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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Pertamina Ready to Manage Four Blocks of Termination Time

PT Pertamina is responding to the government regarding the termination of oil and gas blocks. This SOE sent a letter to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) related to the management plan of the blocs in the future. Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said the letter had just been handed over to the government.

Syamsu Alam

"Today we send a letter, just wait for the final decision," said Syamsu Alam.

He was reluctant to explain the details of the contents of the letter, but clearly, the letter not only contained readiness, but also Pertamina's plan to manage the termination blocks.

Just so you know, there are actually eight termination blocks that have been submitted to Pertamina. However, two blocks are being cultivated to the government of East Borneo Block and Attaka because the economic scale is not good. There are four blocks that are not automatically submitted to Pertamina.

But through the evaluation process because the government considers the existing contractor to continue its management, ie for the Tuban block, Ogan Komering Block, Sanga Sanga Block and South East Sumatra Block. Meanwhile, the other two blocks of North Sumatera Block Offshore and Central Block are directly handed over to Pertamina. The other four are still waiting for the government's decision whether to be handed over to Pertamina or not.


Pertamina Siap Mengelola Sisa Empat Blok Terminasi

PT Pertamina merespons pemerintah terkait pengelolaan blok migas yang masuk masa terminasi. BUMN ini mengirimkan Surat kepada Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) terkait rencana pengelolaan blok-blok tersebut ke depan. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menyatakan, surat itu baru saja diserahkan pada pemerintah. 

"Hari ini kita mengirim Surat. Tunggu saja nanti kalau sudah ada keputusan finalnya," kata Syamsu Alam.

la enggan menjelaskan detail isi surat tersebut, tapi yang jelas, surat itu bukan saja berisi kesiapan, tapi juga rencana Pertamina dalam mengelola berbagai blok terminasi tersebut.

Asal tahu saja, sebenarnya ada delapan blok terminasi yang sudah sempat diserahkan ke Pertamina. Namun, dua blok dikemballkan ke pemerintah yakni Blok East Kalimantan dan Attaka karena skala ekonomi tidak bagus. Terdapat empat blok yang tidak secara otomatis diserahkan ke Pertamina. 

Tapi melalui proses evaluasi karena pemerintah mempertimbangkan kontraktor eksisting untuk melanjutkan pengelolaannya, yakni untuk blok Tuban, Blok Ogan Komering, Blok Sanga Sanga dan Blok South East Sumatera. Sementara dua blok lainnya Blok North Sumatera Offshore dan Blok Tengah diserahkan langsung ke Pertamina. Adapun empat lainnya masih menunggu keputusan pemerintah, apakah akan diserahkan ke Pertamina atau tidak.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Tuesday, Jan 23, 2018

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