cost recovery) pada 2015 dan 2016, justru tidak ada yang diminati.

Menurut dia, pada 2017, dari 10 blok migas jenis konvensional yang dilelang, lima di antaranya terjual atau 50 persen dari target. Ego juga menambahkan, pada 2017, upaya pemerintah mendorong efisiensi biaya operasi kegiatan migas sudah mulai terlihat dari jumlah penerimaan yang lebih besar dari “cost recovery".

Pada 2017, realisasi penerimaan pemerintah mencapai 13,1 miliar dolar AS, sementara “cost recovery” hanya sebesar US$, 11,3 miliar dolar AS. Sedangkan, pada 2016, penerimaan pemerintah tercatat sebesar 9,9 miliar dolar AS dan “cost recovery” terealisasi lebih besar yakni US$ 11,5 miliar

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan 10, 2018

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