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Friday, January 19, 2018

Industrial Gas Supply in Medan City Back Normal

PT Perta Arun Gas said that gas supply for industries in Medan City, North Sumatra has returned to normal after a disruption at the end of last year. The normal supply after Perta Arun Gas completed the repair of its gas processing unit.

President Director of Perta Arun Gas Budiyana admitted that at the end of last year, the sulfur removal unit (SRU) and gas processing unit at Arun regasification facility had been shut down for the planned operation. However, the repair has been completed by the end of December and the unit is already operating normally.

"The gas supply from PHE (Pertamina Hulu Energi) to the industry in Medan is normal from the end of December 2017," he said.

As is known, the industry in Medan obtained gas supplies from the North Sumatra Offshore Block (NSO) and North Sumatera Block B (NSB) managed by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE). However, before entering the industry, the gas supply needs to be processed in Perta Arun Gas because the carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide content are quite high.

Both blocks are usually capable of producing 120 million cubic feet per day (million standard cubics per day/mmscfd). However, after removal of hydrogen sulfide and its carbon dioxide and reduced its own use, the volume of gas supplied to the buyer is only about 60 mmscfd.

In addition to the industry, the supply of gas from PHE is also channeled to PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM) in Aceh. But unlike the fate of gas supply to industry, gas supply to PIM has not returned to normal.

"For supply treated gas to PIM is currently waiting for sufficient feed raw gas NSB to be processed by PAG," he explained.

On the other hand, he ensures there is no disruption of gas supply for power plant, Belawan gas power plant in North Sumatra and Arun PLTMG in Aceh. Its regasification facility operates normally without interruption so that the gas supply to PLTG Belawan and PLTMG Arun remain smooth.

PHE President Director Gunung Sardjono Hadi confirmed that the gas supply from the NSO and NSB Blocks has not returned to fully normal. It is still seeking to obtain MDEA chemical supply.

"We expect the end of this January to be overcome its MDEA supply problem," he said.

Unfortunately, the Mountain does not specify how the current gas production position. Previously, in a few weeks in December 2017, gas supply for industries in Medan was disrupted.

According to PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN), initially, the disruption was caused by the NSO Block due to bad weather. After that, the disturbance occurred due to the improvement of gas processing facilities owned by Perta Arun Gas.


Pasokan Gas industri di Kota Medan Kembali Normal

PT Perta Arun Gas menyatakan pasokan gas untuk industri di Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara telah kembali normal setelah terjadi gangguan pada akhir tahun lalu. Pasokan normal setelah Perta Arun Gas merampungkan perbaikan unit pemroses gasnya.

Direktur Utama Perta Arun Gas Budiyana mengakui, pada akhir tahun lalu, unit pemisahan sulfur (sulfur removal unit/ SRU) dan pemrosesan gas di fasilitas regasifikasi Arun memang sempat dihentikan operasinya untuk perbaikan (planned shut down). Namun, perbaikan tersebut telah dirampungkan pada akhir Desember lalu dan unit tersebut sudah beroperasi normal. 

“Pasokan gas dari PHE (Pertamina Hulu Energi) ke industri di Medan sudah normal dari akhir Desember 2017 ,” kata dia 

Seperti diketahui, industri di Medan memperoleh pasokan gas dari Blok North Sumatera Offshore (NSO) dan North Sumatera Blok B (NSB) yang dikelola oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE). Namun, sebelum masuk ke industri, pasokan gas tersebut perlu diproses di Perta Arun Gas lantaran kandungan karbondioksida dan hidrogen sulfidanya cukup tinggi.

Kedua blok tersebut biasanya mampu memproduksi gas sebesar 120 juta kaki kubik per hari (million standard cubic ket per day/mmscfd). Namun setelah dihilangkan kandungan hidrogen sulfida dan karbondiosidanya dan dikurangi pemakaian sendiri, Volume gas yang dialirkan ke pembeli hanya sekitar 60 mmscfd.

Selain ke industri, pasokan gas dari PHE juga dialirkan ke PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM) di Aceh. Namun berbeda dengan nasib pasokan gas ke industri, pasokan gas ke PIM belum kembali normal. 

“Untuk supply treated gas ke PIM saat ini sedang menunggu kecukupan feed raw gas NSB yang akan diproses oleh PAG,” jelasnya.

Di sisi lain, dia memastikan tidak ada gangguan pasokan gas untuk pembangkit listrik, yakni PLTG Belawan di Sumatera Utara dan PLTMG Arun di Aceh. Fasilitas regasifikasi miliknya beroperasi normal tanpa gangguan, sehingga pasokan gas ke PLTG Belawan dan PLTMG Arun tetap lancar. 

Presiden Direktur PHE Gunung Sardjono Hadi membenarkan bahwa pasokan gas dari Blok NSO dan NSB belum kembali normal sepenuhnya. Pihaknya masih mengupayakan untuk memperoleh pasokan kimia MDEA. 

“Kami harapkan akhir Januari ini bisa teratasi masalah pasokan MDEA-nya,” kata dia. 

Sayangnya, Gunung tidak merinci berapa posisi produksi gas saat ini.  Sebelumnya, dalam beberapa pekan pada Desember 2017, pasokan gas untuk industri di Medan mengalami gangguan.

Menurut PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN), awalnya gangguan disebabkan oleh berhenti operasinya Blok NSO akibat cuaca buruk. Setelah itu, gangguan terjadi karen adanya perbaikan fasilitas pengolahan gas milik Perta Arun Gas.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan 17, 2018

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