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Friday, January 19, 2018

Oil and Gas Holding Awaits Permission from Minister of Finance

The establishment of oil and gas holding is expected to make Pertamina and PGN bigger.

The merger or holding of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) of the oil and gas sector (oil and gas) will soon be completed. Currently, the next stage gets approval from the Ministry of Finance.

Deputy Energy Business, Logistics, Tourism Ministry of State Enterprises Edwin Hidayat Abdullah revealed it during the discussion themed Empowering the nation through value creation of holding company, in Jakarta.

He explained that the discussion on oil and gas holding has been completed at the level of the Ministry of SOEs. Furthermore, if approved by the Finance Minister, an Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) will be conducted. After that, PGN will acquire Pertagas and end up holding an oil and gas holding with its parent PT Pertamina.

"So the purpose of forming oil and gas holding is not to enlarge Pertamina alone, but also PGN. We expect both to grow even bigger, "he said.

According to Edwin, the benefits that will be born from holding business capital will be more competitive when compared with their own business. In addition, the business link from upstream to downstream will also be more integrated. Another benefit is improving operational efficiency.

"With the formation of oil and gas holding, hope that gas price will be more competitive through good governance from upstream to downstream," said a member of House of Commission VII DPR, Eni Maulani Saragih.

Country Jiran

Managing Director of Faculty of Economics and Business Institution University of Indonesia (LM FEB UI) Toto Pranoto assessed that the establishment of state-owned holding company has proved to be positive for the company.

Even able to roll out economic growth through job creation, private business growth, and improve the bargaining position of Indonesian business entities in the international eyes.

"Stimulation of good development in the current government indirectly also stimulates SOEs to continue to develop the ability of innovation, expansion, and create corporate value," he said.

Toto revealed the idea of forming a holding company of SOEs began to form since the Southeast Asian region, including Indonesia hit by the monetary crisis in 1997/1998. The same is true in Singapore and Malaysia. Singapore has a state-owned holding company named Temasek Holdings and Malaysia under the name Khazanah Nasional.

According to data from LM FEB UI, from asset position of BUMN Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia, each grew by 42.3%, 128.99%, and 10.77% respectively. He argues that the holding form of SOEs Singapore and Malaysia is actually better than Indonesian state-owned companies. The reason, in the last 5 years, the assets of both countries are able to grow significantly.

Toto revealed that Temasek's asset to Singapore's GDP in 2012 is 93.87 percent or US $ 361.49 million, while in 2016 it becomes S $ 410.27 million or grows to 128.99.


Holding Migas Menunggu Izin Menteri Keuangan

Pembentukan holding Migas diharapkan dapat membuat Pertamina dan PGN semakin besar.

Penggabungan atau holding badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) sektor minyak dan gas (migas) akan segera rampung. Saat ini, tahapan selanjutnya mendapat persetujuan dari Kementerian Keuangan.

Deputi Usaha Energi, Logistik, Pariwisata Kementerian BUMN Edwin Hidayat Abdullah mengungkapkan hal tersebut saat diskusi bertema Empowering the nation through value creation of holding company, di Jakarta.

Ia menjelaskan pembahasan holding migas sudah selesai di tataran Kementerian BUMN. Selanjutnya, jika sudah disetujui menteri keuangan, segera dilakukan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN). Setelah itu, PGN akan mengakuisisi Pertagas dan berakhir pada holding minyak dan gas dengan induknya PT Pertamina.

“Jadi tujuan pembentukan holding migas ini bukan untuk memperbesar Pertamina saja, melainkan juga PGN. Kita harapkan dua-duanya semakin lehih besar lagi,” katanya.

Menurut Edwin, manfaat yang akan lahir dari holding ialah modal bisnis akan lebih berdaya saing jika dibandingkan dengan usaha sendiri-sendiri. Selain itu, mata rantai usaha dari hulu ke hilir juga akan Iebih terintegrasi. Manfaat lainnya ialah meningkatkan efisiensi operasional. 

"Dengan dibentuknya holding migas, harapannya nanti harga gas bisa lebih kompetitif melalui tata kelola yang baik dari hulu sampai hilir,” ujar anggota Komisi VII DPR, Eni Maulani Saragih.

Negeri Jiran

Managing Director Lembaga Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia (LM FEB UI) Toto Pranoto menilai kebijakan pembentukan holding company BUMN terbukti berdampak positif bagi perusahaan.

Bahkan mampu menggulirkan pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui penciptaan lapangan kerja, pertumbuhan bisnis pada swasta, dan meningkatkan posisi tawar entitas bisnis Indonesia di mata internasional.

“Stimulasi pembangunan yang baik pada pemerintahan saat ini secara tidak langsung juga menstimulasi BUMN terus mengembangkan kemampuan inovasi, ekspansi, dan menciptakan nilai korporasi,” ujarnya.

Toto mengungkapkan gagasan membentuk holding company BUMN mulai terbentuk sejak kawasan Asia Tenggara, termasuk Indonesia dilanda krisis moneter pada 1997/1998. Hal serupa juga terjadi di Singapura dan Malaysia. Singapura memiliki holding BUMN bernama Temasek Holdings dan Malaysia dengan nama Khazanah Nasional.

Menurut data LM FEB UI, dari posisi aset besaran BUMN Indonesia, Singapura, dan Malaysia, masing-masing tumbuh sebesar 42,3%, 128,99%, dan 10,77%. Ia berpendapat bentuk holding BUMN Singapura dan Malaysia sebenarnya tetap lebih baik daripada BUMN Indonesia. Pasalnya, dalam 5 tahun terakhir, aset BUMN kedua negara itu mampu tumbuh signifikan.

Toto mengungkapkan, rasio aset Temasek terhadap PDB Singapura pada 2012 sebesar 93,87 % atau senilai US$ 361,49 juta, sedangkan pada 2016 menjadi S$ 410,27 juta atau tumbuh hingga 128,99.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Thusday, Jan 18, 2018

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