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Friday, January 19, 2018

Oil and Gas Holding Is Soon Late This Month

After becoming a subsidiary of Pertamina, PGN will be merged with Pertagas

The government is increasingly aggressive in holding state-owned holding companies. The soon to be formed in the near future is holding state-owned oil and gas company. The Government has invited PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) to hold an Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting (RUPSLB) on January 25, 2018. The agenda is to change the company's articles of association as a way to become a subsidiary of PT Pertamina.

Although there has been an agenda to change the articles of association PGN does not want to talk much about the agenda and also the plan of oil and gas holding.

"The agenda is already in the invitation may be more fitting to ask the shareholder (Ministry of SOEs)," said Director of Commercial PGN, Danny Praditya

Deputy for Mining Business, Strategic Enterprise and Media Ministry of State Enterprises Fajar Harry Sampurno explained that the formation of oil and gas holding continues to progress. Since a month ago, the Ministry of SOE has formed a team of oil and gas holding implementation consisting of several sub-sub-projects such as sub-operation to human resource sub-sector (HR).

"The oil and gas holding implementation team with some of the most important sub-targets is mission and transaction operations in addition to the HR subproject," clear Dawn

According to him, so far there is no conflict between PGN and Pertamina. Because the Ministry of SOEs has conducted socialization to the employees of both SOEs through Trade Union (SP).

"SP PGN supports this process as well as Pertamina SP," he explained.

Regarding the scheme of the formation of holding BUMN Migas, Fajar said, the scheme remains the same as ever expressed by the Ministry of SOEs. The government will be joint with PGN shares to Pertamina. Nevertheless, in accordance with Government Regulation Number the 7 2 Year 2016, the Government still has one double Colour share.

"And in accordance with Government Regulation 72/2016, there is one Dwiwarna share owned by the Government at PGN," explained Fajar.

He explained that, after the amendment of the articles of association, PGN's control will remain in government, in this case, the Minister of SOEs. It is included in Government Regulation 72/2016 Article 2A paragraph 2 is mentioned in the case of state assets in the form of state-owned shares in SOEs as referred to in Article 2 paragraph (2) letter d into state equity participation in other State-Owned Enterprises.

So if most of the shares are owned by other SOEs, then the SOEs become a subsidiary of SOEs. With the provisions of the Compulsory state to have shares with the privileges set forth in the articles of association. 

      Meanwhile, the privileges set forth in the articles of association include the right to approve the appointment of members of the board of directors and members of the commissioners and amendments to the articles of association. Then change the structure of share ownership, merger, consolidation, separation, and dissolution, and takeover of company by other company.

In the government scheme, PGN will also acquire or merge with Pertamina's subsidiary in the downstream gas field, Pertamina Gas (Pertagas). That way, PGN will be subholding Pertamina gas business.

The Pertagas acquisition process will follow the rules of the Financial Services Authority (OJK). However, since PGN is an open company, all related to Pertagas transaction must follow good corporate governance (GCG) and OJK rules and capital market.

"So there is a sub-transaction that handles it," said Fajar.

Meanwhile, Pertamina is still reluctant to comment on the formation of holding BUMN oil and gas. Vice President of Comamate Communication Pertamina, Adiatma Sardjito did not answer the short message related to holding state-owned oil and gas.


Holding Migas Segera Terbentuk Akhir Bulan Ini

Setelah menjadi anak usaha Pertamina, PGN akan dimerger dengan Pertagas

Pemerintah semakin agresif membentuk holding BUMN. Yang segera terbentuk dalam waktu dekat adalah holding BUMN Migas. Pemerintah sudah mengundang PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) agar menggelar Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) pada 25 Januari 2018. Agendanya mengubah anggaran dasar perseroan ini sebagai jalan untuk menjadi anak usaha PT Pertamina.

Meski sudah ada agenda mengubah anggaran dasar pihak PGN belum mau banyak bicara terkait agenda tersebut dan juga rencana pembentukan holding migas. 

"Agenda itu sudah ada di undangan mungkin lebih pas tanyanya ke share holder (Kementerian BUMN),"ujar Direktur Komersial PGN, Danny Praditya 

Deputi Bidang Usaha Pertambangan, lndustri Strategis dan Media Kementerian BUMN Fajar Harry Sampurno menjelaskan, pembentukan holding migas terus mengalami kemajuan. Sejak sebulan lalu, Kementerian BUMN telah membentuk tim implementasi holding migas yang terdiri dari beberapa, subtim seperti subtim operasi hingga subtim sumber daya manusia (SDM). 

"Tim implementasi holding migas dengan beberapa subtim yang terpenting adalah operasi misi dan transaksi selain ada subtim SDM,"
jelas Fajar 

Menurut dia, sejauh ini tidak ada pertentangan dari PGN maupun Pertamina. Sebab Kementerian BUMN telah melakukan sosialisasi kepada karyawan kedua BUMN tersebut melalui Serikat Pekerja (SP). 

"SP PGN mendukung proses ini demikian juga SP Pertamina," terangnya.

Terkait skema pembentukan holding BUMN Migas, Fajar bilang, skema tetap sama seperti yang pernah diutarakan oleh Kementerian BUMN. Pemerintah akan melakukan inbreng saham PGN ke Pertamina. Meskipun begitu, sesuai di Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 7 2 Tahun 2016, Pemerintah tetap memiliki satu saham dwiwarna. 

"Dan sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah 72/2016, ada satu saham dwiwarna milik Pemerintah di PGN," jelas Fajar.

Dia menerangkan, pasca perubahan anggaran dasar, kendali PGN akan tetap berada dipemerintah, dalam hal ini Menteri BUMN. Hal ini dimasukkan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah 72/2016 Pasal 2A ayat 2 disebutkan dalam hal kekayaan negara berupa saham milik negara pada BUMN sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 ayat (2) huruf d menjadi penyertaan modal negara pada BUMN Iain.

Sehingga jika sebagian besar saham dimiliki oleh BUMN lain, maka BUMN tersebut menjadi anak perusahaan BUMN. Dengan ketentuan negara Wajib memiliki saham dengan hak istimewa yang diatur dalam anggaran dasar. 

      Sementara, hak istimewa yang diatur dalam anggaran dasar antara lain hak untuk menyetujui pengangkatan anggota direksi dan anggota komisaris dan perubahan anggaran dasar. Lalu perubahan struktur kepemilikan saham, penggabungan, peleburan, pemisahan, dan pembubaran, serta pengambilalihan perusahaan oleh perusahaan lain.

Dalam skema pemerintah, PGN juga akan mengakusisi atau digabung dengan anak usaha Pertamina di bidang hilir gas, Pertamina Gas (Pertagas). Dengan begitu, PGN akan menjadi subholding Pertamina urusan gas.

Untuk proses akuisisi Pertagas ini akan mengikuti aturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Namun karena PGN adalah perusahaan terbuka, maka semua yang berhubungan dengan transaksi Pertagas harus mengikuti good corporate governance (GCG) dan aturan OJK dan pasar modal.

"Makanya ada subtim transaksi yang menangani hal tersebut," kata Fajar.

Sementara itu, pihak Pertamina masih enggan memberikan komentar terkait pembentukan holding BUMN migas. Vice President Comorate Communication Pertamina, Adiatma Sardjito tidak menjawab pesan singkat terkait holding BUMN migas.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Jan 15, 2018

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