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Monday, January 22, 2018

Pertamina to Invest Sonatrach Block in Algeria

PT Pertamina continues its long-standing plans to acquire oil and gas blocks overseas. This year, Pertamina will focus on acquiring oil and gas blocks in Algeria.

Syamsu Alam

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam explained that Pertamina is eyeing a block of oil and gas in Algeria. The block has entered the development stage after completing the exploration phase by drilling 30 wells.

In addition, the location of Pertamina's oil and gas block is also adjacent to the existing block of Pertamina in Algeria. Later can combine production facilities there. Pertamina is currently in the process of discussions with Sonatrach for the investment plan in the oil and gas block.

"Actually it's the work area of Sonatrach, if it's convenient, we can go in there," Alam said last weekend.

Later Pertamina will not be the operator. Pertamina enters the oil and gas block by not acquiring the Participating Interest (Pl) rights of Sonatracth. SOEs That directly invests as Sonatrach partners. In addition to Algeria, Pertamina is completing the effort to participate in getting one of the oil and gas blocks in Iran, the Mansouri Block.

Pertamina hopes to become an operator in the block. However, Pertamina still has to wait for the Iranian government's decision to be announced in April 2018. The Mansouri block is projected to produce 250,000-300,000 barrels of oil per day.


Pertamina Akan Investasi Blok Sonatrach di Aljazair

PT Pertamina meneruskan rencana lama untuk mengakuisisi blok-blok migas di luar negeri. Khusus tahun ini, Pertamina akan fokus untuk melakukan akuisisi blok migas di Aljazair.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menjelaskan, Pertamina sedang mengincar satu blok migas di Aljazair. Blok tersebut sudah masuk tahapan pengembangan setelah menyelesaikan tahapan eksplorasi dengan pengeboran 30 sumur.

Selain itu, lokasi blok migas incaran Pertamina ini juga berdekatan dengan blok eksisting Pertamina di Aljazair. Nanti bisa menggabungkan fasilitas produksi di sana. Saat ini Pertamina sedang dalam proses diskusi dengan Sonatrach untuk rencana lnvestasi di blok migas tersebut. 

"Sebenarnya itu wilayah kerja Sonatrach. Kalau nyaman, kami bisa masuk ke sana," kata Alam, akhir pekan lalu.

Nantinya Pertamina tidak akan menjadi operator. Pertamina masuk ke blok migas tersebut tidak dengan mengakuisisi hak partisipasi alias Participating Interest (Pl) Sonatracth. BUMN ltu langsung berinvestasi sebagai mitra Sonatrach. Selain Aljazair, Pertamina sedang merampungkan upaya ikut dalam mendapatkan salah satu blok migas dl Iran, yaitu Blok Mansouri. 

Pertamina berharap bisa menjadi operator di blok tersebut. Namun Pertamina masih harus menunggu keputusan Pemerintah Iran yang akan diumumkan pada April 2018 mendatang. Blok Mansouri diproyeksikan bisa memproduksi minyak mencapai 250.000-300.000 barel per hari.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Jan 22, 2018

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