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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Pertamina Manage Mahakam

The Decrease of Oil and Gas Production Strives 30 Percent Per Year

The management of the Mahakam block in East Kalimantan shifted from Total E&P Indonesie to PT Pertamina as of January 1, 2018. The transfer of large-scale oil and gas blocks poses Pertamina's challenge in managing the expired block of contracts. There are 38 oil and gas blocks in the country that will expire until 2026.

The transfer of management rights of the Mahakam block is done shortly before the turn of 2017 to 2018 in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. The rich gas block is managed by Total E&P Indonesia (TEPI) since 1967 and its contract expired as of December 31, 2017.

the Mahakam block

Mahakam block is returned Total E&P Indonesia to the Republic of Indonesia, in this case the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), and subsequently submitted to Pertamina.

"The management of this block is full of challenges in the form of complex field conditions and the age of old wells so that productivity drops dramatically. This is a good time for Pertamina to prove that we are capable of managing large blocks, "said Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam, after receiving the right to manage the Mahakam block from SKK Migas on Monday (1/1) in Balik-

The peak of Mahakam Block gas production reached 2.8 billion standard cubic feet per day (BSCFD) in 2009. The peak oil production was 230,000 barrels per day in 1977. Currently, the remaining reserves of Mahakam Block gas are 4.9 trillion cubic feet ( TCF) and oil reserves of 57 million barrels.

The daily production of natural gas throughout 2017 recorded 1,286 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and oil of 51,700 barrels per day.

"Another challenge is how to maintain operating standards that have been applicable before, while still managed Total E&P Indonesia. If possible, the standard should be improved even better, "said Syamsu.

President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, a subsidiary of Pertamina, which manages Mahakam-Bambang Manumayoso, said the investment is set as much as 1.7 billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp 23 trillion for 2018. The investment has been spent throughout 2017 of 150 million US dollars 2 trillion), one of which is to drill 15 development wells.

"The rate of decline in oil and gas production in the Mahakam block reaches 51 percent per year. We will strive to reduce the rate to about 30 percent by the method of well work and drilling of development wells, "said Bambang.

Associated with the status of TEPI employees who were previously involved in the management of the Mahakam Block, according to Bambang, they are now employees of Pertamina. Total E&P Indonesia Total employee while managing Mahakam Block as many as 1,919 people. After being taken over by Pertamina, the number of employees who joined and remained in the block as many as 1885 people or about 98.23 percent who moved to Pertamina employees.

Not ready

Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 37 of 2016, oil and gas producing areas get a participation stake of 10 percent. The shares are granted to regional-owned enterprises (BUMD).

However, according to Assistant II for Economic Affairs and Development of East Kalimantan Province Ichwansyah, Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) is not fully prepared. Currently there is still talks between the Government of East Kalimantan Province and the Government of Kutai Kartanegara Regency. So far, the region is already willing to take the 10 per cent participation right.

"There are many challenges (in the formation of BUMD) and we need the support of all parties, including the central government, so that this will be realized soon," said Ichwansyah.

Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi hopes East Kalimantan Provincial Government and Pemerinath of Kutai Kartanegara Regency to settle the issue of the shares of participation. Because, if the settlement is delayed longer, then the longer the area will get profit sharing from the Mahakam Block. However, this problem certainly will not interfere with the operation of the Mahakam Block.

"We are still waiting for the establishment of BUMD shareholders 10 percent later. There is no time limit when to be formed immediately BUMD. It's just that the regions themselves are losers if not immediately formed because it will delay their acceptance, "said Amien.


Meanwhile, Total E&P Indonesia has not yet found an agreement to engage in the management of the Mahakam Block. The government has signaled that Total E&P Indonesia can get 39 percent of management. If the share was taken, Pertamina controls 51 percent shares.

"The talks with Pertamina are still ongoing. Our target before the end of January is no decision, "said President and General Manager of Total E&P Indonesia Arividya Noviyanto.

Regarding the transfer of management, said Arividya, it believes Pertamina can maintain the oil and gas production performance of the Mahakam Block. The block known as the largest gas producer since the early 2000s has an important contribution to gas production in Indonesia. Gas from the Mahakam Block contributes 13 percent of Indonesia's total gas production.

The Mahakam Block cooperation contract was signed on 6 October 1966 for a period of 30 years. TEPI as operator with 65 percent share cooperating with Inpex Corporation (Japan) which owns 35 percent shares. In 1991, Total E&P Indonesia obtained a contract extension for 20 years until March 30, 2017 The Mahakam Contract incurred an additional period of nine months until December 31, 2017 due to a renewal of the liquefied natural gas sales contract.


Pertamina Kelola Mahakam

Laju Penurunan Produksi Migas Diupayakan 30 Persen Per Tahun

Pengelolaan Blok Mahakam di Kalimantan Timur beralih dari Total E&P Indonesie ke PT Pertamina per 1 Januari 2018. Pengalihan blok minyak dan gas bumi skala besar ini menjadi tantangan Pertamina dalam mengelola blok-blok yang habis masa kontraknya. Ada 38 blok minyak dan gas bumi di dalam negeri yang akan habis masa kontraknya hingga 2026.

Penyerahan hak kelola Blok Mahakam dilakukan beberapa saat sebelum detik-detik pergantian tahun 2017 ke 2018 di Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Blok kaya gas bumi tersebut dikelola Total E&P Indonesia (TEPI) sejak 1967 dan habis kontraknya per 31 Desember 2017. 

Blok Mahakam dikembalikan Total E&P Indonesia ke negara Republik Indonesia, dalam hal ini Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), dan selanjutnya diserahkan kepada Pertamina.

”Pengelolaan blok ini penuh tantangan berupa kondisi lapangan yang kompleks dan usia sumur yang tua sehingga produktivitasnya menurun drastis. Ini menjadi saat yang tepat bagi Pertamina untuk membuktikan bahwa kami mampu mengelola blok besar,” kata Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam, seusai acara penerimaan hak kelola Blok Mahakam dari SKK Migas, Senin (1/1) dini hari, di Balik-

Puncak produksi gas Blok Mahakam mencapai 2,8 miliar standar kaki kubik per hari (BSCFD) pada 2009. Adapun puncak produksi minyak sebesar 230.000 barrel per hari pada 1977. Saat ini, sisa cadangan terbukti gas Blok Mahakam sebanyak 4,9 triliun kaki kubik (TCF) dan cadangan minyak 57 juta barrel. 

Adapun produksi harian gas bumi sepanjang 2017 tercatat 1.286 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) dan minyak sebanyak 51.700 barrel per hari.

”Tantangan lainnya adalah bagaimana mempertahankan standar operasi yang sudah berlaku sebelumnya, saat masih dikelola Total E&P Indonesia. Kalau bisa, standarnya harus ditingkatkan lebih baik lagi,” ujar Syamsu.

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia anak usaha Pertamina yang mengelola Mahakam-Bambang Manumayoso mengatakan, investasi yang disiapkan sebanyak 1,7 miliar dollar AS atau setara Rp 23 triliun untuk 2018. Adapun investasi yang sudah dibelanjakan sepanjang 2017 sebesar 150 juta dollar AS (setara Rp 2 triliun) yang salah satunya untuk pengeboran 15 sumur pengembangan.

”Laju penurunan produksi migas di Blok Mahakam mencapai 51 persen per tahun. Kami akan mengupayakan laju penurunannya menjadi sekitar 30 persen saja dengan metode kerja ulang sumur dan pengeboran sumur pengembangan,” ujar Bambang.

Terkait dengan status karyawan TEPI yang sebelumnya terlibat dalam pengelolaan Blok Mahakam, menurut Bambang, mereka kini menjadi karyawan Pertamina. Total karyawan Total E&P Indonesia saat mengelola Blok Mahakam sebanyak 1.919 orang. Setelah diambil alih Pertamina, jumlah karyawan yang bergabung dan tetap bekerja di blok tersebut sebanyak 1.885 orang atau sekitar 98,23 persen yang berpindah menjadi karyawan Pertamina. 

Belum siap

Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 37 Tahun 2016, daerah penghasil migas mendapat saham partisipasi sebesar 10 persen. Saham itu diberikan kepada badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD).

Namun, menurut Asisten II Bidang Perekonomian dan Pembangunan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Ichwansyah, Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) belum sepenuhnya siap. Saat ini masih berlangsung pembicaraan antara Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara. Sejauh ini, daerah sudah bersedia mengambil hak partisipasi 10 persen tersebut.

”Banyak tantangannya (dalam pembentukan BUMD) dan kami butuh dukungan semua pihak, termasuk pemerintah pusat, agar ini segera terealisasi,” kata Ichwansyah.

Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi berharap Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dan Pemerinath Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara menyelesaikan persoalan saham partisipasi tersebut. Sebab, jika penyelesaiannya semakin lama tertunda, maka semakin lama pula daerah tersebut mendapatkan dana bagi hasil dari Blok Mahakam. Akan tetapi, masalah ini dipastikan tidak akan mengganggu operasi Blok Mahakam.

”Kami tetap menunggu kesiapan dibentuknya BUMD pemegang saham 10 persen nanti. Tidak ada batas waktu kapan harus segera dibentuk BUMD. Hanya saja, daerah sendiri yang merugi kalau tidak segera terbentuk karena akan menunda penerimaan mereka,” kata Amien.


Sementara itu, pihak Total E&P Indonesia  juga belum menemukan kesepakatan untuk terlibat dalam pengelolaan Blok Mahakam. Pemerintah sudah memberi sinyal bahwa Total E&P Indonesia  bisa mendapat bagian pengelolaan sebanyak 39 persen. Jika bagian itu diambil, Pertamina menguasai saham 51 persen.

”Pembicaraan dengan Pertamina masih terus berlangsung. Target kami sebelum akhir Januari sudah ada keputusan,” kata President and General Manager Total E&P Indonesia Arividya Noviyanto.

Terkait alih kelola tersebut, kata Arividya, pihaknya percaya Pertamina dapat mempertahankan kinerja produksi migas Blok Mahakam. Blok yang dikenal sebagai penghasil gas terbesar sejak awal 2000-an tersebut memiliki kontribusi penting terhadap produksi gas di Indonesia. Gas dari Blok Mahakam berkontribusi 13 persen dari keseluruhan produksi gas Indonesia.

Kontrak kerja sama Blok Mahakam ditandatangani pada 6 Oktober 1966 untuk jangka 30 tahun. TEPI selaku operator dengan saham 65 persen menggandeng Inpex Corporation (Japan) yang menguasai saham 35 persen. Pada 1991, Total E&P Indonesia  memperoleh perpanjangan kontrak selama 20 tahun hingga 30 Maret 2017 Kontrak Mahakam mengalami tambahan waktu selama sembilan bulan hingga 31 Desember 2017 karena ada perpanjangan kontrak penjualan gas alam cair.

Kompas, Page-17, Tuesday, Jan 2, 2018

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