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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Pertamina Search Partners in East Natuna Block

PT Pertamina is looking for new partners to develop East Natuna Block. Pertamina had previously made a consortium with ExxonMobil and PTT EP Thailand, but disbanded last year.

The East Natuna project is a jumbo gas project with 46 trilfion cubic feet (tcf) gas reserves. However, gas reserves from this field about 70% still mixed with carbon dioxide (CO2), until the need for separation process.

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said Pertamina needed partners to work on the abandoned block since the discovery of reserves in 1973.

Syamsu Alam

Pertamina hopes to get many partners to work on East Natuna Block, not just two partners like the old one.

"The more, the better," said Syamsu Alam.

If you have got partners to form a consortium, Pertamina will discuss the technology they will use. Before determining the technology, they also first evaluate the technology that had been chosen by the old consortium of technology and market review (TMR).

"We see again is still okay or not, can still be used or not," explained Nature.

the East Natuna Block

On the other hand, Pertamina also needs to reevaluate the economic level to manage the East Natuna Block, especially with the gross split scheme. In addition, Pertamina also needs to review subsurface data to get the commercialization level of the block.

Because many stages have not been passed, Syamsu Alam is pessimistic Pertamina can work on East Natuna Block in the near future. He also has not had any preparation when the next stage like getting partners can start.

"If East Natuna is still long," syamsu added.

Syamsu Alam admitted developing East Natuna Block is not easy. Because this block requires a qualified and economical technology to be able to separate carbon dioxide (CO2), the content reaches 72% in the block.

Especially when the price of oil is still cheap. He pointed out that oil and gas contractors like ExxonMobil have not been able to develop this block when oil price is above US $ 100 / barrel.

"The price of oil US $ 100 per barrel is difficult," he said.

Pertamina believes the government understands why Pertamina has not been able to work on the block on the border.


Pertamina Cari Mitra di Blok East Natuna

PT Pertamina sedang mencari mitra baru untuk mengembangkan Blok East Natuna. Sebelumnya Pertamina memang telah membuat konsorsium bersama ExxonMobil dan PTT EP Thailand, tapi bubar tahun lalu.

Proyek East Natuna adalah proyek gas jumbo dengan cadangan gas 46 trilfion cubic feet (tcf). Namun, cadangan gas dari lapangan ini sekitar 70% masih bercampur karbondioksida (CO2), hingga perlu proses pemisahan.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, Pertamina butuh mitra untuk menggarap blok yang terbengkalai sejak penemuan cadangan pada 1973.

Pertamina berharap bisa mendapatkan banyak mitra untuk menggarap Blok East Natuna, bukan hanya dua mitra seperti yang lama. 

"Makin banyak, makin bagus," kata Syamsu Alam.

Jika nanti sudah mendapat mitra untuk membentuk konsorsium, Pertamina akan membahas teknologi yang akan mereka gunakan. Sebelum menentukan teknologi, mereka juga lebih dulu mengevaluasi teknologi yang sempat dipilih oleh konsorsium lama yakni technology and market review (TMR).

"Kami lihat lagi masih oke atau tidak, masih bisa dipakai atau tidak," jelas Alam.

Di sisi lain Pertamina juga perlu mengevaluasi ulang tingkat keekonomian untuk mengelola Blok East Natuna, terutama dengan skema gross split. Selain itu, Pertamina juga perlu mengkaji data subsurface hingga mendapatkan tingkat komersialisasi dari blok tersebut.

Karena banyak tahapan yang belum dilalui, Syamsu Alam pun pesimistis Pertamina bisa mengerjakan Blok East Natuna dalam waktu dekat. Ia juga belum punya persiapan kapan tahapan selanjutnya seperti mendapatkan mitra bisa dimulai.

"Kalau East Natuna masih panjang," syamsu menambahkan.

Syamsu Alam mengakui mengembangkan Blok East Natuna memang tidak mudah. Sebab blok ini memerlukan teknologi yang mumpuni dan ekonomis agar bisa memisahkan karbondioksida (CO2) yang kandungannya mencapai 72% di blok tersebut.

Terlebih saat ini harga minyak masih murah. Ia mencontohkan kontraktor migas sekelas ExxonMobil belum bisa mengembangkan blok ini saat harga minyak di atas US$ 100/barel. 

“Harga minyak US$ 100 per barel saja susah," ujarnya.

Pertamina yakin, pemerintah memahami mengapa Pertamina belum bisa menggarap blok di perbatasan itu.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Jan 20, 2018 

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