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Monday, January 8, 2018

Many Local Oil and Gas Contractors Do not Have Funds

The number of oil and gas blocks in 2017 continues to shrink compared to 2016

 Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) stated that the number of Oil and Gas Working Areas (WK) of oil and gas (oil and gas) in Indonesia at the end of 2017 continues to decrease. On December 31, 2017, the number of oil and gas blocks in Indonesia decreased 25 or 255 blocks of oil and gas.

 While the year 2016 there are 280 blocks of oil and gas. Of the 255 oil and gas blocks by the end of 2017, only 87 have been produced. With details of 73 oil and gas blocks entering the production phase and as many as 14 oil and gas blocks enter into the development stage.

 While as many as 162 is still the exploration stage. Of that number, 88 blocks are still actively working on KKKS and 37 termination processes. Reduced number of oil and gas blocks up to 25 blocks due to contracts with Contractor Cooperation Contracts (KKKS) in the region ends.

 Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said that in the expired contract, the government did not renew the contract with KKKS. This is due to the fact that the majority of the KKKS are classified as "poor" category. "The number of KKKS decreased is okay, because most of those terminating are poor class KKKS, want seismic survey to have no money, who want to drill also have no money," he said on Friday (5/1).

 He said that this poor KKKS majority is dominated by local oil and gas companies. And most are still in the exploration stage. But there are two KKKS that enter the stage of exploitation but also problematic. For example Strait Block Long, operator Petroselat.

"The company has been declared bankrupt, meaning that the KKKS is really poor." West Kampar Block operator, PT Sumatera Persada Energi, has also been bankrupt, so the name has emerged two, "said Amien.

 With so many poor KKKS dominating the exploration block, it is not surprising that oil and gas exploration investment in the country is of concern. Amien revealed, from the exploration investment plan in 2017 of US $ 870 million, which realized only US $ 180 million.

 He thinks that number is very small. How ideal? "The bigger the better, but it must be realistic, of the many blocks of exploration, the majority of it turns out that poor working class contracts, if the investment is big, it is difficult," he said.

 While oil and gas investment in 2017 only US $ 9.33 billion, or down compared to 2016 amounted to US $ 12.29 billion. Realization of investment activities in the block production in 2017 only amounted to US $ 9.15 billion. The rest is exploration.


Banyak Kontraktor Migas Lokal Tidak Punya Dana

Jumlah blok migas tahun 2017 terus menyusut dibandingkan dengan tahun 2016

 Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menyatakan jumlah Wilayah kerja (WK) minyak dan gas bumi (migas) atau blok migas di Indonesia pada akhir tahun 2017 terus berkurang. Pada 31 Desember 2017, jumlah blok migas di Indonesia berkurang 25 atau menjadi 255 blok migas.

 Sementara tahun tahun 2016 ada sebanyak 280 blok migas. Dari jumlah 255 blok migas di akhir tahun 2017 itu hanya 87 yang sudah menghasilkan. Dengan rincian 73 blok migas masuk ke tahap produksi dan sebanyak 14 blok migas masuk ke dalam tahap pengembangan.

 Sedangkan sebanyak 162 masih tahap eksplorasi. Dari jumlah itu sebanyak 88 blok masih aktif dikerjakan KKKS dan 37 proses terminasi. Berkurangnya jumlah blok migas hingga 25 blok disebabkan kontrak dengan para Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) di wilayah tersebut berakhir.

 Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, pada kontrak yang sudah habis itu pemerintah tidak memperpanjang kontrak dengan KKKS. Ini mengingat mayoritas KKKS tersebut termasuk kategori perusahaan kelas "miskin" "Jumlah KKKS menurun tidak apa-apa, karena kebanyakan yang terminasi ini adalah KKKS kelas miskin, mau seismic survey tidak punya uang, yang mau ngebor juga tidak punya uang," katanya, Jumat (5/1).

 Dia bilang, KKKS miskin ini mayoritas didominasi oleh perusahaan migas lokal. Dan sebagian besar masih dalam tahapan eksplorasi. Tapi ada dua KKKS yang masuk tahap eksploitasi tapi bermasalah juga. Misalnya Blok Selat Panjang, operatornya Petroselat. 

"Perusahaan Itu sudah dinyatakan pailit, KKKS itu berarti betul-betul miskin. Operator Blok West Kampar, PT Sumatera Persada Energi, juga sudah pailit. Jadi nama yang sudah muncul dua itu," jelas Amien.

 Dengan banyaknya KKKS miskin mendominasi blok ekplorasi, tidak mengherankan jika investasi eksplorasi migas di Tanah Air memprihatinkan. Amien mengungkapkan, dari rencana investasi eksplorasi pada tahun 2017 sebesar US$ 870 juta, yang terealisasi hanya sebesar US$ 180 juta.

 Menurutnya jumlah itu kecil sekali. Berapa idealnya? "Semakin besar, semakin baik. Tapi mesti realistis. Dari sekian banyak blok eksplorasi, mayoritas ternyata KKKS kelas miskin itu, kalau diharapkan investasinya besar, susah juga," katanya.

 Sementara investasi migas pada tahun 2017 hanya US$ 9,33 miliar, atau turun dibandingkan 2016 sebesar US$ 12,29 miliar. Realisasi investasi kegiatan di blok produksi pada tahun 2017 hanya sebesar US$ 9,15 miliar. Sisanya eksplorasi.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Jan 8, 2018

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