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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Honggo Escape from Singapore

Suspected corruption allegations and money laundering of condensate sales part of the country, former President Director of PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) Honggo Wendratno (HW), disappeared. Honggo last did not attend Polri's call for treatment to Singapore.

Head of Public Information Division Public Relations Division Headquarters Police Republic of Indonesia Kombes Pol Martinus Sitompul confirmed Police will spread photos Honggo Wendratno. Because Honggo has often not received from the police call and last he was absent because of the reason for treatment of Singapore

"Red Notice has been around since 2017. Later the DPO will we spread from Monday (22/1)," said Martinus at Poiri Headquarters, II Trunojoyo, South Jakarta, Friday (19/1).

In addition, the reason the Police Republic of Indonesia spread photos Honggo, because until now the existence of Honggo is not known after treatment at one hospital in Singapore.

Honggo Wendratno

"Suspect HW until now has not been known of its existence. Information in Singapore has been searched by SLO (Senior Liaison Officer) Police in Singapore Kombes Joko who then came to the alleged address there in one place in Singapore, "said Pol Kombes Martinus.

"Yes it could be (Honggo went to another country)," added Martinus.

The summons to Honggo was not only sent to his home in Pakubuwono, South Jakarta. Rather it also sends the Letter to Singapore where Honggo was treated. However, it does not get perfect or satisfactory results.

"At the time of our SLO there went to the location which allegedly is a residence and company TPPI. It turns out to the one there stating that the suspect HW was not there. And, that address is not a PT from TPPI in that location, "said Kombes Pol Martinus.

Submit Red Notice

"Therefore, we make a report, of course, this will be a consideration for investigators to make efforts other steps. Among them are making an application to issue a red notice. Thus it will be assisted by the police in all over Indonesia and around the world, "continued Martinus.

According to Police Commissioner Martinus, the summoning letter given to the Honggo family did not get any results. Because it did not get information about the existence of Honggo from the family and his lawyer.

"The information I can not find out. But of course, the information he said did not know what we received. But of course, we will do more profound efforts, "he said.

As is known, condensate sales corruption cases involving PT TPPI and SKK Migas had been abandoned by the Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim Mabes Polri) more than two years. In fact, case files that have been prepared investigators Directorate of Economic and Special Crime (Dittipideksus) Bareskrim has four times delegated.

Since May 2015, investigators have established three people as suspects in condensate cases. They are the Head of BP Migas (SKK Migas) Raden Priyono and former BP Migas Finance Deputy Djoko Harsono and Honggo Wendratno. However, the only detained investigators are Raden Priyono and Djoko Harsono.

Cancel File Submission

Earlier this month, the investigator of the Special Crime Investigation Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police canceled the suspect file and the evidence of the alleged case to the Attorney General's Office. At that time two suspects were present, namely Raden Priyono-and Djoko Harsono. Both left Bareskrim Police, Building CTF Jalan Merdeka Timur, Central Jakarta, Monday (8/1/2018) around at 14.00 hrs.

"There is no second stage delegation, meaning we are today told to go back, that alone can not, that's all," said attorney Raden Priyono, Supriyadi Adi, in the CTF building, Bareskrim Police.

Honggo has not been arrested in this case, because of health care after heart surgery in Singapore. However, Singapore through the Facebook account of the Singapore Embassy for Indonesia denied the existence of Honggo in Singapore.

"Honggo Wendratno is not in Singapore. We have conveyed this to the Indonesian authorities on previous occasions. Singapore has given full assistance to Indonesia in this case in accordance with our laws and international obligations, "the official statement of the Foreign Ministry of Singapore, as quoted from Singapore Embassy's Facebook account for Indonesia, Saturday (13/1) night.

The unlawful acts committed by the suspects are the Corruption Criminal of Condensate Processing of State Section. They are considered unlawful because the processing is without a cooperation contract, taking and processing and selling condensate parts of the state that harm the state finances.

As already audited by the State Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia, the amount of state losses reaches USD 2.717.894.359,49 or Rp 38 billion.

Honggo and Bank Century Case

Besides being involved in condensate corruption, Honggo Wendratmo is also involved in Century Bank case. As is known the case of bailout Rp 67 Trillion to PT Bank Century (now Bank Mutiara) still not finished. Honggo Wendratno is one of the people who until now has not been included in the list of parties investigated by the legal apparatus.

One of the things that survived the verification and inspection of law enforcement officials was the chronology of the story behind the fictitious Letter of Credit (L/C) issued by PT Salalang Prima. In this case, only former politicians of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), Muhammad Misbakhun and Director Salalang Prima successfully arrested by the police.

While the chronology behind the story of L/C publishing has not been matched perfectly. Quoted Ambassador from, Friday (19/1), one party who escaped from the drama Century Bank is Honggo Wendratno.

Honggo joined the Tirtamas Group. His dream of building a petrochemical business is a mess because of the monetary crisis of 1998. Later Honggo is trapped in the "Big Scandal Bank Century" but no one has traced the facts Honggo Wendratno is the owner of petrochemical companies such as PT Polytama Propindo, PT Petro-Oxo Nusantara and PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indonesia Indotama (TPPI).

Until 2003, Honggo was the owner and CEO of Polytama Propindo, the largest polypropylene producer, in addition, to Try Polita Indonesia. He owns a 24% stake in PT Salakencana Tirta Lestari. He also controls 30% at TPPI, the company whose CEO is Amir Sembodo, the special staff of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Hatta Rajasa.

The majority shareholder of TPPI is PT Perusahaan Pengelola Asset (PPA), which is 70%. The Honggo family also controls PT Polymer Spectrum Sentosa, a distributor of chemical products. The company involves Honggo Wendratno in Century Bank scandal because he provides the personal guarantee for L/C default by Century Bank of USD 18 million.

The facility was initially secured by US $ 18 million SLBC by Standard Charter Bank, a Singapore branch placed by facility receiving bankers issued by Deutch Bank AG, Singapore and the personal guarantee from Honggo.

According to the BPK audit report, PT Polymer uses the L/C facility to fund trading activities with Industrial Products Trading Pte Ltd. Polymer reportedly failed to pay when its loan facility matured in 2009.

What Are The L/C Facility Incorrect?

According to BPK audit, Century Bank provides facilities without proper due diligence and special agreements given by Robert Tantular and CEO Hermanus Hasan Muslim. Honggo is a partner of R Budi Hartono (owner of Djarum Group and PT Bank Central Asia Tbk), Anton Sulaeman (energy businessman), Aswar Sjafry, Edy Indrawan and Timoty E. Marnadus at Bank Haga before they bought 95% of Bank Haga shares from Rabobank.

So what is the position of PT Salalang Prima involved in the case of default? The initial report found this company as a supplier for PT TPPI. PT Salalang Prima is controlled by M Misbakhun, a Prosperous Justice Party politician, who is close to the Democratic National Party, and now moves to the Golkar Party.

Police have also arrested the Director of PT Salalang Frenky Ongkowarjojo as indicated to be involved in the case of the fictitious L/C. Unfortunately, the police investigation only reached Salalang Prima, without looking further how the chronology behind the fictitious L/C publishing was.

The role of Honggo Wendratmo, which is now untouchable, should be a target of law enforcement investigations (BHC Research Team).


Honggo Kabur dari Singapura

Tersangka dugaan korupsi dan pencucian uang penjualan kondensat bagian negara, mantan Dirut PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) Honggo Wendratno (HW), menghilang. Honggo terakhir kali tidak menghadiri panggilan Polri alasan berobat ke Singapura.

    Kepala Bagian Penerangan Umum Divisi Hubungan Masyarakat Markas Besar Polisi Republik Indonesia Kombes Pol Martinus Sitompul menegaskan Kepolisian akan menyebarkan foto Honggo Wendratno. Karena Honggo sudah sering tidak hadri dari panggilan polisi dan terakhir dirinya mangkir karena alasan berobat ke Singapura

“Red Notice sudah ada sejak 2017. Nanti DPO itu mau kita sebar mulai hari Senin (22/1),” kata Martinus di Mabes Poiri, II Trunojoyo, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (19/1).

Selain itu, alasan Polisi Republik Indonesia menyebar foto Honggo, karena sampai saat ini keberadaan Honggo tidak diketahui setelah melakukan pengobatan di salah satu rumah sakit di Singapura.

“Tersangka HW sampai saat ini belum diketahui keberadaannya. Informasi soal di Singapura itu sudah di telusuri oleh SLO (Senior Liaison Officer) Polri yang ada di Singapura Kombes Joko yang kemudian mendatangi alamat yang diduga ada di satu tempat di Singapura,” ujar Kombes Pol Martinus. 

“Ya bisa jadi (Honggo pergi ke negara lain),” tambah Martinus. 

Surat pemanggilan terhadap Honggo bukan hanya dikirim ke rumahnya yang ada di sekitaran Pakubuwono, Jakarta Selatan. Melainkan juga mengirimkan Surat itu ke Singapura tempat Honggo dirawat. Namun, hal itu tak memdapatkan hasil yang sempurna atau memuaskan.

“Pada saat SLO kita di sana mendatangi lokasi yang diduga adalah tempat tinggal dan perusahaan TPPI. Ternyata oleh yang ada di sana menyatakan bahwa tersangka HW tidak ada di sana. Dan, alamat itu bukan merupakan PT dari TPPI di lokasi tersebut,” kata Kombes Pol Martinus.

Ajukan Red Notice

“Oleh karena itu, kita membuat laporan, tentu ini akan menjadi pertimbangan bagi penyidik untuk melakukan upaya-upaya langkah lain. Di antaranya melakukan permohonan untuk menerbitkan red notice. Dengan demikian akan dibantu oleh kepolisian yang ada di seluruh Indonesia dan seluruh dunia,” sambung Martinus.

Menurut Komisaris Besar Polisi Martinus mengatakan surat pemanggilan yang diberikan kepada pihak keluarga Honggo itu tidak mendapatkan hasil. Karena memang pihaknya tidak mendapatkan informasi tentang keberadaan Honggo dari pihak keluarga maupun lawyer-nya.

“Informasi yang saya dapat katanya tidak mengetahui. Tapi tentu informasi dia mengatakan tidak mengetahui yang kita terima. Tapi tentu akan kita lakukan upaya-upaya yang lebih mendalam,” katanya.

Seperti diketahui, kasus korupsi penjualan kondensat yang melibatkan PT TPPI dan SKK Migas sempat terbengkalai di Badan Reserse Kriminal (Bareskrim Mabes Polri) lebih dari dua tahun. Padahal, berkas perkara yang telah disusun penyidik Direktorat Tindak Pidana Ekonomi dan Khusus (Dittipideksus) Bareskrim telah empat kali dilimpahkan.

Sejak Mei 2015, penyidik sudah menetapkan tiga orang sebagai tersangka dalam kasus kondensat. Mereka adalah Kepala BP Migas (SKK Migas) Raden Priyono dan mantan Deputi Finansial BP Migas Djoko Harsono, dan Honggo Wendratno. Namun, yang hanya ditahan penyidik hanya Raden Priyono dan Djoko Harsono.

Batal Pelimpahan Berkas

Pada awal bulan ini, penyidik Direktorat Tindak Pidana Ekonomi Khusus Bareskrim Polri batal melimpahkan berkas tersangka dan barang bukti kasus dugaan tersebut ke Kejaksaan Agung. Saat itu dua tersangka sudah hadir, yakni Raden Priyono-dan Djoko Harsono. Keduanya meninggalkan Bareskrim Polri, Gedung KKP Jalan Merdeka Timur, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (8/1/2018) sekitar pukul 14.00 WIB.

“Tidak ada pelimpahan tahap kedua, artinya kami hari ini disuruh kembali, itu saja belum bisa, itu saja," kata kuasa hukum Raden Priyono, Supriyadi Adi, di gedung KKP, Bareskrim Polri.

Honggo memang belum ditahan dalam kasus ini, karena menjalani perawatan kesehatan pasca operasi jantung di Singapura. Akan tetapi, Singapura melalui akun Facebook Kedutaan Besar Singapura untuk Indonesia membantah keberadaan Honggo di Singapura.

“Honggo Wendratno tidak ada di Singapura. Kami telah menyampaikan hal ini kepada pihak berwenang Indonesia pada kesempatan sebelumnya. Singapura telah memberikan bantuan penuh kepada Indonesia dalam kasus ini sesuai dengan undang-undang kami dan kewajiban intemasional" demikian pernyataan resmi Kementerial Luar Negeri Singapura, seperti dikutip dari akun Facebook Kedutaan Besar Singapura untuk Indonesia, Sabtu (13/1) malam.

Perbuatan melawan hukum yang dilakukan oleh para tersangka adalah Tindak Pidana Korupsi Pengolahan Kondensat Bagian Negara. Mereka dinilai melawan hukum karena pengolahan itu tanpa dilengkapi kontrak kerja sama, mengambil dan mengolah serta menjual kondensat bagian negara yang merugikan keuangan negara.

Sebagaimana telah dilakukan audit oleh Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik lndonesia, sebesar kerugian negara mencapai USD 2-717-894.359,49 atau Rp 38 miliar.

Honggo dan Kasus Bank Century

Selain terlibat korupsi kondensat, Honggo Wendratmo juga terlibat kasus Bank Century. Seperti diketahui kasus bail out Rp 67 Triliun ke PT Bank Century (sekarang menjadi Bank Mutiara) masih belum selesai. Honggo Wendratno adalah salah satu orang yang hingga kini namanya belum masuk dalam daftar pihak yang diselidiki pihak aparat hukum. 

Salah satu hal yang selamat dari verifikasi dan pemeriksaan aparat penegak hukmn adalah kronologi cerita di balik penerbitan Letter of Credit (L/C) fiktif oleh PT Salalang Prima. Dalam kasus ini hanya mantan politisi Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS), Muhammad Misbakhun dan Direktur Salalang Prima yang berhasil ditangkap kepolisan. 

Sementara kronologis dibalik cerita penerbitan L/C tiktif belum tertangkap secara sempurna. Dikutip Duta dari, Jumat (19/1), salah satu pihak yang lolos dari drama Bank Century adalah Honggo Wendratno.

Honggo bergabung dalam Group Tirtamas. Mimpinya membangun bisnis Petrokimia berantakan karena krisis Moneter 1998. Belakangan Honggo terjebak dalam "Big Scandal Bank Century" namun tidak ada pihak yang menelusuri fakta Honggo Wendratno merupakan pemilik perusahaan petrokimia seperti PT Polytama Propindo, PT Petro-Oxo Nusantara dan PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indonesia Indotama (TPPI).

Sampai 2003, Honggo merupakan pemilik sekaligus CEO Polytama Propindo, produsen polypropaline terbesar, selain Try Polita Indonesia. Ia memiliki 24% saham di PT Salakencana Tirta Lestari. Ia juga mengontrol 30% di TPPI, perusahan yang CEO-nya Amir Sembodo, staf khusus Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian, Hatta Rajasa.

Pemegang saham mayoritas TPPI adalah PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (PPA), yakni 70%. Keluarga Honggo juga mengontrol PT Polymer Spectrum Sentosa, distributor produk-produk kimia. Perusahaan ini melibatkan Honggo Wendratno dalam skandal Bank Century karena ia menyediakan personal jaminan untuk L/C yang default oleh Bank Century sebesar USD 18 juta. 

Fasilitas ini awalnya dijamin dengan US$ 18 juta SLBC oleh Standar Charter Bank, cabang Singapura yang ditempatkan oleh bankir-bankir penerima fasilitas yang diterbitkan oleh Deutch Bank AG, Singapura dan personal guarantee dari Honggo.

Menurut laporan hasil audit BPK, PT Polymer menggunkan fasilitas L/C untuk mendanai aktivitas perdagangan dengan Industrial Products Trading Pte Ltd. Polymer dilaporkan gagal bayar ketika fasilitas pinjamannya jatuh tempo tahun 2009.

Apa Salah Fasilitas L/C?

Menurut audit BPK, Bank Century menyediakan fasilitas tanpa melakukan due dilligence yang pantas dan melakukan perjanjian spesial yang diberikan oleh Robert Tantular dan CEO Hermanus Hasan Muslim. Honggo adalah partner R Budi Hartono (pemilik Djarum Group dan PT Bank Central Asia Tbk), Anton Sulaeman (pebisnis di sektor energi ), Aswar Sjafry, Edy Indrawan dan Timoty E. Marnadus di Bank Haga sebelum mereka membeli 95% saham Bank Haga dari Rabobank.

Lantas bagaimana posisi PT Salalang Prima yang terlibat dalam kasus gagal bayar? Laporan awal menemukan perusahaan ini sebagai supplier bagi PT TPPI. PT Salalang Prima dikontrol M Misbakhun, politisi Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, merapat ke Partai Nasional Demokrat, dan sekarang pindah ke Partai Golkar.

Kepolisian juga telah menangkap Direktur PT Salalang Frenky Ongkowarjojo karena terindikasi terlibat dalam kasus L/C fiktif itu. Sayangnya, penyelidikan polisi hanya sampai pada Salalang Prima, tanpa melihat lebih jauh bagaimana kronologis di balik penerbitan L/C fiktif itu. 

Peran Honggo Wendratno yang kini belum tersentuh, seharusnya menjadi salah target penyelidikan aparat penegak hukum (Tim Riset BHC).

Duta Masyarakat, Page-1, Saturday, Jan 20, 2018

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